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Why does everyone say Galzus and Mareeta have Major Odo?

Delphi Sage

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Wouldn't Neir be as well? There weren't any people with major Neir blood left after the conclusion of FE4, were there?

Depending on how you pair up Lex you can have his daughter [who'll have minor neir] fall in love with Johan or Johalva. They are the sons of Lex' half-brother Dannan and thus aren't that closely related to Lex' daughter. I'm don't actually know if Johan/Johalva can be paired up with anybody but Lakche but Lex!Lakche can be paired up with one of them and their children should inherit major Neir as a consequence.

For Tordo there's only Arthur and Tinny left who are siblings and can't be paired up.

Edit @ above; Can Amid & Linda exist in a universe where Arthur and Tinny do? Reptor having a 4th son is canon? Where did you get that info from?

Edited by Yojinbo
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@Yonjibo: Oh, right. That is one possibility.

@Sartek: Wasn't that supposed to be an error? Also, what fourth child? And how exactly are saying that Reptor and Bator related, exactly?

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I wasn't saying they were related, I was talking about a genealogy tree whose most distinguishing feature was the retconing of Verdane's genealogy and happened to state that Reptor had 4 child.

This one specifically. If someone remember from which book it was (perhaps it was retconned again in the 20th anniversary book)


You can see a half faded "unknow" between Blume and Tiltyu

Even if Amid and Linda don't exist because Arthur and Tinny do (at least Tinny since her name is mentioned in FE5), Tiltyu's kids can have children that could marry each other to make a child with major tordo, major fala and major sety at the same time

Edited by Sartek
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Depending on how you pair up Lex you can have his daughter [who'll have minor neir] fall in love with Johan or Johalva. They are the sons of Lex' half-brother Dannan and thus aren't that closely related to Lex' daughter. I'm don't actually know if Johan/Johalva can be paired up with anybody but Lakche but Lex!Lakche can be paired up with one of them and their children should inherit major Neir as a consequence.

For Tordo there's only Arthur and Tinny left who are siblings and can't be paired up.

Edit @ above; Can Amid & Linda exist in a universe where Arthur and Tinny do?

It's implied that in FE4 your army isn't just only the playable characters, rather the playable characters are representative of a larger army considering in Fe5 it's stated that Celice's army is ten times the size of leaf's even though FE5 has far more playable characters than FE4 G2. Because of this it's kind of always been my theory that the subs exists when the children character's do, put they aren't notable enough to included unless the children character's don't exist, meaning that Amid & Linda probably exist in same universe were Arthur and Tinny do.

Johan or Johalva can be paired in with any girl, the only pairing that can't be done in Gen 2 IIRC is Julia/(Corple/Sharlow) because of a lack of availability overlap.

Here is all the remaining living holy blood at the end of FE4 (assuming everyone survives and player recruited every possible character), and all gen 1 mother's were paired

Baldo: 1 Known Major (Celice), 3 known minors (Altenna, Leaf, Oifey)

Odo: 3 or 5 known Majors (Shanan, Meereta, Galzus, Skasher, Lachke (Skasher and Lachke only count if their father is Holyn) 0 2 or 4 known minors (Skasker, Lachke (Aira wasn't paired with Holyn), Holyn's Son, Holyn's Daughter (Assuming Holyn is paired, and with someone other than Aira)

Hezul: 1 known Major (Aless), 2 known minors (Delmud and Nanna)

Noba: 1 known major (Althenna) 1 known minor (Leaf)

Dain: 1 known major (Areone), 0 known minor

Neir: 0 known majors, 1 or 3 known minors (either Johan or Johalva, Lex's Son, Lex's Daughter (assuming Lex is paired))

Ulir: 1 known major (Faval) 3 known minors (Patty, Lana, Lester)'

Blagi: 0, 1 or 2 known major (Claude's Son (if claude is paired), Leen (if claude is paired with Sylvia), 0, 2, or 3 known Minors (Corple and Leen (if their father isn't Claude), Claude's daughter (assuming claude is paired and not with Sylvia))

Fala: 1 known major (Cyas), 1 or 3 known minors (Julia, Azel's Son, Azel's Daughter (if Azel is paired))

Tordo: 0 known major, 4 known minors (Amid, Linda, Tinny, Artur)

Holsety: 0 or 1 known major (Lewyn's Son, if lewyn is paired), 0 or 1 known minor (Lewyn's daughter if Lewyn is paired)

Narga: 1 known major (Julia), 2 known minors (Celice, Linoan)

Loputousu: 0 known major, 1 known minor (Cyas)

Tordo, Neir are probably in the most "trouble" per say, so it is possible that majors of those blood line are lost, but I don't think a major blood line dying out is a huge issue, also I imagine major Fala might be in trouble considering that I don't imagine Cyas having kids (but I could be wrong), (though Cyas not having kids would kill of Loputousu blood once and for all for it might be better that way).

P.S. I am amazed all of the blood lines have lasted this long considering you know, if the only person with major blood is dies before having kids, your kind of screwed

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Blaggi can go up to 3 known minors (Corple, Leen and one of Claude's kids) and one blood has Fergus as a minor (the thing is, we don't know what's his holy blood)

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IIRC the Dain bloodline can also become extinct if you kill Arion in the final chapter.

It's implied that in FE4 your army isn't just only the playable characters, rather the playable characters are representative of a larger army considering in Fe5 it's stated that Celice's army is ten times the size of leaf's even though FE5 has far more playable characters than FE4 G2. Because of this it's kind of always been my theory that the subs exists when the children character's do, put they aren't notable enough to included unless the children character's don't exist, meaning that Amid & Linda probably exist in same universe were Arthur and Tinny do.

Legit point.

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@Sartek: Was he confirmed to have minor blood at some point? Because if he actually was then the parent he got it from would be his mother. And considering that his mother is a noblewoman and where she is from, there is little reason to consider that it might be anything other than Noba blood.

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And considering that his mother is a noblewoman and where she is from, there is little reason to consider that it might be anything other than Noba blood.

Wait, is it known where his mother is from?

Edited by Yojinbo
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Any mention of here that I've encountered points out that she was a noblewoman, or maybe even a member of the ruiling family, of Conote. Which is in the Manster District and the north of the Thracian Peninsula. Which the area Noba's descendants have generaly resided in.

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He probably has the same holy blood as either Delmud/Nanna [Hezul] or Leaf [Noba/Baldo] because he can use the Blaggi Sword for some reason. I kind of have to wonder when exactly Beowulf was supposed to have had the chance to meet a noblewoman from Conote though. The only woman with Noba blood he is known to have met is Ethlin who is not only married to Cuan but also has Baldo blood too. After Gen 1 he's toast so there's no chance for him to have been in the Manster District after that. The only possibility that remains is that he has been to Conote way before FE4 actually begins. But I don't know where such claims are coming from.

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Such claims are comming from the all but stated fact of Fergus being the child of Beowulf and a Conotian noblewoman and that being the only sequence of events that makes sense.

Also, Ethlyn does not have major blood of any sort. What she does have is minor Baldur blood. Not to mention that the Blaggi Sword can be used by any swordwielding unit that has any sort of holy blood. Even if it is just one type with a minor expression. I really don't see where you're getting the Baldur or Hezul thing from.

And Fergus having non-Noba blood really takes some stretching to get to. Beowulf doesn't have any holy blood in him and a noblewoman from Conote would only have any non-Noba holy blood if she is a non-native of the District who came from a blood carrying family of some other kingdom and moved to Conote of marrying a local nobleman. And while this is all possible there is no evidence to suggest this. Her being born into a Conotian household, on the other hand, is a "sequence" of events requiring much fewer assumptions.

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He probably has the same holy blood as either Delmud/Nanna [Hezul] or Leaf [Noba/Baldo] because he can use the Blaggi Sword for some reason. I kind of have to wonder when exactly Beowulf was supposed to have had the chance to meet a noblewoman from Conote though. The only woman with Noba blood he is known to have met is Ethlin who is not only married to Cuan but also has Baldo blood too. After Gen 1 he's toast so there's no chance for him to have been in the Manster District after that. The only possibility that remains is that he has been to Conote way before FE4 actually begins. But I don't know where such claims are coming from.

Fergus is in his early twenties in FE5, so he had to have resulted from a pre-war liaison of Beowulf's. Ethlyn doesn't have Nova blood, though, and being her illegitimate kid wouldn't make Fergus the prince of Conote anyway, so we can rule that one out.

Allegedly Beowulf was from Conote to start with but I don't know where that claim comes from. If he really is from Conote, it's simple enough-- he knocked up a princess and skipped town. Maybe it was more romantic than that but he ended up on the opposite side of the continent, so eh. If he's not actually from Conote at all then your guess is as good as mine. Fergus being the son of Beowulf and Mystery Princess is one of those aggravating things FE5 throws out there with no resolution.

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I still don't know where it says that Felgus is the illegitimate prince of Conote ;_;

Edit: Nvm, I found it. It's in the character ending though only stated to be a rumor. Eh

Not to mention that the Blaggi Sword can be used by any swordwielding unit that has any sort of holy blood. Even if it is just one type with a minor expression. I really don't see where you're getting the Baldur or Hezul thing from.

Mareeta and Galzus both have major odo and cannot use the Blaggi Sword so I thought it has to be a specific type of Holy Blood. It's not explicitly stated in the game [in fact Cyas falsely claims that anybody with holy blood can use it] but the only other explanation would be a programming error :x

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@Cymbalina: If he isn't from Conote then he simply arrived there, somehow met the girl, they did the deed and then he skipped town. Same thing, really. He might not have even known that she got pregnant or, if he did, he might have thought that he, the non-noble parent of an illigitimate child, should disappear both for his own sake and for those of the mother and child.

@Yojinbo: Oh. Does Saias even know that they have major Odo blood, though? Maybe it can only be used by those who have minor holy blood or something and that is what he actually meant? Nothing else makes sense.

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I still don't know where it says that Felgus is the illegitimate prince of Conote ;_;

Edit: Nvm, I found it. It's in the character ending though only stated to be a rumor. Eh

Mareeta and Galzus both have major odo and cannot use the Blaggi Sword so I thought it has to be a specific type of Holy Blood. It's not explicitly stated in the game [in fact Cyas falsely claims that anybody with holy blood can use it] but the only other explanation would be a programming error :x

It's likely that it was a programming oversight that Mareeta and Galzus's can't use, and I have always thought that Fergus being able to use it was as, I'm guessing the way they programmed the blaggi sword was by allowing anyone who could use the Earth Sword, Light Sword or Beo Sword to use it, forgetting that Fergus could use the Beo Sword, though Fergus's mom having minor blood makes sense because as Oifey and Holyn some members of lower nobility have minor holy blood so it doesn't create a problem plot wise Edited by weso12
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I have a pretty solid theory as to why Chagall has no holy blood. The notes say specifically it was Hezul's youngest daughter that inherited the blood and that he had many kids.Simply put, unlike the other crusaders, Hezul had a couple of kids before the Miracle of Darna. Naturally since he was vanilla human when siring them they were plain old human too and only his youngest child born after he became part dragon could inherit the blood. Makes a lot of sense when you consider Noba and Dain were part of the same blood line but have separate holy bloods.

As for Maios, Daccar and all those other inconsistencies. They can easily be explained away by some good old fashioned adultery.

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@Walker: Not so sure about that. Has there ever been a 100% confirmed instance of a child being able to inherit two types of holy blood from said child's parents but inheriting only one or less? Jotari might just be on to something with Chagall's case here too, unless there is evidence to disprove the hypothesis. I mean, yeah, it wouldn't be confirmation but rather an "educated guess" but, once again, has there ever been an example of something like this happening that can't be disproven by any other scenario?

Though I have to admit, him having the blood does bring up the question of why he wasn't kept around in case Manfroy were to ever need a second Sigyn. Or maybe I'm misinterpreting the info and he was being protected from being kept under Manfroy's thumb rather than being killed.

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But that is the point I was trying to make. What examples are there of a child not inheriting a type of holy blood from their parents? By which I mean examples and can't have any sort of alternative explanation to them. Like, say, Ishtar. Is there an option to view her profile on the holy blood wheel? If there is, does she really not have any minor Vala blood from Hilda? Stuff like that would be concrete evidence that would show that there is indeed reason to doubt the idea of Saias having minor Loptyr blood in him. Is there anything of that sort?

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But that is the point I was trying to make. What examples are there of a child not inheriting a type of holy blood from their parents? By which I mean examples and can't have any sort of alternative explanation to them. Like, say, Ishtar. Is there an option to view her profile on the holy blood wheel? If there is, does she really not have any minor Vala blood from Hilda? Stuff like that would be concrete evidence that would show that there is indeed reason to doubt the idea of Saias having minor Loptyr blood in him. Is there anything of that sort?

In fact, going by the Wiki and SF, neither Ishtar nor Ishtore have any Fala blood. And Ishtore only has minor Tordo.

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Once again, exactly my point. Is there any actual indication that they don't have minor Vala blood? Because if there isn't, then there is notably less reason to think that Saias might not have minor Loptyr blood. And by "actual indication" I mean something from the game itself, an official statement from the creators or maybe even a guidebook, provided that it isn't too out of touch with the current consensus on other points.

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the indication that they don't have minor Fala blood is that they are not listed as having minor Fala blood.

I'm not sure what you're looking for. It sounds to me like you're just going to keep thinking they have minor Fala until someone involved in the creation of the game specifically says that they don't.

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Saias is never stated to have minor Loptyr blood. He is only confirmed to have major Fala.

I considering but a question mark on that editing it on

But that is the point I was trying to make. What examples are there of a child not inheriting a type of holy blood from their parents? By which I mean examples and can't have any sort of alternative explanation to them. Like, say, Ishtar. Is there an option to view her profile on the holy blood wheel? If there is, does she really not have any minor Vala blood from Hilda? Stuff like that would be concrete evidence that would show that there is indeed reason to doubt the idea of Saias having minor Loptyr blood in him. Is there anything of that sort?

Um.... you can view the holy blood of any boss (just check their stats, go down to weapon ranks, and press A), she has no minor Vala, neither does Ishtor.

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