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Resetless Lunatic+ Run COMPLETED (Deathless) (With Complete Guide)

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Okay, been slacking a bit when it comes to links, but I've managed to get a few things organized. First, here's the Youtube playlist for the video guide and explanations I've done for the run. Currently, it's just everything up to and including C4, which is at least enough to get anyone interested in doing it with no holds barred to gain access to Wireless and DLC.

Also, last Friday's run finished, but with a (really dumb and avoidable) death. I think I'm getting a lot better at improvising when the game is determined to screw Robin over (this time, it was a rather major Mag deficit), so that runs don't just plain face-plant if I don't play perfectly. However, it's definitely distracting me enough to forget key standard details, like the one that got Anna killed (which then snowballed into losing the Arms Scroll and a ~15k gold deficit). Anyway, one big thing to note here is that I used a new, Rescueless C8 strat that means extra safety in C5 or C6, which can easily save one or more Elixir uses, which makes C7 safer (among other smaller benefits like usually a level for Chrom and getting Cordelia to 10). So, yay for making the dreaded gauntlet safer. I need to clean up the notes a bit, but I plan to update the guide with the new strat in the near-ish future.

Find the links for RIP Anna here: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Youtube Playlist

Edited by Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
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I had the chance to watch you stream for the first time yesterday (I watched some parts throughout the night) and man I was blown away! *o*

So you've inspired me to do a Lunatic + no grind run myself (but with resets of course, I'm currently at chapter 3). Just wanted to know: would it be realistically possible to recruit children besides Morgan and Lucina?

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Thanks! Glad to hear you were entertained enough to have a go at the difficulty. The kids who have paralogues full of weak enemies are pretty realistic to recruit and then still have enough time to train (keep in mind that having more than 5 combat pairs is inadvisable, though). Owain, Kjelle and Laurent all have the easiest paralogues. Some other ones that are have enemies at higher levels, but are abusable, can work out too. Nah (Mire) and Severa (Rescue and being able to force isolated combat over the thin walls) fall into those categories. Any of the others are probably going to require significant babying, since your army will be unlikely to be able to handle those fights until later in the game.

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So, Friday was certainly an unexpected surprise. After two runs where I dropped the ball and two runs getting RNGed (thanks, Elthunder Mage), we brought in Cat, who rolled right over the enemies. Well, not exactly (we got the C2 shop block, such that I had to tackle C5 without the forged Wind...), but when I PBed with an 8:17:59 over my old record that was ~9:02, it certainly feels that way.

Just Like Mother Would: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Youtube Playlist

In celebration, I got my Chapter 8 notes together and updated. To reiterate, this strat frees up a Rescue charge, which makes C5 and C6 safer, which means I'm less likely to burn any saved Elixirs on them. That, in turn, makes a run less likely to bleed out in C7 from its C5 wounds. Cordelia getting her levels in C8 is both safer and less annoying than doing it in P2 and Lissa having an opportunity to pick up another level or two makes her more likely to have the requisite count for P3 and C9. The strat's opening can get a little weird if the nearest Cav has Counter, but otherwise it's fairly straightforward and totally repeatable.

Oh, and I've been doing some number crunching and I think I've been under-utilizing Lucina in the last bit of the game. I still need to look at weapon options (especially since anything melee will run afoul of Counter), but I think she can easily get kills in C20, C23 and C24 to reposition Morgan or get picks on accurate Luna+ enemies (this would be a bit limited by her HP pool, but she can take pressure off of Morgan and Robin).

Edited by Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
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Okay, so Friday's run was a bit odd. Questionable stats in Prologue, but then Robin decided to step up her game so hard that I saved a ton of money on the forged Wind and started one-shotting Counter enemies several chapters earlier than I should have. Of course, the game wasn't quite ready to let me get away with all that without some more bad RNG. Most of it was just medicore enemy formations, but the best part was Risen camping the Longfort for a good portion of the game, causing periodic tonic shortages (it even still had a Falcon Knight on it at the end of the game). All this came together to somehow give me a sub-8 run (7:49:36, to be specific), which was completely unexpected.

Anyway, if you'd like to see if for yourself, find the links here: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Youtube Playlist

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Not Awakening, but chat shenanigans from tonight:

  • Czar_Yoshi : #SaveTheRigs
  • knightofthewind7 : #KillTheRigs
  • Czar_Yoshi : no, knight, you've got it backwards
  • Jezendar : #RigTheKills?
  • Czar_Yoshi : That's what we do in xcom
  • Invidlord : #GrillThePigs and make delicious grilled pork sandwiches
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Well, last Friday completed. It wasn't pretty, but it completed. Level gains were pretty brutal early on, such that I almost bit it in C1. This snowballed into having to depend on Miriel to hit a high 80 attack in C2. Because she had a vendetta against Stahl and Vaike, she missed and they got to die. Further snowballing happened with Chrom getting Sully killed in C4 and Donnel in P1 (to be fair, his support with Robin was underdeveloped). Lon'qu should have also died, but he saved his own skin by Dual Guarding Donnel on one of two attacks. Aside from that, I got to try out a new C7 strat that I came up with the night before the run. I'll try to get a coherent write-up added to the guide sometime in the new future. Oh, and almost forgot to mention that this run was completed by another newcomer, Ishtar. Since some significant sacrifices had to be made, she is now Yololi's apprentice.

Anyway, links for the "Bathed in Blood" run:

Edited by Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
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A tad late on this, but I've got the videos edited for last week's run. The most notable thing about it is how I screwed up C3, but the RNG was uncharacteristically kind enough to allow a dubious back-up strat that involved a few low-percentage Dual Strikes and a crit to work. Of course, that's where its generosity ended, since I had to deal with really bad defenses for a good portion of the game. Still, not bad for a run that never should've finished in the first place.

Links for the Inverse RNG run:

And with that, I'll be starting attempts again: https://www.twitch.tv/kuroitsubasatenshi

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This is a little late, but I've had some unexpected delays alongside one that was expected this week. At least I got it together before tonight's run, right? Anyway, this run should have been deathless and was even behaving a lot like one that had less-than-average Mag, but then Sumia got chumped by a freak Anathema crit. This led to some interesting shenanigans in trying to cover for her absence in my strats. The most unfortunate part is that the run was sub-8, so without those issues, I might have been able to get a PB. Ah, well.

Links for Sumia's Sacrifice:

Speaking of tonight's run(s)... https://www.twitch.tv/kuroitsubasatenshi

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Got the editing for last Friday done marginally faster than last week's. >.> If I get a successful run tomorrow, editing should be faster, since my week won't be as crazy as this and the previous.

Anyway, this run is largely notable for having some brutal RNG in C24. The enemy skill combos and Hit rolls almost led to the first time where I'd have lost a run in that chapter that didn't involve me throwing through neglect. It's also the second deathless run to get sub-8 hours, though I didn't PB.

Links for 7 Hit Points:

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So, I guess I sorta lied. I forgot about something, which still made this week basically as crazy as the last two. Still managed to get things together a little faster, though. Anyway, this run had some of the best stat luck I've ever seen. While she slowed down toward the end, Robin had some really obscene early growths, letting her roll right over most of the opposition. There was still some bad luck, but it mostly happened in C3 and C24 and generally just slowed things down rather than legitimately threatening the run. It did have the unfortunate effect of keeping me 7:32:15 PB from going sub-7:30, but I honestly can't complain. Oh, and I guess this also gives me a true streak of runs of death-deathless-deathless. Funny, since a year ago, I would have laughed at the notion of three consecutive completions.

Links for Ruthless Robin's Rampage:

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