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Ehh? I'm not sure what you mean by insurance....

EDIT: As much as I dislike Astrid/Makalov, it's a pretty big step up when you consider that in RD, if you have her attack him, it's revealed that she was set to marry a certain Complete Monster of a Begnion senator...

to be fair, barely anyone is aware of that fact because it involves using astrid and bringing her into the endgame, and then having her attack the E-1 boss.

or they could just read the script on this site, but i've learned to stop expecting to much from people.

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Ehh? I'm not sure what you mean by insurance....

Preventing Jill from defecting. Of course, a B between Jill and either of Mist or Lethe would do the trick, I just prefer Mist/Jill for the reasons I already stated. Plus its A support is faster than Jill/Lethe, and it's a nice piece of character development for Jill. So... Edited by Just call me AL
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to be fair, barely anyone is aware of that fact because it involves using astrid and bringing her into the endgame, and then having her attack the E-1 boss.

or they could just read the script on this site, but i've learned to stop expecting to much from people.

True that.

Preventing Jill from defecting. Of course, a B with either of Jill or Lethe would do the trick, I just prefer Mist/Jill for the reasons I already stated. Plus its A support is faster than Jill/Lethe, and it's a nice piece of character development for Jill. So...

Ohhh. Though that's not a problem for me, largely because I just don't field her in that chapter.

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to be fair, barely anyone is aware of that fact because it involves using astrid and bringing her into the endgame, and then having her attack the E-1 boss.

or they could just read the script on this site, but i've learned to stop expecting to much from people.

I always end up bringing her to endgame because biiiiiiiiiaaaaaaasssssss

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You could also just have Jill not use the talk command against Shiraham. No need to let one of your best units sit out over something so silly.

I ended up just doing the supports that happened.

Ike/Oscar for early game.

Oscar/Kieran because it happened.

C Jill/Mist because I didn't field Mist a lot. I just Bexp'd her to 10 and seal'd her.

Tormod/Reyson because it happened.

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In the case of that map it is pretty flier friendly so Jill, Marcia, and Tanith got deployment priority when I played it.

I certainly understand benching Jill for the reason of wanting to switch things up but for something as easily avoidable as talking to Shiraham is kinda lol. I could imagine a player using Jill to talk to Shiraham in the hopes that he'll peacefully give up only to have Jill turn on them.

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You could also just have Jill not use the talk command against Shiraham. No need to let one of your best units sit out over something so silly.

I ended up just doing the supports that happened.

Ike/Oscar for early game.

Oscar/Kieran because it happened.

C Jill/Mist because I didn't field Mist a lot. I just Bexp'd her to 10 and seal'd her.

Tormod/Reyson because it happened.

Ehhh, okay then. Though in all honesty, I don't have very good luck with Jill a lot of the time... and I'm not going to continue to field someone who refuses to get good level ups, and isn't among my favorite characters.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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But PoR Jill is adorbs. Don't you just want to squeeze her pouty cheeks? It's my policy to always field Wyvern Riders so imagine my joy at getting Jill.

Is it even possible for characters to be bad/stat screwed in PoR? BEXP is so abusable.

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It is, because you can get level ups with no stat gains. Including with Bexp. It's not like RD where you just cap some stats and BExp the rest of the way.

One of the reasons I don't like playing this game anymore.

Edited by Radiant head
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But PoR Jill is adorbs. Don't you just want to squeeze her pouty cheeks? It's my policy to always field Wyvern Riders so imagine my joy at getting Jill.

Is it even possible for characters to be bad/stat screwed in PoR? BEXP is so abusable.

Bold: I'd rather not.

Anyways, Jill's growths in this game and I are at odds. I mean, sometimes I luck out, but otherwise...

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