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(FE4) Planning for my second (maybe Ranked?) playthrough


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I still have a ways to go before I'm done with my first playthrough of this amazing game, but I git a bit bored after multiple failed attempts to recruit Altenna, Hannibal, and Corpul. I started planning my next playthrough, because eugenics is so much fun.

I'm thinking of attempting Ranked. I watched Balcerzak's playthrough, and if it's any indication, this game's Rank requirements are conducive to a very elegant and efficent playstyle, without being too ridiculous. Even the exp requirement appeals to me, since I enjoy making units strong for the sake of it. I might not get AAAA on my first try, but I'd still like to aim for it.

Balcerzak got all but five possible levels in his playthrough if I'm counting right, which makes me wonder about the feasibility of getting absolutely everyone to level 30. I'd like to try it in addition to going for ranks. The only problem character is Cuan. Of course he can abuse Shagall, but that just seems... inelegant. I don't know if there's a better way. Maybe it's best to give up on perfect levels, or calculate the highest "reasonable" level for Cuan, aim for that, and get everyone else to 30.

I saw in FionordeQuester's experimental run that he ultimately managed to get a 100-kill Slim Sword in Chapter 1 going about 20 turns over the usual. Since I'll be manipulating the RNG in arenas (his goal was to increase reliability; mine is not), 50 kills should be plenty, so I could cut down further on the turn count. Would this be a giid idea?

Now for the eugenics. Though I haven't finished, I think I have a decent idea now of how all the children work, besides lolCorpul. I'm sure I'll gain more understanding as I play the last three chapters, but I think I can at least start planning.

My pairings in my current run

Aideen x Midir

Bows and Pursuit, pretty standard I think. For a bit it seemed like Lester had inherited his dad's mediocrity too, but he sorted himself out, and he hasn't even promited yet. Lana really doesn't care. She might have liked A Staves a little bit better before promotion, but now that she's promoted she enjoys Pursuit on the rare occasion she gets into combat.

Aira x Lex

The kids are beasts (when they reach enemies) and Skasaha never noticed the lack of inheritance. However, they never use Ambush and I'm not sure they wanted Elite more than most of the other kids. The Defense is nice since dodgetanking is unreliable at existent hit rates in this game, but overall I think this pairing could be improved.

Lachesis x Fin

Prayer and Pursuit are both pretty great, and the +5 Speed conversation changed Nanna from okay to great. Fin may have come with a lowly Iron Lance, but he was the most badass Iron Lance user to ever grace any of my FE playthroughs.

Sylvia x Claud

I can't say a lot about this one yet. Leen pretty much doesn't benefit. I imagine Corpul will be like his dad but underleveled.

Fury x Levin

Fee and Levin have both been killing machines, but in Fee's that might have less to do with Levin being the dad than the fact that my Hero Lance somehow git 87 kills in Gen 1. Sety hasn't been around that long yet, but he is ridiculous. I don't forsee him pulling out Holsety until harder bosses like Alvis and the Dark Warlords. Anything more than his Lightning tome would be overkill.

Briggid x Dew

Patty is enjoying the growths more than the skills. Partly I think I just haven't been using Bargain very well on her though. Faval on the othe hand loves Bargain.

Tiltyu x Azel

Pursuit and Magic. Generally this has been working well without any obvious flaws, though obviously Arthur would like Holsety.

Johan (not a pairing, but whatever)

His higher Speed growth isn't particularly useful, though his mount is. He has the Pursuit and Speed rings, which allow him to double... Armours. If they have Lances or Axes. Still a mounted Hero Axe though.

Pairings I'm considering

Aideen x Midir

It's a bit vanilla and I've already done it once, but it seems like the best option. As far as I can tell Lana doesn't care who her dad is unless she's getting Claud, so I'm basing this on Lester. Anyone besides Midir deprives him of either pursuit or starting with the Hero/Killer Bows.

Aira x Noish

Nearly zero-demand father who gives them two more offensive skills. Normally I would be worried about Charge backfiring, but if I'm going to trust anyone in this game to nit die a stupid death, Swordtwins are second only to Sety.

Lachesis x Beowulf

Not as good as Fin, but easier to get and lets Fin keep whatever Fury->Fee doesn't want. I don't trust Delmud and Nanna with Charge as much as I do the Swordtwins, so that's one issue. I'm not quite sure about this one.

Sylvia x Dew

Leen can have an easier time cycling the Elite Ring and buying the Leg Ring from Celice. Plus she gets the best griwths she's going ti get without Neir blood. I haven't met Corpul yet, but I assume he has money issues.

Fury x Claude

Higher Staff ranks and hax Res growths. Fee should use Magic Swords even better.

Briggid x Lex

My logic is that the fadter Patty becomes good, the better she'll do at giving everyone money. I'm sure Faval won't mind promoting earlier either.

Tiltyu x Levin

Whereas Holsety is overkill on Sety, Arthur would really appreciate it. Sety can share the brokenness a little. Tiltyu gets Elwind and Tornado instead if Elthunder and Tron. She can always take the Pursuit Ring too, though maybe not for very long since she has to wait for Leif to promote, and then once she promotes she will see less combat due to Staves.


Since neither brother is obviously better than the other, I might as well try the one I haven't used yet. Compared to Johan, Johalva has a riskier skill in Charge. Bows are nice, but foot movement is not. Johalva saves a small number of turns iver his brother. With Johalva's 10% Speed growth, it might make sense to just nit even bother trying to double, especially since he has Pursuit Ring competition this time around.

And then for item inheritance. I have no idea what I'm doing, especially here.

Celicestomp sounds fun, and saves a pretty significant chunk of turns while making efficient use of the Elite Ring. That means Hero Sword, Wind Sword, Elite, Life, and Leg unless I'm forgetting something.

Swordtwins can take a Silver Sword each, I suppose. If I decide to go with Fin x Lachesis after all then Lakche can take Prayer instead.

Lana takes all the Staves she can carry.

Delmud could go with Silver Blade and Thunder Sword. It's what I did first time around, and it worked. IIRC it's similar to what Balcerzak did too, but with Wind Sword instead. He doesn't exactly need a Speed Ring, but his swords are a little heavy and there aren't a whole lot of people who absolutely need Speed.

Lester gets all the bows besides Briggid's. Maybe a Skill Ring too.

Arthur gets HOLSETY. Does he really nees anything else? Fine, maybe a Bargain Ring. And a Magic Ring.

Fee takes Hero Lance, Thief Sword, and a bunch of Lances to sell. She can buy the Flame Sword by the time she needs range. A Power Ring might suit her.

I'm thinking Leif can take the Pursuit Ring, Light Sword, and Armor Cutter. Pursuit and Cutter should make him pretty good at dispatching Armors in Ch 7, and before promotion he seems like as good a candidate for a Magic Sword as anyone else.

Nanna can take Prayer and Relive, unless I decide to have her dad be Fin after all in which case she can have Silver instead if Prayer.

Assuming he doesn't father Lachesis's kids, Fin can bring Silver and Javelin.

Patty gets nothing, because her dad is Lex.

Leen gets Knight Ring and her mom's Slim and Defense swords.

Tinny can have Elwind for actually using, and whatever other tomes she can inherit for money.

Faval should be good with just his mom's Bows.

Sety takes A rank Staves. He gets freaking Lightning, he doesn't need any more books.

Corpul can't inherit anything besides rings, and I don't want those to dissappear for half the generation.

Altenna doesn't really need more rhan her Gae Bolg, does she?

Comments and advice are appreciated.

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First off, you don't need a 50 kill slim sword for units to do well in the arenas, unless you're trying to clear the early arenas with Dew or something. It's a pretty big waste of time in my opinion.

Cuan usually peaks off at level 25, even with the elite ring. And really, you don't need to get him any higher than 20 or so for him to have served his purpose.

As for your pairings, you might want to consider Lex (or Ardan) Sylvia instead of Dew. Lex is preferred since it gives Corple elite, but the real plus here is ambush, so you can ambush sleep sword the arena, and Leen has a lot tougher of a time in the arena than Patty (unless you get foutunate with Prayer ranges), and once Patty promotes, she can usually clear the arena (or at least get pretty far). Faval doesn't need elite at all either, and there's no inheritance for patty other than ring or the Thunder Sword (if you get Lex to kill Jacoban).

Also as silly as this may be, Patty is actually dreadfully slow, (even despite her thief speed base) and Lex doesn't help this matter at all. Faval would appreciate more skill/spd as well too, so it might be better off to pair Briggid with Beowulf, Dew or even Midir instead.

Everything else looks OK though.

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Gonna second the Sylvia x Lex suggestion. Lex!Corpul can get to promotion ridiculously fast if you spam Fortify. Leen also has an easier time in the arena if you care.

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BTW, there is an AI exploit that makes recruiting Hannibal MUCH easier. once you kill his entire squad, he attempts to go back to his castle to summon another. However, if you place someone on the castle entrance tile (chose your most useless party member), his AI gets confused and he proceeds to stand there doing nothing whatsoever until you either move the person off the tile, or recruit him. You can avoid him trying to attack you before his squad is dead and the entrance tile is occupied by using the sleep staff.

Edited by sirmola
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Johavala is generally better, but if you're going to going to play for rank, I would get Johan just for the extra movement, you don't even need to conquer Sophara anyway.

If you decide to pair Briggid and Beowulf you could always pair Alec with Lacheis; especially if you're worried about charge, though I generally don't. Or you could pair Azel with Lachesis, some like this, others don't; Nanna and Delmud will always have high strength due to Hezul blood and Nanna will have higher magic, besides Azel and Lachesis will generally have similar movement.

If you decide to pair Midir with Briggid, which is her fastest due to the conversation in ch. 3; you could always pair Jamka with Aideen; generally considered inferior due to the lack of pursuit, but you could always let Lester have it, though Leif could use the pursuit ring until promotion. Lester Jamka will deal plenty of damage due to a very high strength growth.

And I saw that Balzerak pairing too, it was VERY impressive, don't be discouraged if you can't emulate I don't think I can. And welcome to the eugenics club, I love it too.

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IMO, Johan is better than Johalva period. Johalva's slightly higher bases doesn't make up for the fact that he has a terrible speed growth. Johan has the potential to become Lex lite with training.

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^Eh, speed is sort of irrelevant to them, it's not like either of them will double without the hero ax. The bases will get Johavala through the whole game, besides their growths are basically the same, just flip speed and skill. And his promotion give him access to bows which will increase his utility for ch. 9.

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If you pair up Azel and Lachesis make sure that Azel passes down a Magic Ring and that Delmud gains access to Light Sword / Thunder Sword asap or else he'll fall behind and it's gonna be hard to catch up.

Johavala is generally better, but if you're going to going to play for rank, I would get Johan just for the extra movement, you don't even need to conquer Sophara anyway.

You don't need to conquer Isaac either. Both castles can be skipped.

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I would prefer Johalva for bow access. Not that he'll do much with bows, just that it'll help him with the arena, since he won't have to fight all those pesky sword using enemies with axes. Of course, it's been a while since I've done a ranked run of this game, so I might be wrong about this.

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Johan is literally Lex without elite. Horse > Johalva. There's also the better character design and better personality too :P:

Edit: resire is still a really strong tome anyway, so it helps her arena.

Edited by Ownagepuffs
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^eh, you might as well make your life easier and let her clear the arena some for some free non-competitive levels. And it only costs like one turn with Celice having a leg ring.

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Assuming my numbers are correct, Johan can surprisingly put it a lot of work in C7. Base Johan with Brave Axe can ORKO the Jormung Darks mages, the Darna cavaliers (lol WTA tho), and a lot of the C8 squishy enemy types as well without retaliation. They both fall of super hard after C8 so yeah.

Johan's better in the short term and neither one has an actual long term since enemy HP quickly outpaces their offense. Go Johan?

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Oifaye is Sigurd but better and faces harsh competition, so Lex but worse is not particularly great. Johalva is also easier to get levels in the arena.

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You don't really need to use Joha** much in the field, since they have access to every arena and start at level 12. I'd pick Johalva for being more flexible there.

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Something I should mention, Charge activates only if the user has high speed *cough*. Although some may argue that having a chance, high or not, at charge is better than Ambush. Course, they both suck at Arenas.

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But they're both stuck to axes before promotion. What of the time spent from 12-19 pre promotion?

Johalva won't be left behind, because you'll want to keep pace with Lana/Julia so they can staff spam. Canto is a bonus, but ranked is far less mount-dominated because of the EXP requirement.

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honestly i just leave Lana in the castle and have her spam warp or something, i'm pretty lazy. Except chapter 7, but foot units have lots of time to keep up in chapter 7.

and yeah the axebro largely doesn't matter. Johan is like a gen2 Lex, but Asaello is a gen 2 Jamka, and look how good he is.

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Sorry I didn't get back to this earlier. I was unexpectedly busy for a bit.

I think I'll still go with Johalva, mostly because I've already used Johan, unless Johan does something amazing in Chapters 9-F (lol). Having Bows after promotion is appealing to me, since it would be nice for the axebro to at least not suck after promotion.

I guess I shouldn't worry about Charge. Lachesis x Beowulf it is then.

I still want to try to get Cuan to level 30 for the hell of it. I'll try saving his higher-level Chapter 3 arena fights for the end of the chapter, and before that I'll see if there isn't some way I can put the ~20 turns of boss abuse to use getting something else done too, like moving footies into position.

I'll forget about the 50-kill Slim Sword. Would have been gimmicky. There seem to be just enough good swords to go around without it, too.

Dew!Faval does indeed have some nice growths. I guess I'll stick with it, and do Sylvia x Lex for Elite + Leen having a Defense stat. Patty can always take civilians in Chapter 8 fir exp, too.

There are a few rings I forgot about. Patty would probably like a Return Ring. Even if it doesn't turn out to be necessary, it gives me flexibility in how I handle Chapter 7. For the other Return Ring, I've heard Altenna likes it. I'll see as I finish my first playthrough, and if not, Corpul or Leen could take it just fir the cash.

I'm starting to wonder if Dew->Patty would be a better Light Sword candidate than Ethlin->Leif.

Thanks for all the advice.

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Johalva still sucks post promo, lol.

If you go with Dew!Patty, why not have Dew pass down his C3 Wind Sword?

Altenna only uses the return ring in the final chapter. It's more of a convenience thing but return staff also does the trick.

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Shagall's your best bet if you want to boss abuse (unless his Big Shield activating would mean you don't get EXP?), so you can move everyone else above the first castle while he does it, except Sylvia to dance him (it'll halve the turns you spend on it) and Ethlin to heal him (if she hasn't hit 30).

Patty's definitely one of the best candidates for inheriting a magic sword. Dew also gets a Wind Sword in an event (though idk if you'd want to bother with it)

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