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What do you want from this games story?

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A dragon has the potential to ruin the whole thing though, because odds are that'll make the two factions band together, which is no fun.

It was done well in skyrim, because they call an extremely tense conference, which results in a ceasefire for just long enough for the main character to go all legendary hero on the dragon, and then proceed to continue to fight each other after you complete the main questline. In other words, similarly to how two fighting groups would react to an existential threat in real life.

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Actually I didn't know that.

Well, that gives me hope.

Yeah, his name's Shin Kibayashi. He's done manga, novels, TV series and anime including one of his more popular works GetBackers. This guy's a veteran so there is hope for a good story instead of.... Awakening 2..... Yaaaay.

No offense to people who liked Awakening!

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I can safely say out of the many FE13 fans, 5% at most like the story...

Yeah but just in case. I don't like offending people, even if it's a minortiy.

A dragon has the potential to ruin the whole thing though, because odds are that'll make the two factions band together, which is no fun.

If it's a temporary alliance I think it'd be fine. Things would still be tense but it could be like (terrible comparison) WW1 or 2(I forget which one) where the British and the Germans had a ceasefire and became friends for Christmas but then after a while they started shooting each other again. Horrible comparison but maybe it could be like that?

Edited by DualMix
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I just want a story that's as great and fascinating as the Tellius games. Hopefully it isn't like FE7 or FE: Awakening, whose stories were bad, imo.

I'm not sure how you can call Tellius fascinating and Blazing Sword bad. Most of the story for Path of Radiance wasn't even revealed until, Radiant Dawn. Before that it was just the standard "Evil country invades good country. Go to other countries to recruit allies and then liberate your home country" story. There were some decent world building but the story was nothing to write home about. Radiant Dawn greatly expanded on the story and it would have been really compelling if the story wasn't driven by those ridiculous Blood Pacts.

Blazing Sword had multiple Lords who were well characterized, several story arcs, and a variety of villains.

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I'm not sure how you can call Tellius fascinating and Blazing Sword bad. Most of the story for Path of Radiance wasn't even revealed until, Radiant Dawn. Before that it was just the standard "Evil country invades good country. Go to other countries to recruit allies and then liberate your home country" story. There were some decent world building but the story was nothing to write home about. Radiant Dawn greatly expanded on the story and it would have been really compelling if the story wasn't driven by those ridiculous Blood Pacts.

Blazing Sword had multiple Lords who were well characterized, several story arcs, and a variety of villains.

This sums up my views on FE9 well tbh.

I like FE7 for being something besides the basic plot of every other FE, including 9.

FE7's story isn't remotely interesting until Hector's part, tbh. The characters are fun though.

Hector's adds 90% of the backstory, yeah.
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Path of Radiance's story might not be some piece of literature, but I think it's fine to hold it up as a standard as what a future game should compare to. A straight forward story is perfectly fine for a video game, as long as the characters and world building color it up, which PoR succeeds in (although I think the supports are highly overrated; FE7 wins that front).

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Path of Radiance's story might not be some piece of literature, but I think it's fine to hold it up as a standard as what a future game should compare to. A straight forward story is perfectly fine for a video game, as long as the characters and world building color it up, which PoR succeeds in (although I think the supports are highly overrated; FE7 wins that front).

This is important. Even a game with a 'typical' story can be entertaining as long as the characters and world building are well done. Dragon Age: Origins is the best example I can think of to demonstrate this. The core story was as generic as they come but the lore and characters were fantastic.

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Blazing Sword had multiple Lords who were well characterized, several story arcs, and a variety of villains.

I take it that you haven't read Banzai's 1,200 word essay on why FE7's story and characters totally suck, right?

Anyway, I'm hoping for a story that changes depending on the choices that the player makes.

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I take it that you haven't read Banzai's 1,200 word essay on why FE7's story and characters totally suck, right?

Anyway, I'm hoping for a story that changes depending on the choices that the player makes.

I have not. I admire the dedication of anyone who would commit that much time to picking apart one of the better Fire Emblem stories.

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I take it that you haven't read Banzai's 1,200 word essay on why FE7's story and characters totally suck, right?

Anyway, I'm hoping for a story that changes depending on the choices that the player makes.

That was a lot of dedication. I respect that cause I would never do that. But there's a response to that and, although it isn't as long as the other one, I think it brings up some valid points. Part 1 is in the main post and the rest are in the comments.

Getting on topic, I do agree with a story that changes. I mean c'mon, when I choose to screw someone else over because I want to save a country I want there to be some kind of response. People leave the army or join or whatever. Something like that.

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I'm not sure how you can call Tellius fascinating and Blazing Sword bad.

I can do so because it's my opinion. I loved the story of Tellius throughout both games and I found FE7 to be bland and boring. The lords bored me too for the most part (Eliwood was alright), while I have a strong love for Ike and felt he was really cool in every way. Simple to understand. I could go into detail on why these are my opinions, but that's irrelevant to the topic.

Edited by Anacybele
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Yeah, his name's Shin Kibayashi. He's done manga, novels, TV series and anime including one of his more popular works GetBackers. This guy's a veteran so there is hope for a good story instead of.... Awakening 2..... Yaaaay.

No offense to people who liked Awakening!

That might not change as much as you think, given just how many writers awakening had. Additionally, video game writing has certain extremely notable differences from other media, which can cause issues for writers who are inexperienced in that medium. This vidio shows what i mean:


That being said, awakening has several issues on the basic plot synopsis level (valm arc, im looking at you), that a better head writer would certainly be able to improve on.

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I can do so because it's my opinion. I loved the story of Tellius throughout both games and I found FE7 to be bland and boring. The lords bored me too for the most part (Eliwood was alright), while I have a strong love for Ike and felt he was really cool in every way. Simple to understand. I could go into detail on why these are my opinions, but that's irrelevant to the topic.

Fair enough. I liked the Tellius games as well but this is a thread to discuss the story of Fire Emblem so it's worth casting a critical eye on the games we enjoy.

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Uh no, the Tellius equivalent of the Allies would be Crimea/Laguz Alliance, and they didn't crown Pelleas. Pelleas was crowned by Daein natives who liberated the country. Though yeah, I agree the idea that Ashnard's son was this beacon of hope to rally around was pretty bad. It helps that Micaiah was the actual face of Daein's independence.

Radiant Dawn's story is a disaster in execution, but the ambition/concepts were strong enough, along with fantastic gameplay to where I think it works overall. Can't say the same for Awakening.

Yeah, and the Allies should have done something about that. The Crimean nobles were right to be worried, though I admit that the allies example was a bad analogy. Hell, it would have been better had Begnion retained control, so long as they didn't have a giant dick like Jarod in power.

Yeah but just in case. I don't like offending people, even if it's a minortiy.

If it's a temporary alliance I think it'd be fine. Things would still be tense but it could be like (terrible comparison) WW1 or 2(I forget which one) where the British and the Germans had a ceasefire and became friends for Christmas but then after a while they started shooting each other again. Horrible comparison but maybe it could be like that?

The British and German SOLDIERS had a truce. High Command for both sides tried to stop it.

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I can do so because it's my opinion. I loved the story of Tellius throughout both games and I found FE7 to be bland and boring. The lords bored me too for the most part (Eliwood was alright), while I have a strong love for Ike and felt he was really cool in every way. Simple to understand. I could go into detail on why these are my opinions, but that's irrelevant to the topic.

Amusingly enough, Ike is the only lord confirmed to be based on another... Hector.
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Amusingly enough, Ike is the only lord confirmed to be based on another... Hector.

And your point is? Just because something is based on something else doesn't make it bad. Besides, Ike still has plenty of unique points that set him apart from the rest of the lords. He wouldn't be in Smash if it wasn't for that.

Also, if Ike is based on Hector, then imo, Ike is what Hector should've been. Because I just found Hector to be mostly rude and hardly interesting (except for when he's talking to Lyn).

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And your point is? Just because something is based on something else doesn't make it bad. Besides, Ike still has plenty of unique points that set him apart from the rest of the lords. He wouldn't be in Smash if it wasn't for that.

Also, if Ike is based on Hector, then imo, Ike is what Hector should've been. Because I just found Hector to be mostly rude and hardly interesting (except for when he's talking to Lyn).

Looks at profile pic...

You might be a teeensy bit biased ;)

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Except Lucina wasn't given her own spot in the Smash roster until practically the last minute. She was originally supposed to be a Marth alt. So your point is moot.

And no, I am not biased. Anyone can plainly see that Ike is a unique FE rep for Smash.

But again, this isn't relevant to the topic.

Like all of you, I want a good story for the new FE. I'm simply saying I hope it's as enjoyable as Tellius. That's all.

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Huh, I've been wondering if the whole Paris (his initial name)-Hector thing was a coincidence or not.

FE likes doing this in general referencing a lot of western culture/myths, the Hero Roland is based off a French Paladin of Charlemagne named Roland who wielded a sword known as Durandal.

Ike's sword Ragnell is based off a woman Sir Gawain saved in a tower. In Arthurian lore named Ragnelle.

These are just two instances.

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Yeah, I know the Akaneia characters are based on Roman mythology (Marth = Mars), and the Jugdral characters are named after Norse gods.

Tellius names though seems specifically based on Arthurian fantasy, so I think Paris would have been out of place.

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