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What do you want from this games story?

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Story? Well, I want to see less of generic "dark empire takes over the continent, ooh scary" plot and more of a focus on diplomacy. I want to see officials bickering, alliances formed and broken, petty disputes and gray morality on both sides. I think it would make the world more believable and make the player think about the ethics of what they're doing. Maybe have a mission where you're encouraged to kill civilians, or make persecuted minorities a central plot point. I'll be very happy if IS abandons the "Marth is good, Medeus is bad" thing and move on to more robust topics.

Also, no more ships or pair up, but that's a given.

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What Ninjamonkey said. A better comparison would be Zelda: Link's Awakening, in which Zelda truly does not appear at all in any shape or form. And it's a fan favorite handheld title.

But if every future FE lacked a Fire Emblem, then that'd be destroying the purpose behind the series' title. At the same time, there are few Zelda titles in which Zelda barely or doesn't appear.

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She's featured in a flashback scene after you get the Ocarina back.

What Ninjamonkey said. A better comparison would be Zelda: Link's Awakening, in which Zelda truly does not appear at all in any shape or form. And it's a fan favorite handheld title.

But if every future FE lacked a Fire Emblem, then that'd be destroying the purpose behind the series' title. At the same time, there are few Zelda titles in which Zelda barely or doesn't appear.

Wow, really? This just had to be pointed out, eh? How about instead of being smart-asses, you realize that the point of what I said is that games in a series shouldn't be restricted by their origins, because they can end up better for it. Not every future FE game needs to not have a Fire Emblem, I'm just saying the writers shouldn't be required to have one.

Besides, you're wrong. It was a flashback. The physical Zelda does not appear in Majora's Mask and she has 0 impact on the story. Saying otherwise is like saying Mario is a part of OoT because there's a portrait of him in Hyrule castle.

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I want a good story.

Me too. Considering that im about 99.9% sure theres an Avatar in this game, i want dialogue trees. I want prompts to come up that require me to make a decision. I want those decisions to have impact. I want choices on how the story goes. I do not want to be completely railroaded into one path. I want to be able to come back to the game's story and experience new scenes in it. Its one reason i liked FE7, FE8, and FE10. In FE7, the mode you chose told a different point of view. And chapters were unlocked only in Hector's mode. FE8 had two different story threads happening at the same time more or less. You could choose Eirika or Ephraim. FE10's story unfolded by doing really weird junk, but having the option to do that weird junk and it matter was neato.

I want that again, only this time, i want to dictate how my Avatar responds. I also want more political intrigue and a bit less "Dragon or large Big Bad smushes world".

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Wow, really? This just had to be pointed out, eh? How about instead of being smart-asses, you realize that the point of what I said is that games in a series shouldn't be restricted by their origins, because they can end up better for it. Not every future FE game needs to not have a Fire Emblem, I'm just saying the writers shouldn't be required to have one.Besides, you're wrong. It was a flashback. The physical Zelda does not appear in Majora's Mask and she has 0 impact on the story. Saying otherwise is like saying Mario is a part of OoT because there's a portrait of him in Hyrule castle.

She also teaches you the song that you use repeatedly after her cutscene-she plays a bigger role than the hand in the toilet because of that... I mean I get your point, but still, saying she has 0 impact isnt true.

I'd personally enjoy the story recognizing character relationship ranks during certain scenes, giving us more dialogue before and after fights, etc etc.

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Story? Well, I want to see less of generic "dark empire takes over the continent, ooh scary" plot and more of a focus on diplomacy. I want to see officials bickering, alliances formed and broken, petty disputes and gray morality on both sides. I think it would make the world more believable and make the player think about the ethics of what they're doing. Maybe have a mission where you're encouraged to kill civilians, or make persecuted minorities a central plot point. I'll be very happy if IS abandons the "Marth is good, Medeus is bad" thing and move on to more robust topics.

Also, no more ships or pair up, but that's a given.

I concur. A focus on the political relations in fantasy kingdoms would be fairly interesting, and I don't think it's ever as simple as black and white, good and evil.

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Exactly what it says on the tin. What do you want this games story to be, and why.

For me, I think it would be cool if it took place during a time when the enlightenment is starting to take hold. In pretty much all the fire emblem universes, feudal monarchy is accepted as the norm. What if a challenge arose to that? Having the story revolve around an ideological struggle between two sides, both of whom can be sympathized with, would be much more interesting than the whole evil god tries to destroy everything cliche. To some extant, it would be a magical Napoleonic Wars.

Diplomacy where you can pick 3 paths

conquerer(napoleon style) diplomat and dictator

the map style should vary as in a conquerer will have alot of sieze maps and route enemy but little defence maps a diplomat will have rout and escape and will dwell into diplomacy and dictator would be an iron fist ruler with alot of defend and rout maps

each faction you choose you get diffrent units a conquerer will usually take the strong and famed combat masters a diplomat will pick people that will contribute to his cause and a dictator who will have high class royal gaurds and such as units

a whole new diplomacy system of forming alliances and such all of that would be great

Edited by TTPK_Tal
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Diplomacy where you can pick 3 paths

conquerer(napoleon style) diplomat and dictator

the map style should vary as in a conquerer will have alot of sieze maps and route enemy but little defence maps a diplomat will have rout and escape and will dwell into diplomacy and dictator would be an iron fist ruler with alot of defend and rout maps

each faction you choose you get diffrent units a conquerer will usually take the strong and famed combat masters a diplomat will pick people that will contribute to his cause and a dictator who will have high class royal gaurds and such as units

a whole new diplomacy system of forming alliances and such all of that would be great

The only problem I can see with that is all your characters being on-board with whatever your mission is. Would all of your characters WANT to support you if your ambitions are to conquer? Wouldn't a lot of dialogue need to be edited to suit how people react and relate to your world altering decisions?

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Zelda's impact on MM basically saved Termina by letting Link reset the clock over 9,000 times.

LA, on the other hand... she's mentioned exactly once in a cutscene, due to Link confusing Marin with her. This has no impact on gameplay/plot whatsoever, unlike MM Zelda who has a lasting impact through the song she teaches. And unlike LA, she actually gets her model shown whereas LA doesn't give her so much as that (though Marin's sprite is very similar to OoX!Zelda's)

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The only problem I can see with that is all your characters being on-board with whatever your mission is. Would all of your characters WANT to support you if your ambitions are to conquer? Wouldn't a lot of dialogue need to be edited to suit how people react and relate to your world altering decisions?

Diffrent Units for each side as I said you can be a walhart type character and and have intersting Ideology based talks and choices

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Diffrent Units for each side as I said you can be a walhart type character and and have intersting Ideology based talks and choices

I would prefer a way to recruit all characters in a play through. Maybe a New Game +? But I suppose if the characters are developed well, it would make sense. I mean, I can't imagine someone like, say...Lissa rallying behind Walhart willingly.

But if you did choose the dictator path, you would be able to intimidate people into fighting for you, I suppose, as opposed to the diplomat, who could talk people into it? In the end, it may only be a difference of dialogue, sadly.

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Diplomacy where you can pick 3 paths

conquerer(napoleon style) diplomat and dictator

the map style should vary as in a conquerer will have alot of sieze maps and route enemy but little defence maps a diplomat will have rout and escape and will dwell into diplomacy and dictator would be an iron fist ruler with alot of defend and rout maps

each faction you choose you get diffrent units a conquerer will usually take the strong and famed combat masters a diplomat will pick people that will contribute to his cause and a dictator who will have high class royal gaurds and such as units

a whole new diplomacy system of forming alliances and such all of that would be great

That would be so fucking cool. Like, seriously, I've always wanted to play as someone like Walhart. I wouldn't want there to be different paths you choose from the beginning, though. It would be better if the choices you made throughout the game ultimately impacted your route. There could then be a system of loyalty, where units could desert or even side against you if you betrayed their moral compass. A mercenary, for example, would react more negatively to war crimes than a loyal knight. Also, as a point of correction, a dictator wouldn't have a lot of royal guards; dictators usually come to power through force, not blood. A monarch type class would be better suited for royal guards. I'd view it as this: the conqueror is on one end of the spectrum, trying to rule the world, or advance their cause. The monarch wants to maintain their power, either out of nobility or selfishness. The diplomat sides with whoever suits them best. For FE examples, conqueror is Ashnard, monarch is Shagaal, and diplomat is Trabant.

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A mercenary, for example, would react more negatively to war crimes than a loyal knight.

Surely the only thing mercenaries care about is lining their own pockets with gold, so why would they care about anything else?

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Surely the only thing mercenaries care about is lining their own pockets with gold, so why would they care about anything else?

It was a bit of a bad example. Fine, a villager you recruited.

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