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Chaos Incarnate is moving towards Balance....


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A planner merely enables you to record any spontaneous ideas you might have but are unable to perform at the particular instance at which they arrive.

Edited by Wist
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A planner merely enables you to record any spontaneous ideas you might have but are unable to perform at the particular instance at which they arrive.
AND you can jot down notes of the CHAOS you bring to everyone!

lol at the loopholes!

i guess a planner isn't that bad..... but i'm being forced by society actually, its more of the professors assigning us crazy assingments

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When you think about it, at least from my point of view, a change like this makes perfect sense. When I first started here Bianchi seemed like a model for chaos, with Fox as her opposite, her other that balanced the equation. Since Fox has drifted towards balance as well it only seems natural that Bianchi would shift as well. At least that's how I see it.

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I had not been aware that Crystal Chanda Leir is Bianchi.

Perhaps you could use your planner to strike random people in the street, thus maintaining your chaotic nature.

I actually read that as "strike down random people" like some kind of chaotic Death Note.

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I actually read that as "strike down random people" like some kind of chaotic Death Note.
That would be even better. Crystal Chanda Leir, have you confirmed the full range of capabilities of your planner?
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That would be even better. Crystal Chanda Leir, have you confirmed the full range of capabilities of your planner?

i have yet to put it to good use as in Chaotic use, of course

that striking down people sounds promising.....

*shifty eyes*

and how about giving people paper cuts? paper cuts are evile!

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