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lawl, "no homo" guys


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because dick sucking requires talent

@_@ ok so you asked why he would be proud of sucking dick, then someone asks why he would not be proud of sucking dick, then you respond by implying that dick sucking is something to be proud of (since it requires talent). If you think dick sucking is something to be proud of, why are you asking someone why they are proud of dick sucking?

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Here's what I meant


What have I gotten myself into...

Your link appears to be behind a bit of a wall. What you're saying, though, reminds me of some psych rag article I caught that noted an experiment where both men and women were hooked up to some kinda brain scanner, shown either pornographic or merely smutty (I forget which) images, and asked if they found the pics arousing. The women in this data set answered "yes" less frequently than the men did (expected), but supposedly the parts of the brains which corresponded to [some kinda sexy thoughts] fired up just the same for some significant portion (maybe all? forget) of the women who said no as it did for the men who said yes. (the article neglected to mention whether the experimenters asked the subjects about their sexual orientation)

Go figure.

phone, blame, excuses

Edited by Rehab
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Jajajajajaja masculinity is just so fragile, that's why the heteroes don't dare say anything about anything. Because their maleness could be broken by what they say in an instant. Feminity for example, is much stronger. Girls can walk hand in hand without their girldom being broken. They can wear whatever clothes they want and still be women. Saw Lana Del Rey the other day in her boyfriend's football shirt, and she was still totally a lady. A male specimen in a dress though will look like someone putting on a show or wanting to be a cross-dresser or genderbender. Rejoice women, I just increased your wardrobe potential by +100%

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@_@ ok so you asked why he would be proud of sucking dick, then someone asks why he would not be proud of sucking dick, then you respond by implying that dick sucking is something to be proud of (since it requires talent). If you think dick sucking is something to be proud of, why are you asking someone why they are proud of dick sucking?

goddamn it logic
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