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Anyone here still play Smash 3DS?


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I've borrowed it, I don't have a WiiU. (:

Curious. Maybe we can play sometime. I'm surprised the lag is rather minimal. So far, about 90% of the matches were quite playable and "reactable".

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I'm still playing it from time-to-time. Right now, mostly just trying to get all the remaining customs and hats. Haven't been on For Glory in a while, though.

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heads up I am not in the smash chat

so shruggu

neither is he, looks like; he was probably talking about ip.chat

speaking of which,

I'll hang around the chat when I'm online and see who's on.

would you like to be added to the massive smash skype chat?
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i'll play with you sometime if you're down for it. i only play all star on it lately on the go, but i could whip out my 3ds falcon and jigglypuff.

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oh right, answering the question

"hell yes"

it's just a lot more convenient to fire up esp at college or something, or when I just have like ten minutes
I can just dick around and experiment in training mode or s/t
like I prefer SSB4U by a lot - it just feels a lot more fluid with a GC controller (or Pro, even), especially for playing Sheik - but SSB3DS is hella more convenient

also many of my friends don't have SSB4U, so.

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