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OFFICIAL SF HUNGER GAMES: UK & BEYOND - Game 5 signups are open!


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ok here's the list of members who have requested to join so far

game 4 signups

1. Wen Yang -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=3745
2. Conall -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=11265
3. Celice Baldos Chalphy -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=12188
4. Sir Nile -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=14260
5. TheErrantShepherd -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=12781
6. Blackhawk Sleeper -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=9146
7. Freohr Datia -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=102
8. Aisuko -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=6516
9. Daichi -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=13543
10. FrostyFireMage -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=4755
11. Jedi -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=5281
12. General Ciraxis -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=8436
13. Aura Wolf -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=3433
14. Reason -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=10065
15. Glaceon Armamentalist -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=9758
16. Ellegarde -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=13905
17. Kirsche -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=1135
18. Shezzy -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=13595
19. Kao -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=12460
20. TTPK_Tal -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=13450

ignore the profile links - they're for me so i have easy access to your profile when making the games later on

At least 3 spaces need to be filled (I'm not on the list). after that, people will be reserved for the games after next, or will be included in the next game if we manage to hit 36 signups.

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I could see if maybe they cut it down to its thicker part then sharpened it. But it's hard to tell what they did with that branch because the generator doesn't specify~ Which I wouldn't blame it, these are meant to be short prompt messages and going into specifics would drag it on more than this generator would want/need~
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You want actions!?! Ok.

-Tree falls over on a shack, crushing the person inside.

-Shack collapses due to being shoddily constructed, person either escapes, is injured, or dies.

-Discarded underwear turns out to have been covered in some horrible substance, person who picked it up goes mad from the itching/stinging/welts.

-Person tries to shoot someone else but misses, injuring themself.

-Tribute turns to cannabalism, killing victim, but then being destroyed by the Gamesmakers.

-Tribute smiles and watches as other tributes kill each other, only to stab the victor in the back.

-Tribute hears voices of loved ones, driving them temporarily insane.

-Tribute goes fishing, only to catch a boot.

Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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While daydreaming, [Tribute] accidentally walks off a cliff.

[Tribute's] fire goes out of control, burning them to death.

[Tribute] losses their footing and sprains their ankle/falls off a hill and lands on a mine.

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prepare yourselves, next game begins in about 15 hours


You did get mine, right?

ooh I got another one.

Player1 prompts Player2 into a hug, only to plunge a dagger into Player2's back.

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[Tribute1] cuts a tree to craft a sword, only to have [Tribute2] steal it from them and stab them in the back.

Or just have more tree branch kills. That works too.

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Player1 prompts Player2 into a hug, only to plunge a dagger into Player2's back.

Not hugging you. Ever.

Also: [player 1] watches cat videos with [player 2] and [player 3].

[Player 1] eats [player 2]'s pancakes.

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You did get mine, right?

ooh I got another one.

Player1 prompts Player2 into a hug, only to plunge a dagger into Player2's back.

A default event that sounded pretty much like your suggestion already existed, so I didn't add it in.

I'll be adding some of these suggested events, or variations of them.

Also, expect more panties, nakedness, and perving. Or maybe not.

We need one more person to join to make a cast of 24 players.

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[Player1] uses :KnollRoll: and gets crushed by Integrity`s ban hammer.

[Player1] narrowly avoids death by [Player2]`s tree branch, only to be choked to death by [Player3]`s stolen undies.

[Player1] throws an angsty fit.

Edited by Conall
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Great. complete list of signups for the next game:

1. Wen Yang -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=3745
2. Conall -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=11265
3. Celice Baldos Chalphy -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=12188
4. Sir Nile -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=14260
5. TheErrantShepherd -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=12781
6. Blackhawk Sleeper -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=9146
7. Freohr Datia -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=102
8. Aisuko -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=6516
9. Daichi -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=13543
10. FrostyFireMage -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=4755
11. Jedi -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=5281
12. General Ciraxis -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=8436
13. Aura Wolf -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=3433
14. Reason -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=10065
15. Glaceon Armamentalist -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=9758
16. Ellegarde -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=13905
17. Kirsche -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=1135
18. Shezzy -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=13595
19. Kao -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=12460
20. TTPK_Tal -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=13450
21. Ether -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=276
22. Chen -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=9488
23. Kon -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=3260
24. Raven -- http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showuser=147

Custom events are also a thing. The old ones I added are re-added (not all of them got used, sadly), and some new ones, too.

If I'm not busy, game will start in about 30 mins - 1 hour.

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