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[FE7] Armory and Vendor Issues | Area Code Help

Avril Lavigne

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Armory and Vendor Issues

EDIT: I got this part working. The Area Code Help part still needs helping

So I'm having problem inserting an Armory. I watched Marky Joe do it on his tutorial, I copied him almost exactly...and errors occur. But yet his Event Assembler allows it

#include EAstdlib.event


ORG 0x01000CD0

POIN Turn_events
POIN Character_events
POIN Location_events
POIN Misc_events
POIN TrapData TrapData
POIN Bad Bad Bad Bad
POIN Good Good Good Good
POIN Opening_event Ending_event

UNIT 0x01 0x01 0x00 Level(1, Ally, 0) [6,1] [6,1] [0x00] NoAI







LOU1 Good


// Events

// Manual Movement

// Scripted Fights

// Units

// Shop Data
SHLI IronSword IronAxe HandAxe Javelin

MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset

Event Assembler says:


1 errors encountered:
File Chapter2.txt, Line 78, Column 1: Didn't reach end, currently at IntegerLiteral(0x02)
No data written to output.
"Ch2" is the issue, apparently. I got rid of the "Ch2", and Event Assembler wrote to the ROM. Here's what I get:
Probably because it wasn't being written to an offset, but Event Assembler won't allow my offset, ANYWHERE! I've changed the names 100 times to see if, for some reason, the name was having an effect. Then I watch Marky Joe do it, and it worked on his first try. And I followed it the exact same way. WTF.
Why do I have the worst of luck. If some of you (smart people) can explain this to me, I'd be glad.
Area Code Help
I am trying to understand this whole AREA thing. It involved the IFAT, IFAF, ELSE, ENIF, ENUF codes. I don't get how those works, but I know for AREA to work, you need those other ones. I've tried putting together something where if a unit stepped into a certain area, it would trigger an event where more units would spawn (if player phase). It's another thing I watched Marky Joe do, copied him code-for-code, and nothing worked.
I don't have an example of what I've done because I accidentally deleted my chapter with AREA, but it doesn't matter because you guys would think "You got that SO wrong". If anything, I'd really appreciate an example where AREA would work. Because I'd love to be able to trigger events with it.
Edited by Avril Lavigne
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I am trying to understand this whole AREA thing. It involved the IFAT, IFAF, ELSE, ENIF, ENUF codes. I don't get how those works, but I know for AREA to work, you need those other ones.


UnitActionEvents: // This is the same thing as misc
AREA 0x6 reinforcements [0,0] [15,15]
// ...

LOU1 areaunits
(this works) Edited by CT075
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UnitActionEvents: // This is the same thing as misc
AREA 0x6 reinforcements [0,0] [15,15]
// ...

LOU1 areaunits
(this works)

Okay, thank you. But how did you know to use 0x6? That's the part I don't understand

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i would recommend you read these tutorials, as they talk about how event ID theory works

basically, event IDs are like "switches" that tell you if the event is "on" or "off". If the event is "on", that means that it's been played already (more importantly, it means that it won't be played again). The number just tells you which switch any given event trigger is using. There are 256 switches (and you can use them as numbers 0x0 to 0xFF), although switches 0x0-0x4 and ~0x63 onwards are weird (arch talks about it briefly). In this case, I'm telling the AREA event only to activate if switch number 0x6 is in the "off" position. If I had another event (say, a house) use the 0x6 switch and tried to visit it after standing in the AREA, it wouldn't work, because the 0x6 switch is already "on"!

For the most part, unless you want things to be mutually exclusive (say you don't want these reinforcements to trigger if, say, a house has been visited), you'll want every single event ID to be different. TURN events are the only thing that usually share event IDs (by convention they use 0x0, the "always off" switch); other than that you should just remember which numbers you've already used and make sure to use a different one every time.

Edited by CT075
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