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The results surprised me a bit. [spoiler=]

1 Gaius
2 Owain
3 Inigo
4 Henry
5 Chrom
5 Severa
7 Lon'qu
8 Kellam
9 Olivia
10 Libra
11 Gerome
12 Priam
13 Cordelia
14 Cynthia
15 Lucina
15 Laurent
17 Morgan
18 Vaike
19 Frederick
20 Sumia
21 Donnel
22 Cherche
22 Say'ri
24 Gregor
25 Nah
26 Brady
27 Miriel
28 Virion
29 Anna
30 Lissa
31 Emmeryn
32 Basilio
33 Noire
34 Nowi
34 Tiki
36 Yen'fey
37 Flavia
38 Gangrel
38 Aversa
40 Sully
40 Stahl
42 Maribelle
43 Walhart
44 Ricken
45 Tharja
45 Kjelle
47 Panne
47 Yarne

The top and bottom are the most accurate.

Sorry, I do not like Taguels and congrats to Gaius. I love that guy, one of my favorite JRPG characters.

Edited by Rxmonste
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I would say mine is pretty accurate. Especially the top three and bottom three. Although I personally would consider Lucina, Lon'qu, and Priam all tied for first.

1 Lucina

2 Lon'qu

2 Priam

4 Morgan

4 Noire

6 Owain

6 Cynthia

6 Severa

9 Sumia

9 Say'ri

11 Chrom

12 Kjelle

13 Brady

13 Gerome

15 Lissa

16 Olivia

17 Cordelia

18 Maribelle

19 Tharja

19 Cherche

19 Yen'fey

22 Laurent

23 Panne

24 Stahl

25 Miriel

25 Tiki

25 Flavia

28 Frederick

29 Inigo

30 Yarne

30 Nah

32 Gaius

32 Gregor

34 Vaike

35 Sully

36 Ricken

37 Virion

37 Donnel

37 Libra

40 Basilio

41 Henry

42 Anna

43 Aversa

44 Walhart

45 Kellam

45 Nowi

45 Emmeryn

48 Gangrel

Edited by Zoro
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[spoiler=Pretty accurate]
Rank Character 1 Maribelle 2 Inigo 3 Laurent 4 Sumia 5 Cherche 6 Ricken 7 Virion 8 Noire 9 Tiki 10 Stahl 11 Lon'qu 12 Cordelia 13 Gerome 14 Gregor 15 Frederick 16 Yarne 17 Morgan 18 Priam 19 Nah 20 Panne 21 Donnel 22 Say'ri 23 Lucina 24 Brady 25 Cynthia 26 Severa 27 Flavia 28 Yen'fey 29 Lissa 30 Henry 31 Miriel 32 Gangrel 33 Walhart 34 Aversa 35 Gaius 36 Olivia 37 Basilio 38 Sully 39 Libra 40 Kjelle 41 Nowi 42 Tharja 43 Vaike 44 Kellam 45 Chrom 46 Emmeryn 47 Anna 48 Owain
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Mine's surprisingly accurate:

1. Brady 2. Lon'qu 3. Maribelle

4. Gerome 5. Severa 6. Henry

7. Sully 8. Morgan 9. Kjelle

10. Inigo 11. Owain 12. Cordelia

13. Olivia 14. Vaike 15. Noire

16. Gaius 17. Virion 18. Gregor

19. Miriel 20. Donnel


35. Sumia 36. Anna 37. Cynthia

38. Emmeryn 39. Kellam 40. Nowi

41. Lissa 42. Lucina 43. Aversa

44. Gangrel 45. Nah 46. Tharja

47. Chrom 48. Say'ri 49. Yen'fay

Morgan being 8. is only if it's Male Morgan. Female Morgan would probably kiss the gutter with Yen'fay.

Edited by Val'air
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Morgan being 8. is only if it's Male Morgan. Female Morgan would probably kiss the gutter with Yen'fay.

Same here, Morgan is high on my list because of the male as well. From what I've seen of female Morgan, I don't like her at all.

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Yes. This seems about right.


Rank Character

1 Chrom

2 Lucina 2 Owain 2 Morgan

5 Gaius

6 Lon'qu

7 Donnel

8 Lissa 8 Frederick 8 Stahl

11 Brady

12 Maribelle

13 Cherche

14 Henry

15 Gerome

16 Nah

17 Nowi

18 Inigo

19 Olivia

20 Basilio 20 Flavia

22 Noire

23 Sully

24 Cynthia

25 Kellam

26 Panne

27 Sumia

28 Priam

29 Tiki

30 Ricken 30 Yarne 30 Laurent

33 Virion

34 Anna

35 Emmeryn

36 Cordelia 36 Libra 36 Tharja

39 Miriel

40 Vaike

41 Say'ri

42 Yen'fey

43 Gregor

44 Kjelle

45 Severa

46 Walhart

47 Aversa

48 Gangrel

Edited by Hashuni Mei
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Rank Character 1 Say'ri 2 Lon'qu 2 Maribelle 4 Tiki 4 Nah 6 Miriel 7 Lucina 8 Sully 9 Sumia 10 Cynthia 10 Severa 12 Chrom 13 Cordelia 13 Olivia 15 Lissa 16 Noire 17 Panne 17 Anna 19 Laurent 20 Stahl 20 Vaike 20 Kellam 20 Donnel 20 Emmeryn 20 Yen'fey 20 Aversa 27 Cherche 28 Inigo 28 Priam 30 Kjelle 30 Morgan 32 Frederick 32 Virion 32 Gregor 32 Nowi 32 Libra 32 Tharja 38 Ricken 38 Gaius 40 Henry 40 Basilio 40 Flavia 40 Owain 44 Brady 44 Gerome 44 Yarne 44 Gangrel 44 Walhart

Not disappoint.

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Tharja and Severa seem to be the most polarized characters, based on most lists.

Yeah, Tharja and Severa seem to be those kinds of characters that you either love or hate. I hate Tharja, but I like Severa a lot. :P

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Tharja and Severa seem to be the most polarized characters, based on most lists.

Severa being low on many lists pleases me.

What bothers me when I play is that I like Cordelia way more than Sumia, but Cynthia way more than Severa...

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Posted · Hidden by Florete, March 16, 2015 - No reason given
Hidden by Florete, March 16, 2015 - No reason given

Never an issue for me. Imo, Cordelia and Severa >>>>>>>>>> Sumia and Cynthia.

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1 Chrom 1 Lissa 1 Frederick 1 Sully 1 Virion 1 Stahl 1 Vaike 1 Miriel 1 Sumia 1 Kellam 1 Donnel 1 Lon'qu 1 Ricken 1 Maribelle 1 Panne 1 Gaius 1 Cordelia 1 Gregor 1 Nowi 1 Libra 1 Tharja 1 Anna 1 Olivia 1 Cherche 1 Henry 1 Say'ri 1 Tiki 1 Basilio 1 Flavia 1 Emmeryn 1 Lucina 1 Owain 1 Inigo 1 Brady 1 Kjelle 1 Cynthia 1 Severa 1 Gerome 1 Morgan 1 Yarne 1 Laurent 1 Noire 1 Nah 1 Gangrel 1 Walhart 1 Yen'fey 1 Aversa 1 Priam

voted dont care

1 Walhart 2 Gregor 3 Vaike 3 Libra 5 Lon'qu 6 Frederick 7 Gangrel 8 Say'ri 9 Yen'fey 10 Basilio 11 Owain 12 Priam 13 Inigo 14 Kjelle 15 Sully 15 Donnel 15 Gaius 18 Yarne 18 Aversa 20 Cherche 21 Gerome 22 Henry 22 Tiki 24 Stahl 25 Brady 26 Cynthia 26 Laurent 26 Noire 26 Nah 30 Morgan 31 Sumia 31 Anna 33 Severa 34 Flavia 34 Emmeryn 36 Lucina 37 Kellam 37 Maribelle 39 Ricken 40 Lissa 40 Virion 40 Miriel 43 Chrom 44 Olivia 45 Panne 45 Cordelia 45 Nowi 45 Tharja

real one

Suprisingly accurate in some department switch Yen'fey and Say'ri (strictly based on design here) Gregor at 1 Vaike at 3 Libra at 5 lonqu at 4 Walhart tie on number one gerome in number 2

Edited by TTPK_Tal
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Tharja and Severa seem to be the most polarized characters, based on most lists.

They are are a bit of a love it or hate it deal.

I loathe Tharja but find Severa tolerable enough. I can see why one might dislike the latter though.

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1 Ricken

2 Henry

3 Lucina

4 Cynthia

5 Severa

6 Inigo

7 Laurent

8 Brady

9 Owain

10 Morgan

11 Noire

12 Gerome

13 Yarne

14 Olivia

15 Cordelia

16 Chrom

17 Sumia

18 Frederick

19 Donnel

20 Miriel

21 Lon'qu

22 Vaike

23 Virion

24 Libra

25 Cherche

26 Gaius

27 Gangrel

28 Stahl

29 Emmeryn

30 Yen'fey

31 Panne

32 Tiki

33 Kellam

34 Anna

35 Aversa

36 Say'ri

37 Lissa

38 Gregor

39 Sully

40 Basilio

40 Flavia

40 Kjelle

43 Tharja

43 Nah

43 Walhart

43 Priam

47 Maribelle

47 Nowi

Seems legit, though I wouldn't have ranked ALL the children before Olivia, Sumia, or Chrom.

Edited by Faye
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Tharja and Severa seem to be the most polarized characters, based on most lists.

I'm seeing a lot of discrepancy on Say'ri, as well. usually she's either between 5 and 15 or 35-45.

...Folks saying this is "surprisingly accurate": it's kind of based on exactly what you inputted, so I hope it's accurate. I don't know exactly what sorting algorithm it's using but telling it that you like character X more than character Y generally means character X will wind up above character Y.

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Nah, what people mean when they say that is they just inputted something really fast without thinking too much about it and later found out - after looking at the list and dwelling on it - that it's surprisingl accurate. If I was serious (put more thought) about my list, it would look different as well, but not too much.

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...Folks saying this is "surprisingly accurate": it's kind of based on exactly what you inputted, so I hope it's accurate. I don't know exactly what sorting algorithm it's using but telling it that you like character X more than character Y generally means character X will wind up above character Y.

My reason for it being "surprising" is because I entered quite a few "Tie/Don't Care" - even when told not to, because I honestly didn't care - although if I had given it some more thought, I'd probably find out who I preferred over the other.

The surprise-factor to me was that the sorter (based on what I entered) still ranked my characters based on my preference on one or the other over another - and that this surprised me that it was capable of such. In the sense that it sorted out my "Tie/Don't Care's" for me surprisingly well. This was only limited to the top and bottom ranks however, as the mid-rank was just a big puddle of don't care's.

Basically what Knusperkeks said, but yeah.

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I'm seeing a lot of discrepancy on Say'ri, as well. usually she's either between 5 and 15 or 35-45.

She's #1 on mine! Probably the only one with that :P

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1 Lucina
2 Cherche
2 Tiki
4 Vaike
4 Sumia
6 Morgan
7 Stahl
8 Chrom
9 Sully
10 Basilio
10 Inigo
12 Gaius
12 Cordelia
14 Libra
14 Olivia
16 Anna
17 Henry
18 Cynthia
18 Priam
20 Walhart
21 Laurent
22 Frederick
22 Virion
22 Panne
22 Gregor
22 Say'ri
27 Flavia
27 Emmeryn
29 Lon'qu
29 Ricken
29 Maribelle
29 Nowi
33 Miriel
33 Kellam
33 Donnel
36 Lissa
36 Owain
36 Brady
36 Kjelle
36 Severa
36 Yarne
36 Noire
36 Yen'fey
36 Aversa
45 Gerome
45 Nah
45 Gangrel
48 Tharja

pretty accurate

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Tharja and Severa seem to be the most polarized characters, based on most lists.

Well, one of them is a tsundere and the other is an abusive woman. Love 'em or hate 'em. I'll take the tsundere over Tharja any day of the weak, personally.

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1 Morgan

2 Virion 2 Stahl

4 Lissa 4 Donnel

6 Sumia 6 Kellam

8 Gaius

9 Maribelle

10 Cynthia

11 Noire

12 Lucina 12 Owain

14 Inigo 14 Brady 14 Kjelle

17 Vaike

18 Libra

19 Anna 19 Olivia

21 Severa

22 Cherche

23 Gerome

24 Yen'fey

25 Panne

25 Nah

27 Chrom

28 Lon'qu

29 Yarne

30 Basilio

31 Say'ri

32 Flavia

33 Cordelia

34 Gregor

35 Walhart

35 Priam

37 Henry

38 Sully

39 Frederick

40 Emmeryn 40 Gangrel 40 Aversa

43 Nowi 43 Tharja 43 Tiki

46 Ricken

47 Miriel

48 Laurent

Seems about right, but Gregor seems a bit low.

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