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The Ultimate Fire Emblem Camus Archetype! (starts at post #4100)


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Even though, after Ch 3, he struggles to find his own path while fate's scheming to betray him?

If ya ask me, him being rather forgettable other than getting killed means he just doesn't even remotely make any impression on me.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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I personally feel that Sigurd is more bro than Celice, because he has to struggle to try to regain his countryland's trust, while looking after his son and looking for his wife. Then his wife remarries. It's sad. Celice on the other hand has Levin to help him out, and has only one goal in his mind: freeing the continent an avenging his father. Revenge ain't good.

Don't get me wrong, I like Celice, I just don't like his haircut.

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@momogeek2141: That's pretty much what I meant by saying "Sigurd's struggling to find his own path while fate's scheming to betray him." Plus, he does have some humanizing moments. Particularly in looking after the Prince of a country Granvale is at war with, and avoiding blooshed from the Princess of said country. And in regards to Deirdre, I could imagine a guy acting like he did when he first meets her. Granted, it might not be much. But it's there.

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I dunno if the objections were considered, I'll just assume so since no one's said otherwise...? So my votes for the day...

EDIT: Ninja'd. But still unsure if the objections were considered. Need some word from the rule makers here...

Celica 11
Sigurd 17
Celice 16
Leaf 16
Lyn 5
Eliwood 4
Ephraim 16

Elincia 8

Micaiah 8

Edited by Fire Emblem Fan
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I dunno if the objections were considered, I'll just assume so since no one's said otherwise...? So my votes for the day...

EDIT: Ninja'd. But still unsure if the objections were considered. Need some word from the rule makers here...

Celica 11

Sigurd 17

Celice 16

Leaf 16

Lyn 3

Eliwood 4

Ephraim 16

Elincia 8

Micaiah 8

OH and stop saying you are everyone you are the only one who actually objected but because you are a baby Im posting a new one now so ignore my old one

Lyn still had 2 votes dummy so corrected (learn to fucking read)

Now here is mine again (for today because you ignored mine yesterday for this day so I have to wake up in 10 AM to do this)

Celica 11 (My goal is for you to win)

Sigurd 17

Celice 17

Leaf 17

Lyn 1(You just made me want to kill my least favorite lord more)

Eliwood 4

Ephraim 16

Elincia 8

Micaiah 6 (sorry but I Really want to kick the mediocre lords when they are down Elincias next then its elisedd)

Edit:and stop saying buzzards as an excuse people downvoted ephraim and levant down voted sigurd many times I dont see there is a bang wagon for them to be destroyed

Edited by Moishe Oofnik
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Celica 11

Sigurd 15

Celice 18

Leaf 18

Lyn 0

Eliwood 4

Ephraim 15

Elincia 5

Micaiah 5

Edited by Sophie
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dummy so corrected (learn to fucking read)

That was highly uncalled for, as was the rest of your post. I wasn't being a baby, I was just trying to give a fair game. I never said anyone else objected either, I objected multiple times, hence "objections" (plural) used in my post, rather than "objection" (singular).

Thanks for being a arsehole and making me feel like crap. Screw you, I'm gone. Have fun with the rest of the contest, jerkwad.

Edited for foul language...

Edited by Fire Emblem Fan
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I was at least hoping some of the most deserving would last longer than they did.

Celicia 7

Sigurd 14

Celice 19

Leaf 16

Eliwood 2

Ephraim 15

Elincia 3

Michiah 7

Tbf, All the FE13 lords died pretty quick, and she lasted longest of the three of them


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I was at least hoping some of the most deserving would last longer than they did.

Celicia 7

Sigurd 14

Celice 19

Leaf 16

Eliwood 2

Ephraim 15

Elincia 3

Michiah 7

But Sigurd and Celice are still there.

Celicia 5

Sigurd 14

Celice 19

Leaf 16

Eliwood 3

Ephraim 13

Elincia 4

Michiah 7

Edited by Zasplach
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Okay. So. After cooling down a bit, I would like to make an apology. I had no ill-intent and I did not mean for my actions to cause any kind of disagreement or argument. I am sorry if I caused things to become uncomfortable. This is just a game, it's supposed to be fun, so I'm not going to let one very rude person upset me nor am I going to complain about the outcome of the game. So if you would let me, I would like to continue voting.

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I don't know how the arguments started, but it's dumb. It's a game about a game, for gods sake. Let the deserving winners lose, let the buzzards be buzzards, and don't smack talk anyone. Take it with a pinch of salt. Whoever wins isn't going to affect the lord and DLC of the next FE game. Everyone has opinions. Also, I'm pretty sure you can vote considering you quit, so yeah.

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It wasn't my target to start any quarrels (including insults) with this game.

Some people still don't understand it's just a game!

Everyone has its own opinions and everyone should respect and accept them!

Celica 6

Sigurd 14

Celice 19

Leaf 16

Eliwood 1

Ephraim 13

Elincia 2

Michiah 8

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Also, I'm pretty sure you can vote considering you quit, so yeah.

I don't...quite understand this part. Are you saying I can vote or can't? I apologize for any misunderstanding.

If I can vote, then:

Celica 4

Sigurd 14

Celice 19

Leaf 16

Eliwood 2

Ephraim 14

Elincia 2

Michiah 6

If can't vote, then disregard this.

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