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The Ultimate Fire Emblem Camus Archetype! (starts at post #4100)


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About time is all I can say.

How to not make friends

Al I'm sorry, just stop talking. It doesn't end well for my opinion of you :/

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Al, fucking seriously?

If you're going to tell me "don't take your posts seriously" then stop fucking acting like a douchebag.

Zephiel 17
Hardin 11
Idoun 6

I wasn't going to vote anymore, but here's one for you.

Also I think Idoun is an awful villain, so there you go.

Idoun doesn't deserve to win, so I might as well help contribute.

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Also I think Idoun is an awful villain, so there you go.

Oh come on, now. She gets reduced to being nothing but an empty shell simply because she didn't want to fight a war she didn't believe in. She was fortunate enough to have Hartmut spare her life. And she can get the ending she deserves if Roy KOs her with the Binding Blade. I don't see how that equates to her being an "awful" villain.
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If she had more actual like, lines and more backstory I could maybe agree. But she feels forced as a villian.

Also neither who I think should win nor you "deserves to win" the one who deserves to win is the one who gets voted for most.

Just because you think someone "doesn't deserve to win" means nothing. And same goes for me for that reason.

So please, get over yourself. It's irritating seeing you shit talk characters for little to no reason and it doesn't make me think more of you as a person :/

I wasn't going to say shit about Idoun until you started being a douche for no reason.

Just vote for who you like and shut up.

It's what I did, I'm not upset that Julius lost even though he's my favorite.

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Zephiel's a Lunatic. Why give the world back to the dragons when they would have made the same mistakes the humans did?

In either case, people have opinions, I think some people's opinions are stupid, but it's not my right to change them. At least not in a damn game for entertainment! STAHP!

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