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The Ultimate Fire Emblem Camus Archetype! (starts at post #4100)


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Caeda 10

Palla 10

Catria 10

Est 10

Claire 10

Fury 10

Fee 10

Karin 10

Misha 10

Shanna 10

Tate 10

Yuno 10

Florina 10

Fiora 10

Farina 10

Vanessa 10

Tana 10

Syrene 10

Marcia 10

Tanith 10

Elincia 10

Sigrun 10

Sumia 10

Cordelia 10

Cynthia 10

Aversa 10

Let's go with this?

My votes, for starters...

Caeda 10

Palla 10

Catria 10

Est 10

Claire 10

Fury 10

Fee 10

Karin 10

Misha 10

Shanna 11

Tate 10

Yuno 10

Florina 10

Fiora 10

Farina 10

Vanessa 10

Tana 10

Syrene 10

Marcia 10

Tanith 10

Elincia 10

Sigrun 8

Sumia 10

Cordelia 10

Cynthia 11

Aversa 8

Edited by Glaceon Goddess
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Again. Seeing as this is a new thing...

Caeda 11

Palla 10

Catria 10

Est 10

Claire 8

Fury 10

Fee 10

Karin 10

Misha 8

Shanna 11

Tate 10

Yuno 10

Florina 9

Fiora 10

Farina 9

Vanessa 10

Tana 10

Syrene 10

Marcia 10

Tanith 10

Elincia 11

Sigrun 8

Sumia 10

Cordelia 10

Cynthia 11

Aversa 8

Edited by Just call me AL
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Caeda 11
Palla 11
Catria 10
Est 11
Claire 8
Fury 10
Fee 10
Karin 10
Misha 8
Shanna 11
Tate 10
Yuno 10
Florina 9
Fiora 10
Farina 9
Vanessa 8
Tana 10
Syrene 8
Marcia 10
Tanith 10
Elincia 11
Sigrun 8
Sumia 10
Cordelia 10
Cynthia 11
Aversa 8

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I shall change the title... soon

Caeda 12
Palla 11
Catria 11
Est 11
Claire 8
Fury 10
Fee 10
Karin 10
Misha 8
Shanna 9
Tate 10
Yuno 10
Florina 9
Fiora 10
Farina 9
Vanessa 8
Tana 10
Syrene 8
Marcia 10
Tanith 10
Elincia 11
Sigrun 8
Sumia 10
Cordelia 10
Cynthia 9
Aversa 8

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Caeda 12
Palla 11
Catria 11
Est 9
Claire 8
Fury 10
Fee 10
Karin 10
Misha 8
Shanna 9
Tate 10
Yuno 8
Florina 9
Fiora 10
Farina 9
Vanessa 8
Tana 11
Syrene 8
Marcia 12
Tanith 10
Elincia 11
Sigrun 8
Sumia 10
Cordelia 10
Cynthia 8
Aversa 6

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Caeda 12
Palla 11
Catria 11

Est 7
Claire 6
Fury 10
Fee 10
Karin 10
Misha 6
Shanna 9
Tate 10

Yuno 6
Florina 10
Fiora 10
Farina 10
Vanessa 8

Tana 11
Syrene 8

Marcia 13
Tanith 10
Elincia 11
Sigrun 8
Sumia 10
Cordelia 10

Cynthia 9

Aversa 6

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Caeda 12
Palla 9
Catria 11

Est 7
Claire 6
Fury 11
Fee 10
Karin 10
Misha 6
Shanna 9
Tate 10

Yuno 6
Florina 10
Fiora 10
Farina 10
Vanessa 8

Tana 11
Syrene 8

Marcia 13
Tanith 8
Elincia 11
Sigrun 8
Sumia 10
Cordelia 10

Cynthia 10

Aversa 6

Edited by Zasplach
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Caeda 12

Palla 9

Catria 11

Est 7

Claire 6

Fury 11

Fee 10

Karin 10

Misha 6

Shanna 10

Tate 10

Yuno 6

Florina 10

Fiora 10

Farina 10

Vanessa 8

Tana 11

Syrene 8

Marcia 13

Tanith 8

Elincia 11

Sigrun 6

Sumia 10

Cordelia 10

Cynthia 11

Aversa 4

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Caeda 13
Palla 9
Catria 12
Est 7
Claire 6
Fury 11
Fee 10
Karin 10
Misha 6
Shanna 10
Tate 10
Yuno 6
Florina 8
Fiora 10
Farina 10
Vanessa 8
Tana 11
Syrene 8
Marcia 13
Tanith 8
Elincia 11
Sigrun 6
Sumia 10
Cordelia 10
Cynthia 9
Aversa 4

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Sigrun has more haters than Cynthia - WTF?!

Well her growths might suck, but COME ON!!!

She has at least personality and appeal unlike the dumb baby girl.

Cynthia's one of the few FE13 characters I like.

Sigrun bores me.

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Sigrun has more haters than Cynthia - WTF?!

Well her growths might suck, but COME ON!!!

She has at least personality and appeal unlike the dumb baby girl.

Ehhh, personally, I'd say that Cynthia DOES have appeal, which is more than can be said for a certain brown haired pegasus knight from the Tellius saga... That said, I don't have anything against Sigrun.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Caeda 14

Palla 10

Catria 12

Est 7

Claire 6

Fury 12

Fee 10

Karin 10

Misha 6

Shanna 10

Tate 10

Yuno 6

Florina 6

Fiora 10

Farina 8

Vanessa 8

Tana 11

Syrene 8

Marcia 13

Tanith 8

Elincia 12

Sigrun 6

Sumia 10

Cordelia 10

Cynthia 9

Aversa 4

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Caeda 15

Palla 10

Catria 12

Est 7

Claire 4

Fury 12

Fee 10

Karin 10

Misha 6

Shanna 10

Tate 10

Yuno 6

Florina 6

Fiora 10

Farina 8

Vanessa 8

Tana 11

Syrene 8

Marcia 13

Tanith 8

Elincia 13

Sigrun 6

Sumia 10

Cordelia 10

Cynthia 9

Aversa 2

Edited by MJThom_2009
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