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The Ultimate Fire Emblem Camus Archetype! (starts at post #4100)


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There were several people supporting him until we got to top 5. Filthy traitors.

Nope. Several other characters are more generic. Such as Haar and Titania, like I said in the cavalier round.

Seth is generic, out of all the SS characters he's praised a good deal. However, out of all the Jagen-type characters, he's the one I like best for multiple reasons:

1. Design. His design is pretty kicka$$.

2. Personality. Many of the Jagen's share the same basic personality, but I like Seth's actions in the main story (like noticing Orson still has his sword), and several of his supports.

3. Unit. Unlike pretty much every other character in the series...he can solo his ENTIRE game. Even if SS is considered easy, that's highly impressive.

As for the rest.

Jagen: He started it all, can't say he "shares" a personality with anyone since he's the original. Cool design, but as a unit he's outclassed.

Oifey: Good unit, but not the best, despite mounted units being great in Genealogy. Cool design, cool mustache.

Eyvel and Dagda: FE 1, 2, 3, and 5 are the only ones I have no experience with, no opinion on them.

Marcus: Depends on his game. In 6, he's outclassed by Allen, Lance, Perceval, etc. In 7, he's much better, but still outclassed. His personality is okay, but there are instances where he seems like a jerk (supports with Lowen, for instance). His design is cool, but not the best. On par with Oifey's, I'd say.

Titania: Along with Seth, a generic choice (because seriously all the praise I see for everything Tellius has become just sickening). Pretty cool design, but she always looks so...sleepy, I guess? Basic Jagen-type personality, nothing special. Can be a good unit, but like 7/Marcus there are better units to use.

Sothe: What. The. Flip. Get out, Sothe!

Voted for Seth because favorite, Marcus because eh why not. Voted down Sothe because GET THE FLIP OUT! Voted down Titania basically just to keep it even.

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Oh. Frederick and Arran. Whoops. About them...

Arran is a bad unit with basically no personality and a so-so design.

Frederick's fine. *Shrugs* I'm pretty neutral on him. I feel like he should have lasted longer, and Sothe should have been one of the first ones voted out along with Arran.

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I don't think Tellius is as overhyped as you think it is... I mean, I like it, but it's not as popular as the GBA series, and probably wouldn't be as popular as it is right now if Ike wasn't in Smash.

Titania harbors the same feelings for Greil that Seth has for Eirika. You could down vote her but I'd rather Titania last longer than someone like Sothe.

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Yeees it is...Tellius is incredibly overhyped...it's definitely more popular than the GBA-era. 90% of what I hear about the GBA-era is "7 is overrated" "8 is too easy" "6 sucks and is a rehash of 1/3." But Tellius? "OMG Tellius yay marry me Ike *Swoon* Haar best unit OMG Titania best Jagen tee-hee Greil mercenaries amazingness"


To be honest, I'd be voting against Sothe right now if Seth had more points and Titania wasn't so far ahead of everyone.

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False. It's everywhere.

Yeah, no.

On Gamefaqs, the Tellius games get a good chunk of criticism. Especially from Endgame. Some people still like it, but it isn't blind love, for the most part.

As for me, I'm on chapter 10 and I have to say it is enjoyable enough, but not my favorite.

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Not my fault you blind yourself to it.

I could walk you through my entire voting process like I did here with the Jagens, but it'd take way too long. I'm fully aware of the genericness of Canas, however it's nothing when compared to other generic characters like Haar.

Edit because slow internet: "On GF." <---yeah we're not on GFs, I speak from observations within the SF community.

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You're finally playing Tellius?!

Yes. I git gud and started.

PoR or RD? I sincerely hope you started with FE9.

I'm not that stupid. I started with FE:9 of course.

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Logged off, shut computer down. Then got on mobile, too much trouble for further editing. Hate mobile.

Just note. I do like Tellius, just not as much as other FE. Speakings of overhype come from observations on SF and Smash Bros. community, and personal Facebook you shall never see. I stay away from GF and others like it, layout confuses me, already have reading issues.

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