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Help Choosing Skills


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I've just gotten the DLC for this game, and as a celebration I'm finally getting around to recruiting all of the children. I've already chosen the parents and final classes based on non-optimal personal preferences, so all I need is advice on which skills to use in each case. Question marks represent slots I don't know what to fill with. I also try to play without Pair-Up so please take that into consideration. Thanks in advance from a filthy casual!

Sumia!Lucina: Great Lord

  1. Aether
  2. Galeforce
  3. Limit Breaker
  4. Rightful King
  5. Aegis

Chrom!Cynthia: Falcon Knight

  1. Aether
  2. Galeforce
  3. Lancefaire
  4. Iote's Shield
  5. Limit Breaker

Stahl!Kjelle: General

  1. Aegis
  2. Dual Guard+
  3. Luna
  4. Limit Breaker
  5. ?

Gregor!Severa: Hero

  1. Galeforce
  2. Swordfaire
  3. Armsthrift
  4. Sol
  5. Limit Breaker

Gaius!Noire: Sniper

  1. Bowfaire
  2. Luna
  3. Galeforce
  4. Lifetaker
  5. Limit Breaker

Donnel!Nah: Manakete (although alternative class suggestions would be nice)

  1. Lifetaker/Renewal/Sol
  2. Galeforce
  3. Dual-Support+
  4. Armsthrift
  5. Limit Breaker

Lucina!Morgan: Grandmaster

  1. Aether
  2. Ignis
  3. Galeforce
  4. Limit Breaker
  5. Armsthrift

Vaike!Owain: Swordmaster

  1. Galeforce
  2. Swordfaire
  3. Limit Breaker
  4. Aggressor
  5. Sol

Lon'qu!Inigo: Hero

  1. Galeforce
  2. Swordfaire
  3. Limit Breaker
  4. Sol
  5. Aggressor

Ricken!Brady: Sage

  1. Galeforce/Dual Support+
  2. Tomefaire
  3. Renewal/Lifetaker
  4. Limit Breaker
  5. Luna

Virion!Gerome: Wyvern Lord

  1. Dual Support+
  2. Renewal/Lifetaker
  3. Hit Rate +20
  4. Bowbreaker
  5. Limit Breaker

Henry!Laurent: Sage

  1. Dual Support +
  2. Lifetaker
  3. Tomefaire
  4. Limit Breaker
  5. ?

Frederick!Yarne: Taguel (same as Nah)

  1. Beastbane
  2. Aggressor
  3. Resistance +10
  4. Limit Breaker
  5. ?
Edited by KMT4ever
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I'm noticing a suspicious lack of LB for a DLC team. You'll want/need that on all units.

Who's Kjelle's father?

A good alternate class for Donnel!Nah would be Valkyrie.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Oops. I forgot about Limit Breaker. Thanks for reminding me of that. Is it especially needed for the Challenge Pack and Future Past or just Apotheosis?

Edited. Stahl. Red and Green for the win.


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Eww, that Severa haha

Run this:

-Limit Breaker
You shouldn't be using two faire skills ever. Use the one that corresponds to the weapon she's using (Axefaire for Helswath, Swordfaire for Ragnell).
Use that free skill slot to run Armsthrift, so you can give her said Legendary weapons without worrying about expending weapon uses.
Both of the legendary weapons are good for her since they offer ranged attacks and retaliation to enemy tomes/bows.
Sol is better than both of the healing skills you listed, as it offers recovery during the enemy phase henceforth increasing your units survivability.
Edited by lpmeteora27
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You shouldn't be using two faire skills ever. Use the one that corresponds to the weapon she's using (Axefaire for Helswath, Swordfaire for Ragnell).

Use that free skill slot to run Armsthrift, so you can give her said Legendary weapons without worrying about expending weapon uses.
Both of the legendary weapons are good for her since they offer ranged attacks and retaliation to enemy tomes/bows.
Sol is better than both of the healing skills you listed, as it offers recovery during the enemy phase henceforth increasing your units survivability.

Thanks for the advice.

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Give Morgan Lancebreaker for Apotheosis or Pavise. I also don't think there's any need for two activation skills, although I could be wrong. For non dragonskin enemies having passed down counter to female Morgan would have been a nice touch.

Vantage is a good skill.

Edited by Rabbattack
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Two procs at 80 Skl lowers your chances of getting nothing from 20% to 4%. That's really good and a lot better than Pavise or Lancebreaker will do you.

Vantage is not safe without a lot of prior calcs. Do't use it without a very specific reason.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aether's proc rate isn't the most reliable out of all the skills. Switch it up with either Luna or Sol depending who can get what and what role you'd want them to play. For example, you'd use Luna if the unit was one of the ones you send to mow down the enemy or instead use Sol for a less risky playstyle with more survivability.

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