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What's The Oldest Console You Can Play Yet Still Enjoy?


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What's the oldest console you can play yet still enjoy?

For me, that'd be the NES since the controls are still solid enough and the graphics/music are still easy enough to make out. A good chunk of NES games also aren't too repetitive and have a good amount of levels/content. I've tried playing Atari 2600 games, but I find the graphics/sound too cryptic and chunky and the controls aren't reactive enough for me. (no offense to people that do enjoy Atari 2600 games. I just personally couldn't get into them despite trying them with an open mind.)

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Probably the GameCube, because that actually is the oldest console I've played on!

It was what brought me into video games. I always have a blast with Mario Party 7 and Mario Kart: Double Dash!! These two games were the first two I've ever played, and where my love for Toadette came from. It's also how I became interested in Smash. In Melee, Kirby was my "main" though at age 6, so I never really tried. Peach was the starting point from when I actually wanted to win, and that's also why she continues to be my main today!

But besides that, next would probably be the Wii. I didn't really like the DS. So, there'd be an awkward gap for 7 years between GameCube and Wii.

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I would say SNES. It's the oldest console I have. My family apparently used to have the NES but gave it away.

The SNES has the core buttons of the modern game consoles (shoulders, four main buttons, start, select, directional pad), and it's that point where I think the graphics got really gorgeous and discernible to look at, as well as having some good and distinct music. I only have a small collection of SNES games since I was born around the time the console came out, but main games I look at for SNES are the Donkey Kong Country games. Tight controls, great music, and pleasing to the eye. I'm not a big fan of platformer games but I really enjoy the Donkey Kong Country games, and I think that helped me like the SNES as a console.

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That I actually own: GameBoy Advance (although technically I have a SNES, but no physical games for it except two)

That I can play digitally: NES

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I played Yar's revenge on the atari once (moma had a vidio game exibit last summer), and that was pretty fun. Honestly, a well designed game can be fun regardless of graphics and lack of complexity.

Edited by sirmola
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Keep in mind, you don't have to post the oldest console you own. If you're able to enjoy game consoles that are older than the game consoles you personally own, feel free to post them.

Probably the GameCube, because that actually is the oldest console I've played on!

Since your personal oldest console you listed is the newest that was posted in this thread, you got me curious, what do you think of NES and SNES games from what you've seen in videos? Do you think you'd be able to play and enjoy them despite being kind of low-tech?

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NES, because FE Gaiden is the shit and FE1 amuses me endlessly. Haven't played any other NES games because I'm not sure what I could handle on my laptop in terms of controls.

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Keep in mind, you don't have to post the oldest console you own. If you're able to enjoy game consoles that are older than the game consoles you personally own, feel free to post them.

In that case, I'd be fine with playing NES games as well.

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Keep in mind, you don't have to post the oldest console you own. If you're able to enjoy game consoles that are older than the game consoles you personally own, feel free to post them.

In that case, I may be able to get as far as NES. I do have some experience with it. I didn't include it because it wouldn't be a physical console.

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I can very easily enjoy SNES games, and NES games as a whole aren't terrible. Many NES games are a little too brutal and archaic (not to mention unintuitive) for my tastes, but I still enjoy a good handful that I have played, especially the original Super Mario Bros. I don't think I'll ever stop loving SMB. The game is a masterpiece. But the original Zelda and Metroid are not really my cup of tea. I've made decent headway in both, but eventually gave up due to being lost or getting killed by aggravating enemies one too many times (sure Zelda, just make me start the dungeon over with 3 hearts, because I do so well with 8 hearts...). Old-school adventure games are extremely demanding. They're not broken by any means, and I know some people love them, but meh. Not my thing.

My parents had an NES when I was very little, so that was my first experience with video games, but I was too young to play many of the more complicated games like Zelda. So most of my time with those retro games has been through ports/remakes.

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NES. My actual NES died a while ago, but i got one of those FC Console things. So i use my old games and controllers on that. Its good times. Actual oldest console still functioning is SNES.

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NES. Since RPGs and strategy games are the two genres I primarily play, it's the earliest platform to find quality titles for them (wrt consoles, at least). The age of the system isn't really a significant factor in my books, seeing as I had more trouble getting into the N64 - the lacklustre library of appealing games is an effective repellent.

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SNES and Sega Genesis for most games, but NES for a few games such as SMB 1 & 3, Megaman 2 & 3, as well as the original Legend of Zelda. From the Sega Genesis I still play Gunstar Heroes and Sonic The Hedgehog 1-3, and for SNES (which I don't own in real life), Super Mario World, Mega Man X, FE4, and a bunch of others I can't recall right now.

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