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The ROLLING REQUEST THREAD(Currently doing: A Hiatus)


What hack/s would you like me to play soon?  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. Here are the choices:

    • Decay of the Fangs(mediocre)
    • League of ASDF(pretty good)
    • Yuri's Sidestory(okay I guess)
    • Shattered Realms(good)
    • Exalted Legacy(no idea)
    • Shatterlight(excellent)

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Yeah, defense missions have always been my favorite type of mission in FE, which is why I was interested in this in the first case.

Personally, my favorite FE mission is the Rausten defense from FE8, especially on hard mode... tons of high-powered generics charging at you, and you had to hold them off...

Time to defend in...

mine will forever be FE7 chapter 22, defending nils, I remember the first time I played that and how amazing it made me feel to defend in that chapter. Each time I played it, I got better and better to the point I killed everyone. Every. single. one.

Ragefest Defense: Part 1: The Assault Commences


What? All I did was move a cavalier up!

HAHAHAHAHA, GOT YA! Designed that if you try to turtle immediately in that room, you get annoying npc's.

This was incredibly stupid. Should have a better warning then expecting the player to be ok with a little trial and error. at least the player could use it to their advantage in their 2nd playthrough.


Markyjoe: Just… stay in the room ok.

cause of marks hatred of lyn, I forced him to marry a lyn clone. yeah not sure why the hate on lyn

to this day I will never understand the lyn/eilwood haters. they are no hector but honestly, who could ever hope to be.


Her guards have popped up at all the staircases! Now they'll charge and help me out... right?

you summoned them literally on the first turn so no. they are there to block your reinforcements. if you activated the trap after the last wave of reinforcements you get, they become insanely helpful as bait.


The thing about, ah, Katelyn, is that we can't view her stats, but she seems really weak and sucky. All I can say is, I hope she doesn't cause a Game Over if she dies, because rescuing her would gimp Marky's combat potential!

yep, compliments of the natile class. instant gameover if she dies, you have great instincts for not leaving her on the fire tile lol.


The guards are all impossibly crappy, but maybe they can still help!

purely bait for the wandering dragon


Dragon guy: Time to burn them all crispy, and well done. Breath the fire on them one. By. One.

...He's gonna come murder everyone, isn't he? Please, please let there be some actual way to handle this.

I found it hilarious you never found out what that was.


This guard drops right away. Seems kind of pointless for him to even be there.

oh but there IS point, its to show the player that the npc's are blocking your reinforcement spawns.


These assassins are weak, Geitz can stomp them!

until they pop off silencer (had that happen to my healer in my test play throughs)


Is this the "vulnarary factory"?

it is, 300g for infinate vulneraries


Apparently, yes! But... we have no money...

the npc's were blocking your source of income too xD

also the light rune is your best counter to the fire dragon, lure it to you then set that down so when it turned green, he would rekt the pile of red around it.


Wait... what?

Okay, here's the thing. This dragon is some sort of weird pseudo-neutral. Basically, every 2 turns, he shifts between red(coming after us) and green(coming after the enemies). I'm not sure whether he's a blessing or a curse.

yep, also to prevent the player from turtling and reaching enemy cap to block off all spawns. the dragon was to help curb those numbers.

oh past me, if only you wasn't in such a rush to get this thing done, you would have caught the game breaking flaws to this plan.


Suddenly, TONS of dudes spawn! In fact, it's pretty much just a copy-paste of the reinforcements that came at the start!

pretty much, again I thought this was fine at the time but I have learned so much since then.


On enemy phase, because what OTHER phase would anyone ever come on?

hey you are on a big ass map, surprise spawning with all this space is allowed



The Dragon's normal effects are all glitchy when he's green...

he also has nos effect to make sure he never dies.



and after he clears up your mess, he forges on


Uh oh... the assault is increasing in intensity on the left-side, and we only have 4 units to handle it, TWO of which are healers! Geitz is elsewhere, so it's up to Raven to stop them, except he's not one of the "good" units so he's absolutely screwed!

such boldness putting him in that spot



such abuse of the class you won't get extras for.





He's doomed. No way for the Guards to deal with 2-rangers.

you really should have been rooting for the druid here lol






(Unfortunately they have pathetic MAG so everyone needs to be near them for it to work)

only her and serra do, sonia and ursla could cover entire rooms.

Yeah, I'm still not done recording so it's fine if you want to wait on commentary... Also, I felt kind of guilty about not showing my viewers all the text, so now I don't have to anymore!

Time to defend in...

Ragefest Defense: Part 2: The Dragon Screws Moniker's Life


Light Brand hero DEAD! Seriously, these guys are extremely annoying, since they're strong against literally every unit I have... nobody has good resistance, and yet there are so many magic enemies! Come ON!

counter to jaigen

should have made some of your units have better res.


Are the reinforcements seriously just going to be the same thing over and over? In a 50-turn mission?

yep :D

stupid motherfucker....


WELP. Of all the ways to kill him, this has to be the cruelest...



Dragon... PLEASE get back!


New dude, and he has MONEY! At this rate though, I'm not sure if we're even going to keep a hold on the shop area!

you would have been rich by now.


Wait... wait wait wait... wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait... The armor knight on the stairs died... and one of our guys spawned there... implying that... the armor knights were stopping friendlies from coming in... and I could have 4 times as many blue troops right now...


But seriously... what the heck!? Did you KNOW about this, Mr. Night!? Was it a mistake, or INTENTIONAL MURDEROUS CRUELTY!?!?!

intended LOL



Stupid healers... since they weren't offensive, I didn't prioritize them, and now they're all clustered and hard to kill!

their sole job is to be annoying and heal people.

should have spawned them WAY less.


Well, the knights are finally being killed, but it's not really helping. You see, in order to remove the knights, it requires that an enemy actually makes it to their position, so when the blue troops come from the cleared stairs, they're all alone and can't really help.

Still, better than just having those greenies plop their butt down and do nothing.

some of the blue units can literally clear most of them single handly.

You missed jaffar and louise, they were hawkeye tier and mercs

Here is jaffar and vaida's stats, don't have a sav file with louise but she is close to those stats.



Sorry Cana,as I know this was your only combat shot, but it's the Dragon's fault! How are we supposed to handle this guy? He just waltzes right in and starts killing stuff! What if he makes it to Markyjoe's position? There's no way to keep this guy back!

with light runes and/or bait

Should have saved some of those super weak units for this purpose alone lol


Hey! This isn't a pillar! This is a Wall! What do you have against defensive terrain, Mr. Night?

by the time I realized that, I was past the point of fixing little shit like that.


Ah, what the heck!? What's WITH these Longbow guys?

counter to jaigen, should have labeled them luna bows and made it only 2 range



So... that thief randomly appeared on Enemy Phase... and stole our only chance at getting money.



Screw you, buddy! Making my time with this hack EVEN HARDER!

hey you were warned

because they are so speedy, I made it so you could trap them on the fire tile and kill them off provided the units you block him with has nothing to steal.


Grrr! GRRR! This hack IS Rage-tastic, all right!



Okay, the right side's regrouped, but will it even last? Maybe I should just make them retreat and try to help the Left Side... leave it all to the Dragon and the stair reinforcements...

Oh I KNOW you are doomed. You did not take advantage of the shops as soon as you could.

NEXT TIME: Getting pushed to the limit!

Edited by MrNight48
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Ragefest defense mission: Part 3: Generic Snuff Film

Best title ever


Farina doesn't... dangit!

by 2 damage?! really?


The stupid trap even activates six more times afterwards! It can presumably kill anything with 60 or less HP...

so you can't just block the thieves/katelyn from spawning directly.


Trick question, it's actually REBECCA, apparently! Is she some kind of Est?

probably, some of them probably have insane growths


How are we even supposed to handle this!? If the Dragon was on this side, maybe things would be different, but he's not!

with proper light rune placement, the npc dragon would go straight for them.


Ugh... I don't think keeping the shops available is feasible or necessary anymore.

Bear Gryls: Securing your source of light runes/ vulneraries is vital if you want to survive


Hah! Jokes on you, game! Louise isn't on the map because she was blocked by a greenie! Take THAT!

if she was, you would have been crying



you should have done that so many turns ago xD


It doesn't look like I'll be able to stop the enemies from reaching Katelyn... here's to hoping she can take a round.


She does, but she can't take another. I'll have to rescue her, because I don't know whether or not she gives a Game Over.

I am surprised that worked


Bye Nils... you slowed the enemies down ever so slightly, and didn't even have a death quote... yeah, not that important.



NOOO! JAGEN! You were the ONLY THING keeping me from losing the left side completely and letting the enemies into the throne room!




All the (remaining) generics chime in to commemorate the death of this great man!



(Screw you, buddy! This is serious!)





this joke speaks for itself

so glad people got to see it, I thought I would have to reuse that joke in another hack.


The healers are walling the "Left Army of Destruction" off, since they're pretty much all I have left... Looks like I have no choice.

It's time for this desperate last stand to enter it's final stages... maybe, just maybe, something will come save us?

Find out NEXT TIME!

so so doomed.

Requiem is a 26-chapter hack, at least! This thread would be frozen for MONTHS!

Of course I would! In fact, I might even just sort of assume everyone wants to see it, and let it skip the normal voting process!

Time to defend in...

Ragefest Defense Mission: Part 4: Everything Falls Apart


And DOUBLED him!? Granted, he's carrying Katelyn, but still... at least he seems to be doing okay for himself!

yeah I did test to see if he can fight while rescuing so he can hold his own for awhile.


(Still not Harken! Just... someone who was arguably better... and really useful...)

that quote is a inside joke between me and my buddy, we was playing survival mode in mw3 and he runs off trying to be rambo only for a juggernaut to shoot his ass down. He then screamed "HELP ME! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" in, I shit you not, the mickey mouse voice and we died because I was too busy laughing. I put that joke in because he was suppose to be one of the play test it but he never did because he barely knows what fire emblem is. To my horror most of my friends outside of internet don't :/


(Why does he suddenly have a portrait?)

damn forgot one


Yay! Sonia survived a round with the dragon!

holy shi-


Ah... hit, I meant. Yes, one HIT from the dragon.

still that is amazing

So, this leaves my generic army at... a few healers, a weak cavalier, and a weak archer. And Marc.

But hey, Mr. Dragon should be turning green soon!



Yeah, so, for some reason, the game totally loses track of the Dragon's alignment. The enemies won't attack him, so he's not green. He might be red, but he isn't moving or doing anything anymore, and I'm in no position to test that theory.


yeah this is when i learned how marc broke the damn thing after I replayed it after he told me it was shit. I found out I could just put hawkeye at one checkpoint and light rune block the others off. what this does is some weak unit like the swordmasters tink him but do not get killed. thus blocking everything else and quickly reaching the 50 enemy cap.

Now here is the got damn hilarious part, the one of the purposes of the dragon was to kill a huge number of reds to prevent that but he was too far away to do that. so when he turned back to red, red already had 50 units so the game kills him off. Despite my best attempts to make the damn guy immortal, the game finds a way to shit on that effort. What I could have done was use hiddern merlinus as a placeholder that switches off to free up space for the dragon.

needless to say, once you get rid of the dragon gimmick, the rest of the chapter becomes super easy and insanely boring (to this day I don't want to replay it in it's current state)


Okay, count my dudes. Six, right?

however because you didn't manage the units effectively, this fact screws you more than it helps you LOL


But this screen says I have SEVEN! IS the Dragon actually a Player Unit now?





sometimes I over buy because I know merlinus is there, whats suppose to happen is you spam buy stuff without thinking and send shit to merlinus only to realize you don't have access to him, thus wasting your precious money. basically a money sink


And... the healers are sort of occupied!

I am surprised you was able to do that with healers


Dear lord... the enemies are everywhere...

(And we got another thief. Because reasons.)

fun fact, the enemies can ALSO activate the npc trap tile, so if you were careless, the enemy could have made your life even more of a living hell at this point.


So, in case it was at any point anything BUT absolutely, abundantly clear how screwed I was... yeah. Also, it's been about 4-6 turns since I've gotten more guys, so I think it's safe to assume no one is coming... ever.

the last reinforcements is turn 20 or 23 I think, but it wouldn't have mattered, you are clearly gonna die here


This doesn't really help!

(It actually does, since it gave Marc enough speed to not be doubled by the Longbow losers)


That is helpful! Sort of...









what the actual fuck?

Didn't know he could survive for this long, he usually dies by the 3rd longbow sniper for me.



again that is fucking impressive mate. You would have gotten a silver medal for sure


All in all, believe it or not... I actually had some fun with this hack! It was probably because the iron man run changed things from "use savestates to simulate success" to "desperately trying to hold unraveling plans together as long as possible". I'll have to keep it in mind for the future...

the save states were allowed so you wouldn't have to sit there for 50 turns everytime you got a gameover. cuz that would have been cruel.

(glad you didnt visit the houses, one is a house full of mines that kills the unit visiting, another causes a instant gameover, the other 2 I forgot)

But, as far as actual hack quality goes? I can't say this is really good at all. I would say this hack has some potential, but it needs a lot of refinement to achieve it. If I had to suggest improvements, I'll say this:

Trust me, it sucks, but you do have a point about it having potential now that I seen you do an Iron man of it. I actually feel like I can savage it now compared to back then when I felt like it was hopeless. (marc telling me to not even bother fixing it didn't help either but he was right at the time)

1: MORE EVENTS. Aside from the thief thing, pretty much all that happened, ever, was the reinforcements coming from both sides. Without constant entertaining events, It's pretty much impossible to keep a 50-turn defense mission interesting.

2: MORE PLAYER AND ENEMY VARIETY. For the player side, all the reinforcements ever were was armor knights, mercs, cavaliers, soldiers, archers, and the occasional healer(organized into the sub-categories "Bait" "Chip damage" and "WOAH SO AWESOME"). It sounds like a lot, but there's so much more that could've been done! We didn't even have FIGHTERS, for pete's sake! And all our guys were equipped with ordinary and BORING iron weapons, plus maybe a gem... The enemies had it even worse, just getting the same reinforcement wave spammed over... and over... and over... and over... and over...

3: OP LONGBOW SNIPERS. I can understand why the Longbow snipers exist; to break through friendly defense lines and to give the force a way to actually kill Marc. The problem is, there's no real way for the player to actually counter these guys, as they can defeat anything you throw at them. You can't counterattack them, as they have 3-range weapons when you don't even get 2-range ones. And they cluster together, so they can one-turn any ally they want! Really, I think this could be solved by more enemy variety and events, so there wouldn't be as many snipers, and the player would have more things to strategize around, so the enemies wouldn't need them as their main form of OP-stompingness.

I can fix and improve on these now. So noted.


hahaha no, that shit was intended and was glorious

All in all though, this hack wasn't TERRIBLE, and I think this has been an enjoyable LP! I'm looking forward to Mr. Night's pseudo-promised commentary!

Again thanks man for playing this and playing it iron man style. You showed me what I was hoping this hack would do back then.

Now To explain what would have happened at chapter 25

so meet hector
he enters the fray cause you are not in front of him begging for a chance to pay
it is clear you would have not won
for he is the Black Knight of this hack lol.

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What if the dragon miraculously fought Hector? What would happen then?

Also, FEditor Adv doesn't wanna work, so hack development is now delayed some more. It's pretty much the only thing standing between me and completion. Time to update Java...unless someone wants to do the fediting for me :p

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What if the dragon miraculously fought Hector? What would happen then?

Also, FEditor Adv doesn't wanna work, so hack development is now delayed some more. It's pretty much the only thing standing between me and completion. Time to update Java...unless someone wants to do the fediting for me :p

they would leech hp until the dragon goes back to red. funny thing is the dragon can't die even at 0 hp so it works out.

Also what do you mean exactly? got nightmare open with it at the same time or?

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they would leech hp until the dragon goes back to red. funny thing is the dragon can't die even at 0 hp so it works out.

Also what do you mean exactly? got nightmare open with it at the same time or?

moreso i keep on getting nullpointer exceptions upon trying to start it up. It's extremely infuriating...And yes, i do have the latest version of FEditor from feuniverse.

Edited by RandomSwordmaster
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moreso i keep on getting nullpointer exceptions upon trying to start it up. It's extremely infuriating...And yes, i do have the latest version of FEditor from feuniverse.

hmm. this requires a bunch of troubleshooting and I am not exactly sure what are you working with and where exactly everything goes to shit so all I can say is

-make sure everything is in the correct folders and the path to the program is correct

-try to see if you can open up a non edited version of a FE rom and see if you get the same problems.

-have all the programs needed to run FEditor, What I use that works on both windows 8.1 and windows 7 is jre-7u11-windows-x64 which is java 7 update 11.

you may also need some Microsoft Visual C++ redistributor package but Im sure someone posted the exact need/ may need..

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Doing FE7 VS FE8?

Maybe you can make a poll if you're going to be FE7 or FE8.

No, don't worry, I'll explain in a minute...

As always, past me in green

current me in purple

yeah back then, conditional ID's confused the fuck out of me. (just learned they are different than event ID's and I have 255 of them to burn in each chapter) Just me saying once I learn them, I can blow this hack out the got damn solar system, which I damn well can now. In other words, this hack was made purely with event ID's alone. notice there were no doors? yeah I didn't even knew how to do map changes back then. I wanted to prove that even somebody who doesn't know how to event can still make a hack somehow but ultimately I failed.

Huh, okay. I have no idea how to hack at all, but I can imagine why conditional codes would be important.

The map was based off of chapter 22 but expanded on and made into a skull cause fuck it. Should have seen the other maps

other map found in old folder

That map looks even MORE terrible, glad you didn't use it!

oh if I had coded it right, he would have been awesome

What would you do if you could redo the Dragon today?

My comments in bold.

I found it hilarious you never found out what that was.

The Light Runes you talked about, right?

hey you are on a big ass map, surprise spawning with all this space is allowed

Yeah, fair enough.

You missed jaffar and louise, they were hawkeye tier and mercs

Here is jaffar and vaida's stats, don't have a sav file with louise but she is close to those stats.

Dangit... those guys are so good, WHY!?

yeah this is when i learned how marc broke the damn thing after I replayed it after he told me it was shit. I found out I could just put hawkeye at one checkpoint and light rune block the others off. what this does is some weak unit like the swordmasters tink him but do not get killed. thus blocking everything else and quickly reaching the 50 enemy cap.

Now here is the got damn hilarious part, the one of the purposes of the dragon was to kill a huge number of reds to prevent that but he was too far away to do that. so when he turned back to red, red already had 50 units so the game kills him off. Despite my best attempts to make the damn guy immortal, the game finds a way to shit on that effort. What I could have done was use hiddern merlinus as a placeholder that switches off to free up space for the dragon.

needless to say, once you get rid of the dragon gimmick, the rest of the chapter becomes super easy and insanely boring (to this day I don't want to replay it in it's current state)

Okay, I get what you're saying. So, if you don't use Light Runes, you're pretty much doomed, but if you DO, the chapter becomes "Light Rune resource management" with little actual fighting? For 50 turns? I can understand why Marky wouldn't like that.

I don't understand the Dragon thing though, he was at the turn where he should've gone GREEN!

I am surprised you was able to do that with healers

You were the one who gave them pro defenses!

again that is fucking impressive mate. You would have gotten a silver medal for sure


Thanks a lot for your comments!


Wow... Does he actually charge at you, rendering all hope of being able to do the chapter without Light Runes pointless?

they would leech hp until the dragon goes back to red. funny thing is the dragon can't die even at 0 hp so it works out.

What happens at 0 HP? Does he just fade and respawn with full everything?


Today, everyone, we are starting a grand battle for the ages...



It can be found here, and it was made by Ninja and Blazer, apparently.

The Sacred Contention is, basically, a 1-chapter hack. But that chapter is a MASSIVE BATTLE between-guess-the forces of FE7 versus FE8! Blazing Sword versus Sacred Stones! At the start, you are given a choice between the 2 sides, and you must pick one and use it to beat the other into submission!

Now, each side gives a different experience, so the LP will be separated into two parts: First, the FE8 side, then, the FE7 side! But, there's a twist: We'll be playing the mission defensively with the FE8 side, and offensively with the FE7 side! The first run will be a holdout against waves of enemies, and the second will be a mess of tactics and death!

(Also, apparently Klokinator is making an updated version... no idea what's going on with that though.)

Now, this hack is really cool and does a lot of cool stuff. It was in fact one of the first hacks I ever played. So, without further ado...



A lot of this uses basic FE7 resources repurposed in a cool way. I think it looks nice.



Here we go!


It's ANNA, welcoming us to the upcoming war...



Anna: Each side will clash in the ultimate battle! Choose your side and fight hard! The Sacred Stones, or the Blazing Sword?


Um... that's not...


Okay, I remember from my first time playing through. Yes is FE7, no is FE8. We're going to be doing FE8 first.

Fun fact; FE8 holds a special place in my heart because it was the first FE game I ever played. I got it through the 3DS ambassador program, and was hooked forever. And ever. Really, if Nintendo gave out more free games they'd get a lot more business from me.


Text skip! I think it said "Sacred Stones selected!"


The cast of ALL of FE7 is arrayed against us!


Eliwood: Yes. I’m ready for whatever is ahead of us!

Hector: My axe and I are as ready as we’ll ever be. Eventually, Armads will need to be put back to rest.

Lyn: All the people here…


Eliwood: Yeah. Even if we were once enemies and foes, we all have something in common.


Hector: That’s why we’re here! To prove that our struggles, our battles, our journey… That by overcoming everything we’ve become the strongest and the best!

Lyn: For one final battle… let’s team up one last time.

Eliwood: Yeah. Together, we’ll go all out!

After a speech like that, the enemy's motivation must be MAXED OUT!


And here on our team, we have ALL the cast of FE8 to resist the FE7 forces!


Eirika: Yes. We have to do our best to win.

Ephraim: Yeah… after this, let’s go home. Back to our home, Renais.

Eirika: We can do this brother. We’re not alone. We never were alone.


Ephraim: Heh… that’s right.

Eirika: That’s why…!

Ephraim: We have to win!

Yeah, that wasn't nearly as good as the FE7 speech. Whatever, time to go!



We begin!


The option screen background has been changed quite a bit.







This... is a BIG MAP.

So, did you think I was kidding when I said we had 2 MASSIVE armies set against each other? I hope not! In order to win, e have to march up to the enemy castle and conquer it. We lose if our lords are killed, but we hardly need to put them into the fray, we have more than enough disposable people as it is!

Anyways, those bridges look like the best place to set up our defense. That's what we'll do!


The enemy has a slight numbers advantage, but it doesn't really matter.



Our two team leaders! I think we get a Game Over if either dies, but that's okay, as I said, they have plenty of mooks to do their bidding!


Oh, and did I mention that pretty much everyone has TONS of supports? This hack doesn't bother with the 5-support limit-there are people with even larger totals than Eirika here!

Anyways, showing off the stats of every single character would take hours... days... weeks... months... YEARS... or at least 4 updates. So, I'll stick to the notable ones!


Never showed up in the original!


Secret characters!



And that's it. We have Valter, Glen... not EVERY character from FE8, but most of them!




The enemy lords! They're some of our most powerful opponents, but they'll stay back to guard the castle while everyone else charges. We can bring our full army against them!


And let's not forget, the enemies have the same supports we do! They can't use them as well as we can, but we need to stay on our toes!




We also have the whole slew of villains, NPCs, etc... Oh, this is going to be an amazing fight!

NEXT TIME: An amazing fight!

Edited by TheMoniker
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since the quote button is fucking up (you had ONE job!)

- Conditional ID's are VERY important, It allows one to make very custom events with If/else statements. Basically gives the dev the power to possibly counter the player's strats after the dev is done working on it and ships it off.

- I know exactly what to do for the dragon now, basically have merlinus be a placeholder that changes sides and frees up a space for the dragon to fill up.

- Jaffar and units like him only ended up that good because I left a lot of them unbalanced, Plus I liked jaffar so I made him the gold solider and gave him special treatment when I shouldn't have. :/

- Light runes are the best answer but it wasn't the only one, Throwing super weak units behind is also another valid strat. "the saying of you don't have to outrun the dragon, you just have to outrun your friend" comes to mind. With the dragon changing every 2 turns, its entirely possible to keep him at bay (I know, I had to sit there and test it every time for 50 turns). There is also the option to use the npc trap as well to spawn green units to bait the dragon in their direction. This is why it was so frustrating to learn the dragon could glitch cause I spent an entire week of testing/balancing how the dragon affects the gameplay and if its impossible to win. Also note at some points, the dragon switches less or more frequently so it was probably changing at the wrong time.

- Hector does charge but he only has 4 movement, it would take him just about all 25 turns to get to marc if none of your units slowed him down or didn't use bait.

- During my testing I found out the dragon Character, I think?, doesn't die due to its death quote points to a specific event. So it will hit 0 hp and still be alive roaming the place and glitching with it's 0 hp. Hence is why I gave it a nos effect to smooth that out a bit.

also my money is on FE7

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You'll all get satisfaction by the time we're done, I'm gonna win with FE7 AND FE8! ...Unless the computer somehow kills me, that is. I am doing this Iron Man, because that's the way it was intended to be played...

Nice, I see we both got into FE the same way. Anyway, I'm hyped for this.

Nice! You know, if it weren't for the ambassador program, I might never have been on this forum... kind of a crazy thought!

since the quote button is fucking up (you had ONE job!)

- Conditional ID's are VERY important, It allows one to make very custom events with If/else statements. Basically gives the dev the power to possibly counter the player's strats after the dev is done working on it and ships it off.

- I know exactly what to do for the dragon now, basically have merlinus be a placeholder that changes sides and frees up a space for the dragon to fill up.

- Jaffar and units like him only ended up that good because I left a lot of them unbalanced, Plus I liked jaffar so I made him the gold solider and gave him special treatment when I shouldn't have. :/

- Light runes are the best answer but it wasn't the only one, Throwing super weak units behind is also another valid strat. "the saying of you don't have to outrun the dragon, you just have to outrun your friend" comes to mind. With the dragon changing every 2 turns, its entirely possible to keep him at bay (I know, I had to sit there and test it every time for 50 turns). There is also the option to use the npc trap as well to spawn green units to bait the dragon in their direction. This is why it was so frustrating to learn the dragon could glitch cause I spent an entire week of testing/balancing how the dragon affects the gameplay and if its impossible to win. Also note at some points, the dragon switches less or more frequently so it was probably changing at the wrong time.

- Hector does charge but he only has 4 movement, it would take him just about all 25 turns to get to marc if none of your units slowed him down or didn't use bait.

- During my testing I found out the dragon Character, I think?, doesn't die due to its death quote points to a specific event. So it will hit 0 hp and still be alive roaming the place and glitching with it's 0 hp. Hence is why I gave it a nos effect to smooth that out a bit.

also my money is on FE7

Thanks again for your comments! I assume Zombie Dragon would work like Zombiestella from my FE7 chaos mode playthrough?

Placing bets is a thing in...

The Sacred Contention: Episode 1: FE8 SIDE: The War Begins


Okay, so, as I said, we're playing this defensively. The plan is, we place our most defensive units at the front, and back them up with our best archers/mages, with our healers back a bit more to heal them, and of course, everyone else waiting a short ways back if they're needed. We have 47 units, we can't lose this! As long as I keep the lord people protected...


Watching all the enemies move is kind of annoying. At least I can skip past it, unlike my own movement. Really, having the first few turns be "moving your guys forward" is kinda lame. I think having everyone start out a bit more spreaded, but with more combat in the early turns... Whatever, I can't spend the whole time complaining! This is a huge celebratory battle! Here we go!


Here's our setup. Our generals, Vigarde, Fado, Duessel, and Gilliam, are at the front, backed by our 2-rangers, and any people they support with!


I've sent my fliers to get to the villages and shops. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about them!


Erk starts off the fighting! Did I mention that pretty much EVERYONE has a battle quote? Yes, I will be showing every one I see.


They're getting all spread out! This is good, they won't all crash into our line at once!


Village time!


The lady isn't creeped out at all by this creepy guy.


Girl: This land mass-Dimensius-has a magical barrier around it. None can leave or enter without consent of Anna, the rifter. She manages the majority of events on this island. While I’m lecturing you, this place has been nicknamed Valhalla!





That should be plenty! We'll see what we can buy soon...


Absolutely correct, Gilliam! You're my best defender, you know.


My peg are flying overhead, and some of the enemies are heading for them instead!

(It rhymes!)


Despite Maiden Quest, we now know that Sain does not love the ladies. He FAILED!


Then why are you talking?


You were so busy talking, you got wrecked!


DANGIT NEIMI, this is why nobody trains you!


Everyone hates Gilliam!


Ack! We gotta kill these peggies! They're attacking our weaker guys!


A good portion of the enemies are guarding... Hmm.


Wyverns on us! We have to fight them off!


Very unlikely. VERY unlikely.




Hey! That's not Audhulma! It's not giving it's stat buff!


Wow, you obliterated everyone by healing them! Great job!

(She's the only one with a Fortify. Don't skimp on using it.




And so the first enemy drops! Everyone has their normal death quote, too...


I don't have any locks to test it on, but maybe he can steal something? I'm not sure whether or not this class is just a name...


Tell 'em, guys!


No, Duessel! Don't be failing after an awesome quote like that!


Neimi has the worst quote, but actually one-rounds an enemy!


The pegs are almost done!


Nobody left supporting you, Florina!




Vigarde pulls back, I've found someone better...


You've GOT this, Lyon!


I think it's best to end it with the death of Florina. So far, I'm winning!

NEXT TIME: The main enemy force arrives, can the FE8ers hold the line?

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The main problem is the Fire Emblem AI. They either suicidally rush you in staggered groups, or they hold back and only engage when in range, allowing you to lure the enemies out one at a time. If not for those limitations, this could very well be an epic battle, but with those, well,it doesn't take a lot of smart play to win.

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@ Moniker Because I'm too lazy to change the quote where my part is the only part in it Wow, that's a weird thought indeed. There is no way I would be here, because all my other FE games I got from looking for them, not randomly seeing them, and all my friends who kinda got into FE got into it because of me.

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Sacred Contention is pretty easy though. In all seriousness. Ephraim+Eirika+Fado+Lyon+Myrrh+Morva = invincible team. Just keep two healers behind them and have the mass charge the enemies, you really can't lose thanks to stupid OP support bonuses.

Edited by Klokinator
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The main problem is the Fire Emblem AI. They either suicidally rush you in staggered groups, or they hold back and only engage when in range, allowing you to lure the enemies out one at a time. If not for those limitations, this could very well be an epic battle, but with those, well,it doesn't take a lot of smart play to win.

The AI in this isn't THAT bad(basically, a few people are left to defend so you can't just send some fliers around and nab it, while the main force charges you all at once), but they get separated, not to mention my pegasi distracting a bunch... Really, even if I had suicidally charged my whole army out, even my random turn-to-turn tactics would have let me eventually become victorious, because both sides have equal power but one is controlled by a human.

@ Moniker Because I'm too lazy to change the quote where my part is the only part in it Wow, that's a weird thought indeed. There is no way I would be here, because all my other FE games I got from looking for them, not randomly seeing them, and all my friends who kinda got into FE got into it because of me.

Same here... random coincidences lead to random things!

(Speaking of the 3DS, why does the Wii U keep getting all the old FE game virtual console release? I want to buy FE6, not obligatory random 90s arcade game!)

Sacred Contention is pretty easy though. In all seriousness. Ephraim+Eirika+Fado+Lyon+Myrrh+Morva = invincible team. Just keep two healers behind them and have the mass charge the enemies, you really can't lose thanks to stupid OP support bonuses.

I'm not going to use any such invincible team... except for the Lyon+Eirika+Ephraim I'm using now... Okay, maybe I'll use those, but not EXCLUSIVELY!

Contending between FE7 and FE8 in...

The Sacred Contention: Episode 1: FE8 SIDE: Part 2: Surprisingly few casualties


Another group is arriving to charge headfirst into the line of fun!


Ow! Dangit, Erk! Stop being annoying!


They start their attack!


Oh, crap! Looks like Team Flier is running into some problems!


Yes, Rath is just terrible, isn't he?


Even if what you can do is really sucky, and would be better applied elsewhere?


Healing! Grr!


Shop time!


The shop has a positively amazing selection(not pictured: Silence staff), and you have plenty of gold to burn. I imagine it could be a help, if you're not lazy like me and actually willing to bother with ferrying everything to the right units.


She fights so hard, Vaida cries white tears, filling up half the screen, before she dies!


I'm fairly certain these death quotes are unchanged. I should probably not bother with showing them all.


Hmmm... Can we?


Oh... oh YES!



(It doesn't kill him, unfortunately)




Did he already say this? Lyon's battle quote has a weird bug, it plays over and over.


In my eyes, Lyon, you're totally redeemed!


Our line holds fast!


Text skip! Come on!


Ow ow OW! Keep those effective weapons away from me!


Karla the Suicidal, just as we all expected.


*Insert sick burn here*


Hah hah... you go, Duessel!


No no no hey! Stay away from my general, magic user!


Thank you, Hayden! After being utterly useless in FE8...


Here's how things are looking. The main army is still holding out fine at base, and is in perfect condition. A slow trickle of enemies are coming at them, and a smaller force is staying at the enemy castle. The peg squad is still doing okay, but they have a few enemies coming for them...


They have at least cleared the enemies around them.




Old dude: But youth these days… Bah! Some people aren’t really attached to their continents…


Text skip again!


And then he gives us money? Okay.


Let's look at the weapon selection!


Again, if you care to do some ferrying, a lot of this could probably be useful. Unfortunately, I'm not going to be doing any ferrying.


I check the shop. It's the same as the armory.




The enemies have been reduced to 40, and nobody's been killed yet!


Dangit! The enemies are supposed to be the ones failing!


(It's useful)


They just keep biting the dust!


Harken here is proving to be aggravatingly resistant...


Wait... seriously?

NEXT TIME: We check out Gheb, and Moniker's perfect streak breaks! Guess who's gonna drop first...

Okay guys, the next hack we're going to be playing is EnderSlicer's Escape! I'm just going to assume you would all vote for it if it was available, and so I can skip actually putting it in the poll! I'll try to speed this LP up, so we can get to it before Markyjoe!

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The only problem about Sacred Contention is just that it's... Boring.

No events, no reason for using the shops, just a mindless fight where you can just be lazy and throw a few units to win.

I definitely hope a remake of this that would make this really entertaining.

I think you'll enjoy playing RS's ragefest.

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The only problem about Sacred Contention is just that it's... Boring.

No events, no reason for using the shops, just a mindless fight where you can just be lazy and throw a few units to win.

I definitely hope a remake of this that would make this really entertaining.

something for klok to keep in mind

I think you'll enjoy playing RS's ragefest.

Both somewhat entertaining, and mind-boggling! The perfect combo for a Ragefest! i estimate it getting a 8.5/10 on the moniker scale, could be better, but great

also, no giving moniker hints, only I get to do that while I watch him squirm...if he does that is.

Edited by RandomSwordmaster
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Gheb gets thrown to Harken to pull him into a deathtrap and the steamroller continues as normal. Right, amirite?

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