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Help In Deciding Which DLC's To Buy

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I picked up this game about a month ago, and have most certainly not regretted my decision. I've done one normal playthrough to get the feel of the game and I have just recently finished my second hard runthrough with about 60 hours.

I use seven main pairs of units (3 first gen, 4 second gen), with all of them maxed out stat caps. I can post the list of characters later if anyone wishes to see.

The main reason for my posting is that I managed to add 20 dollars to my eShop account, and am really looking forward to some of the DLC in game. I'd like to know what DLC(s) are what you'd recommend me getting with my money, for instance, what DLCs I should purchase in bundles or separately.

Any and all feedback is appreciated, thanks a lot!

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I prefer bundles.

Now, as for what to buy. . .that depends on what you want.

- Giant numbers of consumables? Get the ones with EXP, gold, and legendary weapons.

- Flashbacks of the past? I'd go for Lost Bloodlines (LB3 is a nice grinding map). Champions of Yore is okay if you want a simple map, and Red vs. Blue is for sheer nostalgia.

- Serious story? The Future Past pacs.

- More characterization, even if it isn't fully serious? Scramble packs.

- Stupid gimmicks? Five-Anna fights.

- "I wanna see how ridiculous things get?" - Rogues and Redeemers (you'll get Limit Breaker on RoR3) and Apotheosis.

Hope this helps~!

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That guide is pretty good but severely underrates All+2.

Lol, huh?

"Early game, this skill will give moderate boosts to your units. Late game, this skill still may be among the best 5 skills that the character can equip."

How is he underrating it?

It's a good filler skill but it's not a staple like LB is.

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Oh, and combining Limit Breaker with All Stats +2 isn't that great.

He's using it mainly as a substitute for LB on challenge runs. Stacked with LB, it's got a large amount of applications for shoring up shortcomings from mods/pairup bonuses.

If you have 20 Atk, the enemy has 10 Def and you equip All+2, you go from doing 10 damage to 12 damage with the resulting 10% Atk boost. If you have 60 Atk and the enemy has 50 Def, you still go from 10 damage to 12 damage by equipping All+2, even though you've now only increased your Atk by 3.33%. Basically, because Awakening's damage is linear instead of multiplier based, percentage increases to total stats are misleading- in both of those scenarios it's providing a 20% boost to actual damage done. The way he's displaying its effect greatly downplays it- it's actually a fairly large general stat buff, in addition to being good for bagging thresholds. That doesn't mean everyone should use it but it's far from "not that great".

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I prefer bundles.Now, as for what to buy. . .that depends on what you want.- Giant numbers of consumables? Get the ones with EXP, gold, and legendary weapons.- Flashbacks of the past? I'd go for Lost Bloodlines (LB3 is a nice grinding map). Champions of Yore is okay if you want a simple map, and Red vs. Blue is for sheer nostalgia.- Serious story? The Future Past pacs.- More characterization, even if it isn't fully serious? Scramble packs.- Stupid gimmicks? Five-Anna fights.- "I wanna see how ridiculous things get?" - Rogues and Redeemers (you'll get Limit Breaker on RoR3) and Apotheosis.Hope this helps~!

Thanks a lot for your help! I decided to get LB2 and LB3 for DF and Paragon and R&R3 for the obvious Limit Breaker. I also purchased the Future Past pack and I've got just enough left to get Apotheosis when the time is right. Also, Veteran and Paragon and 100% Armsthrift are probably the best things ever. Currently grinding R&R3 for Limit Breaker Manuals using my maMU and Inigo.

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He's using it mainly as a substitute for LB on challenge runs. Stacked with LB, it's got a large amount of applications for shoring up shortcomings from mods/pairup bonuses.

If you have 20 Atk, the enemy has 10 Def and you equip All+2, you go from doing 10 damage to 12 damage with the resulting 10% Atk boost. If you have 60 Atk and the enemy has 50 Def, you still go from 10 damage to 12 damage by equipping All+2, even though you've now only increased your Atk by 3.33%. Basically, because Awakening's damage is linear instead of multiplier based, percentage increases to total stats are misleading- in both of those scenarios it's providing a 20% boost to actual damage done. The way he's displaying its effect greatly downplays it- it's actually a fairly large general stat buff, in addition to being good for bagging thresholds. That doesn't mean everyone should use it but it's far from "not that great".

Well, usually when Matt did challenge runs, he did them without DLC in general

I believe he did mention it was good for reaching certain benchmarks that would otherwise give you trouble.

The main thing though that he was trying to get across was that LB stacked with AS +2 didn't need to be placed on every unit. It isn't a staple like regular LB is. He sung this thing a fair amount of praise, just needed to clear up that unless you're using AS +2 for one of those specific applications, you shouldn't be using it. Especially not for the notion of free stat boosts, as it's quality in terms of raising stats is 1/7th of LB.

I think I follow the last bit. +20% damage looks better than +2 attack. Maybe his effect does downplay the skill but either way, that's just how Matt rolled. Always calcing and running off percentages :/:

EDIT: raising stats is 1/5th of LB. Thanks Knusper, I'm obviously great at doing basic math as I just demonstrated lmao

Edited by lpmeteora27
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To be fair I use whichever method happens to suit my present argument best too, so...

I know his first challenge run only barred LB though (and was a proof-of-concept at that). Everything else was fair game, and he actually said "Without LB, Aggressor is pretty much mandatory for dealing enough damage to secure KOes..."

Not the exact quote (it was on Gfaqs and no way am I going to look it up) but I was watching his topic and he definitely emphasized the importance of other DLC skills (at least, two years ago he did).

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If you're playing the game for the first time, I recommend the Smash Brethren and Lost Bloodlines packs, you get one really useful skill and two really useful classes out of it, oh, and EXPotential Growth, and The Golden Gaffe, those, too

Edited by Lord_Seliph
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Especially not for the notion of free stat boosts, as it's quality in terms of raising stats is 1/7th of LB.

2 divided by 10 is in fact not 1/7 but 1/5.


Do not forget to utilize the Cavalier's lv 1 skill Discipline. It makes it easier to reach the required ranks to use 1-2 range weapons from the weapon triangle to grind LB3 effectively.

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