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What do you guys think of Takumi(?)?


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Not sure if that's what we're calling him now, but the name Takumi either belongs to him or the Hoshidan queen right? Anyway, this is a thread discussing the Hoshidan archer's design and potential plot importance.

Personally, I'm not too big on his face or armor. His bow looks awesome though, but as an Archer I expected to like him a lot more. Still glad there's an archer that's actually part of the main cast for once. I wonder how big of a role he'll play in the Nohr vs. Hoshido fiasco. He seems to have some sort of magical bow that glows and maybe leads a small faction of the Hoshidan army?

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You mean the Jin Kisaragi expy ?
Heh, he's cool as far as archer goes. But he's not Innes or Shinon. :p

Edited by B.Leu
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He looks like the kind of guy who is friendly with you but would betray you without a second thought if it is for personal gain.


But I think he's interesting so far. Got potential, especially if he's going to fill the space as the brooding little brother of the family (counterpart for blonde Marth on the Nohr side?)

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I like his hair.

He looks like the kind of guy who is friendly with you but would betray you without a second thought if it is for personal gain.

It's the shifty eyes. Only character looking in the opposite direction of their comrades (Camilla's facing the other direction, but her eyes still go to the right).

Probably nothing significant about it, but it would be a neat twist.

Edited by Twylis
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Blond Marth looks way more like Jin than Takumi.

And I never got the betrayal vibe from him. The shifty eyes are a good catch though... I would actually love it if he ended up being a traitor.

But... this face though.


His face just looks derpy to me.

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I am really suspicious of guys who seem waaaay too kind.However I doubt that the story will have him betray you(still it would be interesting if implemented well)

Someone in another thread suggested that he is your fiancee if you are the Femui which seems acceptable.

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In the trailer he points his bow at (presumably) Kamui and angrily says "You betrayed Byakuya!" I don't think a guy prone to betrayal would get so upset about Kamui turning his back on him. I like the theory behind Hinoka, Archer Dude, Camilla and Evil Blonde Marth being the fiance of the opposite gender Kamui.

Edited by NekoKnight
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If anything, the Jin Kisaragi expy is Blond Marth.

Anyway, I think he looks cool, and I'm interested to see what kind of character he shapes up to be.

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I really hope none of the family members end up being "waifu-able." If should really cut down on the support conversations and pairing madness that Awakening brought about, especially since there seems to be no focus on a 2nd generation.

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My understanding of japanese is really basic, but from what I know and google タクミ (たくみ, Takumi) basically means skilled/skillful/one with skill and is a masculine name, so I'm like 99.9% sure that is the archer's name and not the wannabe exalt.

In the trailer he points his bow at (presumably) Kamui and angrily says "You betrayed Byakuya!" I don't think a guy prone to betrayal would get so upset about Kamui turning his back on him. I like the theory behind Hinoka, Archer Dude, Camilla and Evil Blonde Marth being the fiance of the opposite gender Kamui.

I'm expecting Takumi to be this doting brother (towards Ryouma) and be incredible loyal. IS has a tendency to make bad guys painstakingly obvious, and if Takumi was one we would know...

I'm really hoping the fiance-theory isn't true. As thrilled as I would be to be able to marry Hinoka or Male Aversa, incest is not wincest.

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