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...Shit. Then I guess I have to go catch another Ponyta, because the one I caught to breed has the hidden ability. -_- I thought HAs only had a small chance of being passed down.

But yeah, I checked the rest of that stuff out, you're right. I think my new Espeon has a high speed IV, which I want on my Ponyta because speed is Rapidash's best stat. If only the Ponyta I caught didn't have its HA, I think it has a maxed attack IV which I want too. Rapidash's two best stats are speed and attack.

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ORAS were good as games, underwhelming as remakes. They left out so much from Emerald that it ended up quite disappointing. At the same time, they improved on so much from the originals that they are good games. Also the Archie/Maxie theme gives me a hard on. By far the best song in the Pokemon franchise.

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...Why is the Battle Maison such bullshit in this game? (I went to get some BP to get a Power Bracer since I managed to catch a Ponyta with a perfect Attack IV and I managed to get a super rank in the Battle Test, so I thought I'd try my luck at the Maison again after I wasn't so good before)

How the fuck does a Purugly outspeed a MEGA SCEPTILE and land the inaccurate Hypnosis multiple times in a row? That's really screwed up. Hopefully I won't need to battle here again. It's too fixed to be unfair. I realize I don't have a perfect team, since none of the Pokemon I used were perfectly EV trained, but still. They had powerful moves, good held items (Kingdra had a Life Orb, Ninetales a Rocky Helmet, and of course, my Sceptile has Sceptilite), etc.

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...Why is the Battle Maison such bullshit in this game? (I went to get some BP to get a Power Bracer since I managed to catch a Ponyta with a perfect Attack IV and I managed to get a super rank in the Battle Test, so I thought I'd try my luck at the Maison again after I wasn't so good before)

How the fuck does a Purugly outspeed a MEGA SCEPTILE and land the inaccurate Hypnosis multiple times in a row? That's really screwed up. Hopefully I won't need to battle here again. It's too fixed to be unfair. I realize I don't have a perfect team, since none of the Pokemon I used were perfectly EV trained, but still. They had powerful moves, good held items (Kingdra had a Life Orb, Ninetales a Rocky Helmet, and of course, my Sceptile has Sceptilite), etc.

purugly's base speed is decent and your sceptile likely wasn't ev trained properly or had some sort of bad nature. even if the ev spreads in the maison are...strange, to say the least, it's entirely believable. this also doesn't seem to be the case but some pokemon in there have choice scarfs. and then there was the choice scarf pinsir in the battle institute that landed guillotine on me twice.

i would have enjoyed the game a lot more if it weren't so easy.

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If I had to guess, your Sceptile has a Speed lowering nature of some sort. Other than that, IIRC the Pokémon in the Maison actually have EVs and IVs, so even though Purugly is naturally slower than Sceptile, it may have the EV/IV combination to still outspeed him. And if you were wondering, Purugly's base Speed is 112, Sceptile's is 120, and MegaSceptile's 145

The Battle Maison is supposed to be a challenge, so it makes sense that the teams are actually challenging

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I know the Battle Maison is meant to be a challenge, but that doesn't mean it has to be unfair or hair-pulling difficult. This is the regular singles I'm doing here, not Super Singles. Now in Super Singles, I can understand all the Scarfing, Leftovers, EV-trainedness, and that stuff.

And my Sceptile doesn't have a speed-lowering nature at all. It has a Lax nature, which increases defense and decreases special defense. Also, speed is its highest stat. I do need to give it more special moves though. Its only special move is Leaf Storm. Geez, how did I miss this...?

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Just because Sceptile's highest stat is Speed doesn't mean he's guaranteed to outspeed everything. His base Speed is only 8 points higher than Purugly's, so it's not impossible for Purugly to have enough of a Speed investment to outspeed Sceptile.

And like I said, I was making a guess. It's not as if I have your game or anything, so all I can do is make guesses based on their base stats.

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Well yeah, but I figured it would outspeed a freaking Purugly... It's supposed to be based on a fat, lazy cat, so wouldn't it be slow?

But okay...

I got a Ponyta egg, here's hoping it hatches into one with a decent enough nature and decent enough speed IVs as well as Flash Fire! I gave the mama Ponyta that Power Bracer so she passes down that perfect attack IV. I almost risked a screw-up though, because I remembered that due to my Espeon and Ponyta not getting along that great (sigh... I figured that would be the case given that they're different species and have the same ID number. This should really be based on their natures, not irrelevant statistics like those, imo), I could wind up leaving them at the Daycare long enough for Espeon to possibly forget Morning Sun. I wasn't sure if it was the last move on the list that the Pokemon forgets at the Daycare or the first move. Morning Sun was the first move, and after I looked this up, it IS the first move that the Pokemon forgets, so I quickly took Espeon out and switched its moves around. I mean, even if it forgot Morning Sun, I could take it to the move remembering guy, but it's just a little easier to keep the Espeon from forgetting it at all.

I evolved the other Eevee I caught (I caught one so I could use the Dex Nav to search for more). It had a defense-raising nature that didn't affect its attack, so it's now a Leafeon. Leafeon is a physical tank, so that works! I really like Leafeon too. ^^

Oh yeah, that Flame Body Ponyta I caught is good for something at least. It's helping me hatch the egg since Flame Body makes eggs hatch faster. Heh.

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you should get somebody from the fletchling family with flame body. that ability and fly give it a lot of utility for breeding.

also if you could trade me one of the extras that would be nice since i'm planning on masuda methoding for a shiny ponyta.

if this helps, here are the max speed stats for purugly and lax sceptile at level 50...

purugly: 180

sceptile: 172

mega sceptile: 197

these are assuming max speed ivs and evs so it's even less surprising now, at least for me.

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Oh, I did wind up with a couple extra Ponyta in addition to a Ponyta I'm satisfied with plus one more egg. lol

I'm afraid both of my extra lv. 1 Ponyta have bad natures though, so I wouldn't recommend giving either of them an Everstone if you're also looking for an acceptable nature. :P

And I might make Talonflame my sixth team member. I really like that fire bird. Though Ho-Oh is my favorite fire bird, it can't be used in tourneys and such, I think. It wouldn't be really useful, nor easy, to get one with good IVs and EV train it up.

I do also have a Gale Wings Fletchinder sitting in my Pokemon X, so I can totally breed for a good Gale Wings Talonflame.

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Yeah right, the Battle Frontier is probably even more challenging. Then again, it DID have more than one facility to battle in, unlike the maison.

I also must agree that GF's reasons for excluding it are silly. "Nobody uses it" and "nobody has time for it"? Apparently, they have no clue what the fanbase is like.

Also, I don't get why they brought back some popular Hoenn features in Sinnoh (secret bases, contests, the Battle Frontier), but got rid of them all when Unova and gen 5 came around. That was really stupid. I liked secret bases and contests...

And then, gen 6 also got rid of gen 5 features I really liked, such as the medals. The medals were like achievements, and when I get them, I feel more accomplished as a player. It's proof that I did some cool stuff (and silly stuff, like checking a certain number of trash cans lol). The addition of difficulty settings was nice too, so the game can be fun for newbies AND series veterans. This is nowhere to be found in gen 6...

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They were trying something different? It's not like the contests and secret bases were exactly the same between Gen 3 and 4

And Medals still exist in X/Y, and they're in ORAS too. They're just part of the Global Link now rather than in the game itself. As for the difficulty settings, they were pretty useless in BW2 since you couldn't even access it until after the postgame, and even then literally all it did was raise or lower levels, which was really lame

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Aw, but isn't the Pokemon musical so much fun?! Isn't it wonderful? Isn't it something that you definitely wouldn't rather eat a dog fur sandwich than play?! Yeah didn't think so.

In all seriousness, the BF was awesome. I mainly used it to test out my team ideas. If you think the BF is hard, wait unit you go against human opponents!

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They were trying something different? It's not like the contests and secret bases were exactly the same between Gen 3 and 4

And Medals still exist in X/Y, and they're in ORAS too. They're just part of the Global Link now rather than in the game itself. As for the difficulty settings, they were pretty useless in BW2 since you couldn't even access it until after the postgame, and even then literally all it did was raise or lower levels, which was really lame

I liked having medals in-game. Not every player can access the Global Link all the time either.

As for contests and secret bases, I don't know about how different contests are in Sinnoh than Hoenn since I never tried Hoenn contests, but I never saw any difference between the secret bases besides Sinnoh ones starting out with boulders inside (the only thing I didn't like) and being able to be built ANYWHERE in the Underground (so awesome, much better than having to look for an indent, certain kind of tree, or bush in Hoenn. You're less likely to wind up with a secret base in the same spot as someone else in Sinnoh because of there being practically an unlimited number of different locations).

Still, things like customizing trainers, the Battle Frontier, and secret bases were really popular, so why the hell remove them at all? Don't fix something that isn't broken. I understand GF's desire to make every region unique, but they can still be that way without taking away the awesome features introduced in past games.

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The medals weren't exactly the most popular addition, Kelleo. It made more sense to move the medals somewhere they would be less intrusive rather than keeping some weird guy to stalk you in every Pokémon Center.

Hoenn contests were more straightforward than the Sinnoh contests, and more focus was put on the competing Pokémon than getting lucky and picking a good judge to appeal to. The secret bases in Gen 4 flat out sucked, no question. Literally every base looked the same, and you couldn't get rid of any boulders unless you had someone to play with in the Underground, which I never did. At least finding stuff in the Underground was kind of fun, but the secret bases were horrible. At least in the Hoenn secret bases there was plenty of variety in the layout of the bases and finding secret bases across Hoenn was *gasp* actually fun???

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The medals weren't exactly the most popular addition, Kelleo. It made more sense to move the medals somewhere they would be less intrusive rather than keeping some weird guy to stalk you in every Pokémon Center.

You know my Bulbagarden/GPX Plus username? Are you a member of one or both, Kon? If so, that's cool! :o

I see your point about the medals though. I still liked them, but yeah, they didn't seem to be popular. :(

Hoenn contests were more straightforward than the Sinnoh contests, and more focus was put on the competing Pokémon than getting lucky and picking a good judge to appeal to. The secret bases in Gen 4 flat out sucked, no question. Literally every base looked the same, and you couldn't get rid of any boulders unless you had someone to play with in the Underground, which I never did. At least finding stuff in the Underground was kind of fun, but the secret bases were horrible. At least in the Hoenn secret bases there was plenty of variety in the layout of the bases and finding secret bases across Hoenn was *gasp* actually fun???

I guess it's kind of boring for every base to look the same, but I didn't care so much about that. The boulders though, yeah, that was dumb. And I can see how someone would find it fun to look for HOenn's secret bases. I still can't comment on the contests, though. >_<

I still thought the Underground was awesome for providing a fun, yet not hard way to get fossils, evolution stones, and rare stuff to make money off of. I grew a lot of Spheres for cool secret base stuff too. ^^ Online in this area would've been awesome, I'm now surprised it wasn't a thing from the start. Maybe GF couldn't find a way to implement it? Hopefully they will in Sinnoh remakes!

Also, another question, since no one at Bulbagarden is helping me and I can't seem to find the answer elsewhere (I tried looking it up). I hatched two Ponyta with alright natures, Flash Fire, Morning Sun, and a max attack IV They have the exact same base stats too. But the Judge says one has "decent potential" while the other has "above average potential." Which quote is better? I can't tell, they both sound the same. I'm wondering if their different natures have anything to do with this... The "decent" Ponyta has a gentle nature while the "above average" one has a mild nature.

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yeah it sucks that gamefreak decided to go about difficulties in about the dumbest way imaginable. i wish it would return in the correct way, that being choosing the difficulty before beating the game, like ALMOST EVERY OTHER GAME IN EXISTENCE.

I liked the medals. :<

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You know my Bulbagarden/GPX Plus username? Are you a member of one or both, Kon? If so, that's cool! :o

I see your point about the medals though. I still liked them, but yeah, they didn't seem to be popular. :(

I guess it's kind of boring for every base to look the same, but I didn't care so much about that. The boulders though, yeah, that was dumb. And I can see how someone would find it fun to look for HOenn's secret bases. I still can't comment on the contests, though. >_<

I still thought the Underground was awesome for providing a fun, yet not hard way to get fossils, evolution stones, and rare stuff to make money off of. I grew a lot of Spheres for cool secret base stuff too. ^^ Online in this area would've been awesome, I'm now surprised it wasn't a thing from the start. Maybe GF couldn't find a way to implement it? Hopefully they will in Sinnoh remakes!

Also, another question, since no one at Bulbagarden is helping me and I can't seem to find the answer elsewhere (I tried looking it up). I hatched two Ponyta with alright natures, Flash Fire, Morning Sun, and a max attack IV They have the exact same base stats too. But the Judge says one has "decent potential" while the other has "above average potential." Which quote is better? I can't tell, they both sound the same. I'm wondering if their different natures have anything to do with this... The "decent" Ponyta has a gentle nature while the "above average" one has a mild nature.

Nah, I was searching stuff on the Gen VI medals and a topic you started was one of the results. I knew it was you immediately since you had the links to your fanfics in your sig. Well, that and the whole Kelleo thing

It's hard to tell the difference when they're only level 1, but the one with above average potential is the better of the two. The potential the judge gives you is based off of the total sum of that Pokémon's IVs, and above average means that the sum is between 91-120. Decent is only 0-90, for comparison. The quotes you want to aim for are "relatively superior" and "outstanding", with outstanding being the best.

If you're not too opposed I can always loan you one of my male Mareep. He has perfect IVs in all but Special Attack. Otherwise it might take you a long, long time to get a good Ponyta. I still remember the 100+ Shroomsih I had to breed just to get a good one with its HA, not to mention the Togepi... >_>

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Nah, I was searching stuff on the Gen VI medals and a topic you started was one of the results. I knew it was you immediately since you had the links to your fanfics in your sig. Well, that and the whole Kelleo thing

Ah, I see. But yeah, that's me. lol

It's hard to tell the difference when they're only level 1, but the one with above average potential is the better of the two. The potential the judge gives you is based off of the total sum of that Pokémon's IVs, and above average means that the sum is between 91-120. Decent is only 0-90, for comparison. The quotes you want to aim for are "relatively superior" and "outstanding", with outstanding being the best.

If you're not too opposed I can always loan you one of my male Mareep. He has perfect IVs in all but Special Attack. Otherwise it might take you a long, long time to get a good Ponyta. I still remember the 100+ Shroomsih I had to breed just to get a good one with its HA, not to mention the Togepi... >_>

Ah, drat... I wouldn't have minded if I wound up with like fifty Ponyta, I'd have just released and/or Wonder Traded them off. I feel a bit bad if I just leave them sitting in the PC. :P

But if one of my female Ponyta can pass down Morning Sun to more Ponyta, your Mareep should be fine. To guarantee that I pass down those good IVs though, I'd need a Destiny Knot, which is hard to get in ORAS (only through Pickup, wtf... in XY you can get it from a random NPC! Come on, GF). I do have enough BP left to get a Power Anklet to pass down a perfect speed IV though. Although, I wanted to save that to give my Sceptile Giga Drain and Synthesis...

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You can also get Destiny Knots for beating a young couple in Sea Mauville and as a gift from a fan when you hit Master Rank in the contests, so it's far from impossible to get them in ORAS.

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