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Face me, evil doers!


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I'm relatively new to the franchise, however I'm not new to forums, so I have a general idea about how things go down... unless you all are really evil doers.

As I said, I'm pretty new to FE, with my first game being Awakening a few years back. I'm not sure if that's considered a stigma, as I know around the web a lot of old school FE fans don't like Awakening and are very vocal about it, but to each their own, you like what you like as do I. I have however started playing Sacred Stones at the suggestion of a friend, so I'm certainly going to try and go back to play some of the older titles! If that redeems me somewhat.

If it isn't obvious by the name and the thread title my favourite character is Owain. He's hilarious.

And I'm very much looking forward to If, but aren't we all?

I don't do welcome threads well, so hopefully this is enough to get me introduced. If anyone wants to know anything else then ask away I guess. I look forward to my time on here!

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Welcome, good-doer! A fine intro thread, imo.

Liking Awakening is fine; it doesn't make you either a good or a bad FE fan (there is no such thing). But definitely give other titles a shot.

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My opinion on Awakening is that while I do not like it, I can understand why first time players do.

The problem many people have with Awakening is that it took out many aspects from previous entries, which easily explains why newcomers to the series enjoy it, they aren't used to the old aspects of the series. It's definitely not a bad game, just not a very good Fire Emblem game specifically.

Well, either way, welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay.

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Ah with time you'll come to love the other games. I started with awakening back while it was essentially a gateway drug and now I'm addicted to the series. Needless to say mate welcome to de forums you learn a lot from the fans on theories or facts its a cool place enjoy.

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Hey, welcome to the forest! I'm not too fond of Awakening, but I don't mind if others like it. Just be sure to give the older games a shot, there are some great elements from those games that Awakening lacked. Enjoy your stay!

Edited by DragonLord
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Hello there! Welcome to the forest of the heron laguz! :D

Oh, and you should at least see a playthrough of FE4. No spoilers, but the actual Myssletainn (however you spell it lol) is in the game, although the fan translation (released behind Awakening) before Serenes' new one calls it "Misoltn".

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