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Let's talk about the status screen


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[spoiler=Status Screen]nohr5.jpg

I believe this image tells a lot about the game.

First of all, there isn't a space towards the bottom of the screen for the Wife/Husband and children information like there was in Awakening. Because of that, I can safely assume that marriage and children won't be as important, or may not even exist in this game.

The crown icon by Kamui's name must symbolize either his status as "Lord" or simply that he is the leader of the army. I wonder if this icon would apply for enemy units as well?

The "<->" symbol in the upper corner (above the map sprite) must be used to switch between units, or perhaps to flip to a different status page?

In the bottom corner, there is a button showing a 3x3 set of squares; I have absolutely no idea what that is for.

Regarding the weapons displayed, I believe any unit class will only have a max of three weapon types available, kinda like the Bride and Dread Fighter. I don't see how they will be able to fit a fourth weapon level since the Sword and Dragon Stone icons take up over half that space.

There is a book icon in the other bottom corner across from the 3x3 grid icon. That could be the class description button that may function similarly to touching a character's portrait in awakening. It could be a character biography too?


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[spoiler=Status Screen]nohr5.jpg

In the bottom corner, there is a button showing a 3x3 set of squares; I have absolutely no idea what that is for.

Couldn't that have something to do with showing you the map on your bottom screen instead of the character status screen?

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You've pointed out most of the things, I still wonder why his res is red. I imagine those green stats don't cap at 13 and 14.

I think it's to emphasize the lowest and highest stats at a given point of time.

The grid probably swaps the lower screen to a basic map.

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I imagine one of the buttons is to switch between the "simple" and "advanced" status screens like Awakening had. Probably the double arrow button since it's in the same position.

You've pointed out most of the things, I still wonder why his res is red. I imagine those green stats don't cap at 13 and 14.

Could be that stone thing or his weapon giving stat boosts and maybe they have weapons that both boost and reduce stats?

One other thing I noticed is a distinct lack of weapon durability. Wonder if that's just because it's the main character or if they got rid of it.

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You've pointed out most of the things, I still wonder why his res is red. I imagine those green stats don't cap at 13 and 14.

They look blue to me, a shade very different from Awakening's bright green.

I think the Avatar may now be able to choose 2 Assets and 1 Flaw in stats. It seems way to early for anyone to be capping stats, especially at lvl 11. 4 res is also really low, as that means Mamui procced 1-2 Res growths out of 10.

Alternate theory is that blue stats are temporary boosts from...something. EDIT: It could even be a slight buff due to equipping Kamui's sword Yatogami, in the same way as Seliph's blade in Awakening.

Edited by Aurath8
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One other thing I noticed is a distinct lack of weapon durability. Wonder if that's just because it's the main character or if they got rid of it.

They could be infinite-use weapons like Chrom's Falchion.

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They could be infinite-use weapons like Chrom's Falchion.

The bandits' weapons lack durability as well, hence why a lot of people assume the system has been removed.

Also, I love your signature or whatever you call it, but does Ace Attorney: Investigations really count? I mean, really? It should just be called "Miles Edgeworth and his friends who cheer him on as he uses basic logic".

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What I find suspicious is that his EXP is at exactly 0. That almost never happens unless if you're a new recruit or using bonus EXP in PoR/RD!

Overall these screens probably mean no generation system and otherwise look pretty standard other than the lack of durability. The blue/red stats are curious though. Do we know what his skills are yet?

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My take on these:

- Crown: army leader. If he dies it means instant game over.

- Red / Green stats: modifiers from his personal sword, the Yatogami.

- Grid button: toggles stage map on the bottom screen.

- Book button: switches between basic and full unit data.

- Arrow button: cycles between units. (same as L button)

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Do we know what his skills are yet?

My guess is that one of them allows him to use the Dragon's Vein command we saw in the trailer. The bigger circle looks like it might be reserved for a unique personal skill (I really hope this is the case, it would go a long way in giving characters distinct qualities) so maybe that one? Then the remaining two could be generic level 1 and 10 class skills if they decided to keep the system from Awakening.

This is more of a mechanics-based issue than anything, but it is sort of interesting how Kamui apparently only has 4 displayed crit. The 23 avoid is consistent with his speed and luck stats going off Awakening's calcs, and judging by the Atk and Hit numbers the Yatogami appears to have 8 mt and 85 hit, assuming no external influences. But if crit is based on the standard Skill/2 formula, it should be displayed as 6 instead of 4 (assuming Yatogami lacks innate crit). Maybe the formula's been changed to Skill/3?

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I hope weapon durability hasn't been removed, it's a staple feature in the series and is the main reason that shops and stuff exist. Without weapon durability, you might as well remove shops and armories as well because you wouldn't need to buy any new weapons (characters and NPCs can give you that stuff as you progress) and I don't think that would be very cool at all.

Edited by Anacybele
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i hope weapon durability hasn't been removed, it's a staple feature in the series and is the main reason that shops and stuff exist. Without weapon durability, you might as well remove shops and armories as well because you wouldn't need to buy any new weapons (characters and NPCs can give you that stuff as you progress) and I don't think that would be very cool at all.

I really agree here. Weapon durability forms an important foundation within the game's economy. It's perfectly possible to balance a game around infinite weapon uses, but I don't really trust them to do so at the moment <.<

Edited by L95
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It is possible the <-> button actually switches to a status screen with support information, so it's not safe to fully discount marriage quite yet.

Although I have a feeling the 3x3 square gives an overview of all your units, so a button for switching between them one by one on the other side makes sense.

And yeah, seriously hoping durability's not gone and that this is just in casual mode or something.

Edited by Twylis
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I really agree here. Weapon durability forms an important foundation within the game's economy. It's perfectly possible to balance a game around infinite weapon uses, but I don't really trust them to do so at the moment <.<

Yeah, this. It also adds some realism to the game, because weapons will break irl, of course.

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I don't think the weapon durability is gone, if you look at the little picture of the sword you can see a little green, which I think is the weapon durability. It also seems to go red when it's close to breaking.

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I think this screenshot essentially disproves the theory that the icon background colors represent durability. Not only would it be a strange coincidence for both weapons to have exactly the same remaining durability, but the enemy probably wouldn't have used his weapon that many times to begin with. That said, I also hope they haven't gotten rid of finite usage entirely and wonder where they are going with this...

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Unlikely, but the crown could be an indicator of royal blood. Maybe they're bringing that back and you need royal blood to use certain weapons/items. Considering the amount of royals in this game it's not impossible...

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