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Facepalm moments


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Isn't that a good thing? :o

Anyways, the stupidest moments were more RNG related than actual strategy, though.

FE8, Eclispe Shaman in Chapter 15 hit Ross. His Hit percentage was 0%. -_-

Ghebfe, Gargoyal attacks Gerik with 0% Hit. He gets hit. -_-

FE4, Delmud attacked a Troubadour four times with a 100% Hit. All four missed. -_-

Though in my first FE playthrough (FE8), I totally sucked. I killed Joshua with Seth, killed Amelia with Seth, never saw Cormag and Rennac, and many characters died. XD

Not good when you clear out entire chapters with him. :mellow:

For stupid RNG moments:

Kieran getting criticalled twice by swordmaster with Brave sword......He survived with 2 health!

Marcia capping def. on her own.

Boyd getting strength-screwed

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I forgot to give my thieves lockpicks in FE7 and was like already halfway through the chapter.

Needless to say, I restarted :'D

Also there was the Sephiran crit'ing Stefan incident

I didn't mean to

I just left him there thinking he was o-kay because Sephiran only had like a 5 crit and I went to get a popsicle and then I hear death music and I went to check and I lol'd

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I've got another. While I was playing chapter 18 of Thracia 776, Xavier murdered one of his lieutenants as he was trying to escape. So much for the kind old General who cares about his men. It wasn't my mistake per se, but it was a facepalm moment no less.

Edited by Ronan
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Getting Meg

Just you wait till I finish my RD playthrough...

Mine are:

Taking Marcus to the final chapter in FE7 (I was my first FE playthrough ever, though)

Leaving Mordecai in the BK's range in chapter 11 PoR

Thinking I could recruit Jill in chapter 11 PoR (again, it was my first time!)

Moving Reyson into range of a ballista in PoR (I was a bit too eager to talk to Naesala...)

Letting Reyson get attacked by a cat in PoR

Letting Reyson get attacked by a cat in RD (this happened today)

Not getting Jaffar in my first playthrough of FE7 (I wanted to recruit him badly, it was only after I completed that chapter that I found out you could)

Letting Zealot get an S in lances in FE6

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I generally don't facepalm because I think it's a dumb, overused way to express discontent that actual words beat out by a long shot.

I once felt like getting a 20/20 Ninian dead, maybe for more support space or something. I put her in this remote ass corner of a snowy map, and these wyverns started ganging up on her. She had 35 HP or so, and probably would've died in 2 hits.

She didn't get hit once with her retardedly good speed and luck. I gave up. Ninian's too good.

Edited by Mac
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When Knoll's good.

That happened to me! My first playthrough as well. He had a huge magic and even a decent speed and defense. I was actually shocked when I first heard he was supposed to be awful....

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I once felt like getting a lvl 20 Ninian dead, maybe for more support space or something. She probably would've died in 2 hits.

She didn't get hit once with her retardedly good speed and luck. I gave up. Ninian's too good.

This. Ninian/ Nils will NEVER DIE DAMNIT!!! :(

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I got one!!! Getting all the way through Cog of Destiny on HHM, killing almost all enemy units, only to have one of the druids next to Lloyd( which I overlooked) come and kill Lyn. TT_TT

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Accidently sending out a fully unequipped Dart.....

I accidentally do stuff like that all the time on the Radiant duo. I sell weapons when they are only gonna last a round or two longer then buy new ones, but the thing is if you sell off your equipped weapon in either of those games, it doesn't automatically equip the new ones. I'll have a guy without a weapon who ends up getting attacked by like 4 or 5 enemy units instead of just the one that would have because they are like "NO WEAPON MEANS WE SHOULD ATTACK THEM RAWRRRRRRRRRR".

Fun times.

Mostly, I bonk when it comes to checking enemy weapons. Nothing like seeing a guy with a Hand Axe out there with a Hammer in reserve you didn't know about go and eat your General.

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