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New Kid In The Block :)


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Hello everyone! My name is J.D. King and I am a huge fire emblem fan since awakening. I've also played sacred stones (I was in the nintendo ambassador program :P). Also, I am a writer of fanfics with my most recent (and first) work to be a sequel to fire emblem awakening, called "Fire Emblem: Beyond Awakening"(I write in "fanfiction"). I joined this forum because I heard that it is consisted of people that share the same passion for the game as me. :) It's nice to know you are not the only one (:/) and I would definitely like to meet new people.

I have a dream both as a person and as a writer. As a person I am studying so I can pass my exams, but in my free time I want to write quality chapters for my Fire emblem fanfic. As a writer I don't want to write only, but I want to inspire with my work and through it I can make people happy. That's my dream, to spread some smiles in the world with my work, write an "Epos".

J.D. King :D

Edited by J.D. King
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HEY, we've got a semi-weekly writing competition going on. Feel free to enter once the next cycle starts (next Sunday)!

Anyway, welcome~! Don't forget to read the rules and all~!

(end generic greeting)

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HEY, we've got a semi-weekly writing competition going on. Feel free to enter once the next cycle starts (next Sunday)!

Anyway, welcome~! Don't forget to read the rules and all~!

(end generic greeting)

Thank you for your greeting and your invitation! I would definitely consider it! (-I believe I won't forget to read the rules and all!-) :D

You're stuck in a block? That must be painful.

I hope you get out soon.

Welcome regardless.

Thanks! Well my legs were in a bit of pain, but I'm feeling better now (*cough *cough cold-pun reply) ^.^

Shipping lord. Let's see if you can live up to your name in fanfiction. And,

Welcome to Serenes Jungle, enjoy your stay.

Thanks! Haha! My profile pic is just a meme that made me laugh for a while. Robin(MU-Avatar) can marry almost every female character in the game and thus he is the shipping lord. I just used this as my profile pic so any fire emblem awakening fan who would see it laugh too :P Well as far as my work is concerned (which in fact is available to read in the writer section here) has some interesting and unpredictable shippings which I hope you like (if you are interested in reading it of course :P). :)

Welcome to the Forest! Enjoy your stay!

Thanks Ephraim! I believe it will be great and productive! :D (lol your reply reminded me of "Man of Steel" movie. When Lois tells Clark "Welcome to the Planet!" referring to "Daily Planet" the newspaper)

Welcome, nice to see another writer. Your goal is also awesome.

Thanks! I'm glad you liked my goal :) I hope you enjoy my work (if of course are interested in reading it xD )

What a flashy entrance. :D

Welcome to the forest, JD

Haha! Thanks! Well not flashy ^.^ just honest :)

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Welcome,Shipping Lord! :Artur:

Lol... You can see now that this is just part of a cool and funny meme :) I hope though that my work (Fire Emblem: Beyond Awakening) will prove that this not-self proclaimed title is suitable for me as a writer.

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Hey, nice to meet you. I was a writer of sorts a long time ago, haha. Who knows? Maybe your works will inspire me to give it another shot. Either way, enjoy your stay!

Nice to meet you too! Well, who knows? But I hope I will! If you have time you can always read it here in the forum and tell me what you think :) Your opinion would be really helpful as you are experienced and I'm kind of new in writing (=>would help me get better), but you know my goals already. I would do anything to achieve them ;)

Edited by J.D. King
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