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Felt like speaking my mind a little bit! Hope you don't mind, venting on a forum is nice sometimes. It's not all bad either.

Well after many toils and being at Job Corps for more than a year and also doing college for 2 quarters, lots is going on. Some for the better some for the worse. Passed all my classes so far for one!

I have a job once I get my official WA ID for one, helping out in my college cafeteria part time. It's a start, but nothing super impressive.

Job Corps staff is being irritating as usual for the most part since i'm staying there still, being strict as hell on the people who aren't even technically part of their program, giving them extra crap when we already have College crap to do. Not very fun

My Dad and Mom are fighting over a storage unit they started while they were still together, however they aren't now so its mostly my Dad's uncharacteristically he's asking my Mom recently to pay for it.

My stuff is the majority of stuff in there, which I could end up losing because they are an impasse of argument on the topic, through me.

It's not pretty, I wish I could have them just talk to each other but alas my Dads wife gets jealous whenever my Mom even talks to him (despite her having a different husband now.) It's a sticky situation that won't go away and I just wish I could have my full family all together and agreeable like it was 10 years ago, but alas.

I could end up losing all my childhood belongings and other stuff that costs quite a bit of cash, along with my Great Grandparent's furniture I got, It'll be dealt with in time, but its looking shaky.

Meanwhile i've been hanging out with a girl at Job Corps for the past few months every time we get some time to hang out. She's pretty blunt and can come off as mean (very opinionated on people and a hermit like how I am to an extent), however she's nice underneath that. I'm considering asking her out, although she beat me to the punch in terms of asking her out to a movie. Shes wanted to see "Home" for a bit now, still in theaters here in Moses Lake, so well I was gonna ask if she wanted to go see it. She asked ME however first haha, so we'll see how that ends up, be it just good friends or whatever the future holds. I'll be happy.

Also been meaning to find the motivation to work out, but I just can't start like I could back when I played baseball lol, any tips?

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Get a workout buddy. Get a workout buddy. Get a workout buddy.

Also, be seriously ironclad about 1) going to the gym at a routine time and 2) enjoying the experience. Go into the sauna, blast your favorite music/podcast on the treadmill during your cooldown/warmup, something. At very least until it's a habit. You shouldn't be groaning at the prospect of going--which is hard, yes, because there's quite a bit of exertion there (obviously!). And if you want to do multi-joint exercises with freeweights, talk to multiple experienced people and look up videos and articles on form--the sooner the better.

You can work out without doing these things, but they'll all make your life easier.


Also, girl stuff: know what you want. She is a person before she is a girl. When in doubt, communicate. Be open and honest--it's okay to have wants and expectations, and to withdraw if you decide the friendship/relationship isn't working for you, but not to impose. And relax! Knowing you (and with all due respect here), most of the trouble will come from within if you'll let it. Don't let it.

Edited by Terrador
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I really can't help you out on the divorce topics, so sorry about that.

As for that girl, I guessed you've got the right idea. Despite her seeming kind of headstrong, I think you should be compassionate and understanding towards her views. Sympathize with her views, even if you don't agree with them. You'd be surprised just how much kindness you can get from a seemingly rude person when you show compassion and understanding to them, especially when they don't receive it from others often. Then again, maybe you shouldn't be taking girl advice from the guy who thought talking about dog poo to a girl he liked while walking home with her after school was a good idea and actually did talk about it. Then again, that was 10 years ago and I was worried about the awkward silence in our conversation and desperately look around for conversation topics and resorted to the dog poo on the ground.

As for exercising, maybe running to and from the bus stop to home would help? I know that's the biggest amount of exercise I get nowadays. I'm definitely worse at exercise and physical fitness than girl interaction, so I can't suggest much else.

Overall, I wish you luck with, well, everything.

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I can't help you about anything about divorce as my father died when I was 11~ but as someone who reviews shitty anime and shitty movies

Dont watch Home its awful when I watched it in theater I literly just went after the 1st hour to watch furious 7 which made even less sense then home but was actually Decent enough to warrent for me to watch it

Jim parson and Rihanna at least fit their roles (well rihanna sounds 21 but is very relaxed when she voice acts and Jim Parson is known to play another movie/tv genius named sheldon cooper)

As for exersicing Do roughly 40 KMs per week if you are dont want a gym membership do simple stuff for now like pull ups push ups and like simple cardio routines of around 50~ Minutes

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It's not pretty, I wish I could have them just talk to each other but alas my Dads wife gets jealous whenever my Mom even talks to him (despite her having a different husband now.) It's a sticky situation that won't go away and I just wish I could have my full family all together and agreeable like it was 10 years ago, but alas.

I too have dealt with divorce stuff all my life, my dad left my mom shortly after my little bro was born. I've wished my family could be back together ever since I was five, but I've since learned that there's no possible way that can happen. I don't know how to deal with this situation, but I wouldn't be very optimistic. From experience, I find that divorced couples can't cooperate at all. Hopefully you can find a way to get your stuff, good luck.

Meanwhile i've been hanging out with a girl at Job Corps for the past few months every time we get some time to hang out. She's pretty blunt and can come off as mean (very opinionated on people and a hermit like how I am to an extent), however she's nice underneath that. I'm considering asking her out, although she beat me to the punch in terms of asking her out to a movie. Shes wanted to see "Home" for a bit now, still in theaters here in Moses Lake, so well I was gonna ask if she wanted to go see it. She asked ME however first haha, so we'll see how that ends up, be it just good friends or whatever the future holds. I'll be happy.

If it was me, I'd try to ask to go to Avengers instead

Sounds like fun. If you're interested in her, it's always good to be assertive, cool and straightforward.

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Well SS is something called Starting Strength, it's pretty much a routine (using all barbell lifts) recommended by a tonne of people to maximize your gains ASAP, the goal is to add on about .5-2.5kg every time you workout to each lift. Essentially what you're gonna do is this

Day A

3x5 Squats
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift

Day B

3x5 Squats
3x5 Military Press
5x3 Power Clean

You workout 3 times a week, with a rotation of ABA and BAB every week, so week 1 would be ABA, week 2 would be BAB, week 3 ABA etc.

Form is E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G in the gym for squats, or rather every exercise, do your research, record yourself to form check and don't be afraid to ask for advice or a spotter.

Do this


do this

Get a workout buddy. Get a workout buddy. Get a workout buddy.

Also, be seriously ironclad about 1) going to the gym at a routine time and 2) enjoying the experience. Go into the sauna, blast your favorite music/podcast on the treadmill during your cooldown/warmup, something. At very least until it's a habit. You shouldn't be groaning at the prospect of going--which is hard, yes, because there's quite a bit of exertion there (obviously!). And if you want to do multi-joint exercises with freeweights, talk to multiple experienced people and look up videos and articles on form--the sooner the better.

If you don't have the money for a gym membership look at this and/or look up "convict conditioning"

Cardio-wise, there's a tonne of options for beginners and they generally follow the same routine of start slow and build up, shit you could still do the drills you learnt in high school. Swimming/running/jump rope are my preferred ones, you could even do martial arts/combat sports or stuff like skating.

Motivation wise? Like Terrador said, get a friend. Also be critical of yourself and note what you want to improve, essentially make yourself feel like shit (but don't). If you keep putting it off due to motivation then procrastination takes place in my experience.

Edited by Alb
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Last bit: Have you ever thought of starting a blog that isn't some SF posts? It'll give you a place to vent, and you can link it in your sig or something.

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Last bit: Have you ever thought of starting a blog that isn't some SF posts? It'll give you a place to vent, and you can link it in your sig or something.

Maybe! But I'm not a big fan of it overall, I wouldn't be one of those types who'd blog every day or anything lol.

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