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2017 NFL Playoffs - Super Bowl LI Confirmed! Atlanta Falcons vs New England Patriots!

Lord Raven

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i got to see a replay of the ending of giants v patriots on espn last evening

i was wondering if it'd be a replay of The Playâ„¢ from the 1980s, but nope

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I needed the Steelers to lose yesterday. Damn it. A Steelers loss gives the Bills the first Wild Card spot instead of the second.

Ah, sorry about that. :P But it's hard to stop Antonio Brown. AB#84 <3

Well, when Ben's at the helm. There's just nowhere near the same chemistry otherwise. >_<

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The fact that the Patriots defense went out and competed with a competent offense minus their top player is quite exciting. Malcolm Butler went absolute beast mode yesterday. The only way I see this team losing in the regular season is to another AFC East opponent. Maybe next Monday?

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I dunno man, unless the AFC South sends a 6-10 team to the playoffs then I'm not gonna proclaim that.

2002 was really strange though, the 1-seed in the AFC was 11-5 and a bunch of other AFC teams were 9-7. 2008 had an 11-5 team miss the playoffs, and a rookie quarterback almost making it to the Super Bowl against a really shitty Kurt Warner led Cardinals team that went there.

We'll see how the playoffs unfold because the Jets made two straight AFCCGs where they knocked out a Patriots team that went 14-2 and had like 5 turnovers all season.

Edited by Lord Raven
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I think yesterday was the weirdest singular day of football ever though. The Lions were trying their best to lose and they won, the Ravens/Jaguars game really had the winner choose whether or not they wanted to lose and they chose the better draft pick. As well as the worst field goal attempt I've ever seen, like holy jesus.

That and out of the 13 games that happened this week so far the home team has won exactly 3 of them.

Also, Peyton Manning recorded a 0 passer rating. This could be the last play of his career too given that he tore some ligaments in his foot. 1 win away from breaking the "wins" record, too.

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Yeah, the NFC Championship game in 2008 was the #6 seed at the #4 seed which is highly unusual.

This isn't that strange, but I think we can have our first mathematical elimination tonight- Browns are out of AFC North contention with a Bengals win.

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The NFL actually came out today and said the Ravens should have won. All offensive players need to be set for a full second before the ball is snapped on any given play. The LT wasn't set on the "final" play prior to the Jags' game-winning FG, in which Bortles stumbles backward and then gets pulled down by the facemask by Dumervil.

I can't say I'm sad the Ravens are getting dicked so hard this season. I would have sympathy for Flacco and Harbaugh if they decided not to win the Super Bowl until Ray Lewis retired tbh

Also, I think the Broncos will give Peyton another chance after a month or so but overall, his goose is cooked. That defense is going to have to somehow play even better with Osweiler under center

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lol, did the LT tell Dumervil to do the facemask though? I don't think so. It's the Ravens' own fault they lost, even if I do agree that they had the game in the bag.

I think the Giants should've knocked off the Pats too, btw. That was just a pathetic ending in that game.

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Dumervil just wanted to give us a higher draft pick. Can you imagine John Harbaugh with a high draft pick?

It was all done for the greater good.

Also, I think the Broncos will give Peyton another chance after a month or so but overall, his goose is cooked. That defense is going to have to somehow play even better with Osweiler under center

If he limits turnovers then he may not be a liability at all. In fact he is more mobile than Manning with a pretty damn good arm, so I wouldn't rule them out yet. You should know as well as anyone that a backup QB replacing a great QB could lead to fortuitous results. Especially one that's been struggling with turnovers. Edited by Lord Raven
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I suppose I just dismissed Osweiler outright without really looking at his career. With a name like that I assumed he was a career back up, but it looks like he's never really had a shot until now. He certainly has the weapons to make plays.

New prediction: Kubiak re-installs his offense, then starts Osweiler the rest of the year

EDIT: also, gotta credit the Pats there for allowing the Giants to fuck up their clock management. That time out before the 2 minute warning was brilliant and I couldn't believe so many people were shocked by it

Lastly, I love your way of arguing, Ana. No, the LT didn't tell Dumervil to commit the penalty. But if the refs were worth a shit the play would've been blown dead immediately and the game ends

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She's not wrong, but at the same time, I hope next year they let us get away with a ton of penalties because some of the shit called against us was some bull.

- Ineligible receiver against Arizona. Homeboy made the signals repeatedly to the ref, he was eligible to catch a pass, etc. Backs us up to 1st and 20.

- Chris Johnson going like 60 some yards after Brandon Williams brought him down and stopped his forward momentum.

- Same shit happens again with Yeldon, except we actually hit Yeldon then get a personal foul flag.

- MANY holding calls against us went called, many holding calls in our favor were uncalled. This isn't like ticky-tacky holding, this is like "person bearhugs a defensive player/blocker and it's called as holding."

- PI in the endzone against Crockett Gillmore once or twice.

- Another random grievance is that the field in San Francisco - the field we're meant to play the Super Bowl in - caved in on us as we were about to kick a field goal. Not only did we lose that game by 5 but we ended the game in field goal range.

Personally? I can't wait until the NFL rounds out against us and lets us get away with sending 7 linemen out as receivers, bearhug tackles while blocking, pick plays that are more about the "pick" than the "play," and finally madden-with-offsides-disabled levels of jumping the line and blocking a field goal. That's going to be fantastic. This is gonna be a sweet, sweet 2016. I mean our roster is dicks right now anyway and I've never seen a trainwreck that I've been so heavily invested in at any point in my life. Just sit back and let it happen; it's painless that way.

That's the Cleveland way!

EDIT: I apologize, I could not resist.

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Well, I didn't quite get what you meant before, my bad, chococoke.

Well, Lord Raven, your team originally WAS in Cleveland. lol But seriously, every team has a bad call against them once in awhile, you know. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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This is actually basic shit that they should get right. PIs and Holding are ticky-tacky. Eligible receivers is not and it's an incredibly well defined rule.

No consistency with the definition of forward progress though. Even though one was clearly not forward progress.

Anyway, greatest 2-7 team in history.

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Well, yeah, you have a point there. Yet, that crap does still happen. I mean, how about that taunting call William Gay got slammed with last season even though he barely did ANYTHING and wasn't even looking at any players or the audience? That's basic stuff the refs should get right too. Even the announcers were confused here.

The NFL isn't fair sometimes, and we can't do anything about it. I recently found out that while Cam Heyward was fined for decorative black cheek marks that were honoring his dad, that one guy whose daughter had cancer was allowed to do the same thing for her. Oh, and by the way, Heyward's dad had cancer too AND was an NFL player.

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Yeah, refs have been straight balls this season and Ravens have paid for it. No harm in playing spoiler, especially in a hilariously shaky AFC

EDIT: what, you didn't know the NFL was greedy as hell and fine people for memorials that aren't profiting the league? Their uniform is so sacred that violating its sanctity adds chump change to their already deep pockets. Please tell me you also saw that the NFL CHARGES THE PENTAGON FOR PATRIOTIC DISPLAYS. All of that stuff last week with the flag and honoring vets? Paid for with our tax dollars

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