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2017 NFL Playoffs - Super Bowl LI Confirmed! Atlanta Falcons vs New England Patriots!

Lord Raven

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I'd have to cheer for your Bills today, Moriarty/Life. If they beat the Jets, and the Steelers beat the Browns, the Steelers get playoffs. I believe the Chiefs have to lose too for this to happen. But I doubt either loss will happen. I don't even really feel like watching football today. It's just hard to want to with the odds so stacked against you like this. But there's always next year. Our time will come again eventually. I said this about the Pitt Pirates for a long time, now I'm saying it about the Steelers.

EDIT: Man, the Bills are all over the Jets now. lol I decided to watch it since my stepdad put it on TV since the Steelers aren't on TV. We need the Jets to lose, so hell yeah Bills. We might actually get in. :o Just, the Steelers need to stop missing FGs and turning over the ball. AB fumbled, Ben threw a pick. Why is nobody here looking like they usually do? -_-

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Yeah, just found that out. My mistake.

But so far, it's going our way. Bills lead 16-7 and Steelers 14-9. Halftime now. Keep it up, guys! Can't believe this might actually happen. :o Now that I think about it though, a lot of things I didn't expect to happen actually happened.

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In that case, I want us to lose even to the Jests.

Congratulations, you've made me single-handly hate the Steelers more than a division rival.

In all seriousness, if we win today, Tyrod Taylor has gone 8-6 in his first starting season. Finally, we have someone who resembles a QB. Only took 15 years.

Edited by Jim Moriarty
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OH I THINK WE'RE IN!! Steelers have a huge lead, Bills just picked off Fitzpatrick and it's below the 2 minute warning!


STEELERS ARE IN!! I'm honestly shocked, and this isn't the way I wanted my team to get in the playoffs, but THANK YOU BILLS!!

EDIT: Oh, but we still have a big problem. DeAngelo Williams was injured. If he can't play, we have no run game since Bell was lost. -_-

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Another one score loss and Mallet misses a wide open dude and throws into a sea of red.

NFC is still up in the air somewhat, namely between the Packers/Seahawks/Vikings seeding (we already covered this) and Panthers/Cardinals seeding, but AFC looks like this;

1. Patriots/Broncos

Broncos gotta win, man

2. Patriots/Bengals

Broncos winning demotes the Patriots

Broncos losing brings the Bengals here

3. Bengals/Chiefs/Broncos

Broncos win puts the Bengals here

Broncos loss + Chiefs win puts the Chiefs here

Broncos loss + Chiefs loss puts the Broncos here

4. Texans

AFC South, the smallest loser.

5. Chiefs/Broncos

Broncos win puts Chiefs here

Broncos loss and Chiefs loss puts the Chiefs here

Broncos loss and Chiefs win puts the Broncos here

6. Pittsburgh

No matter what.

1/2 seed:

Carolina (1) and Arizona (2) if Carolina wins

Arizona (1) and Carolina (2) if Arizona wins and Carolina loses

3 seed: the winner of Green Bay/Minnesota is the 3-seed

5 seed:

Green Bay if Minnesota wins

Minnesota if Green Bay wins and Seattle loses

Seattle if Green Bay wins and Seattle wins

6 seed:

Minnesota if Minnesota loses and Seattle wins

Seattle if Minnesota loses and Seattle loses

For NFC seeding.

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Yes, please, I'd love for the Broncos to demote those god damn Patriots.

The Steelers, whether De-Lo plays or not, gotta make sure they play like they did in those six or so games where they got 30 or more points. Well, except for the loss to the Seahawks, obviously. I just hope that any RB that might step in for De-Lo can do enough. I still want to see a Steelers/Panthers Super Bowl and it's still possible!

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Wow, can you get more obnoxious about going to the playoffs AGAIN? You're thanking a team and fanbase who hasn't seen the postseason in 16 years for assisting in your own annual trip to January football.

I sincerely hope the Steelers get embarressed in the first round.

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Wow, can you get any better at ruining a good moment? I didn't think the odds of the Steelers making it were high at all, yet they got in. I'm really getting tired of your complaining.

And annual trip? lol no. This is only the second year in a row that they've made the playoffs, and before that, they hadn't gotten there since the 2010 season. And if you think Pittsburgh fans don't know what it's like to cheer for a bad team, go look at the Pirates' history. They sucked for decades. I may not be a big baseball fan, but I want to see any Pittsburgh team do well. But as I said in another post today, I said they'd get their chance eventually, and they did. Patience is a virtue.

Also, the Bills have started looking pretty good and have a viable QB. Your team will soon get their chance too, I bet. Also, you don't see me dissing the Bills simply because I don't like you, so why not try being a little more mature?

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This is only the second year in a row that they've made the playoffs, and before that, they hadn't gotten there since the 2010 season.

I still don't sympathise. 1999.

We don't want your thanks. You thanking us (in an obnoxious way) doesn't end our drought. So enjoy your playoffs again while we sit at home (again) and say "there's always the draft" (again). But don't pretend like we did this shit for you and that we're happy that you're seeing the playoffs like usual.

Spoiler: We're not.

Edited by Jim Moriarty
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Ana, you mean the 2011-2012 season where yall got knocked out by Tebow? You guys won the division in 2014 meaning you only had two years of 8-8.

That is entitlement right there.

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How dare they go 8-8 and call it a bad season!

This is our second .500 or better season in ten years.

Edit: I feel dirty knowing that Ana pretended to be happy about my team when us Bills fans saw another missed opportunity.

Edit: She reminds me of a friend of mine who's a Pats fan and has never seen a losing season. He hates Rex Ryan and needs to rub it in my face when his Pats win important games and we lose.

I've explained to him multiple times why we like Rex and his response is "yeah buddy". It's that arrogant tone of a fan who has no idea what it's like to support a franchise that will perenially be in the gutter.

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To be honest, I'm not really sure why Bills fans like Rex considering how much worse the defense played compared to last season.

Broncos have now gone back to Peyton Manning- has there ever been a #1 seed with such QB confusion?

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I'm kinda not that sure either - he's trying to convert a bunch of 4-3 players into their 3-4 equivalents like forcing Mario Williams to play in coverage as opposed to being an edge rusher/setter.

Anyway, Manning isn't even playing badly. It's like he never got plantar fasciitis at times.

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Where did I say I was entitled to anything?

Where was I pretending anything?

Also, just because your team hasn't been doing good doesn't give you the right to keep bitching at me, so please leave me alone. I really need to stop looking at your posts though, I put you on my ignore list a long time ago. I need to actually take advantage of that.

EDIT: Also, I never said 8-8 was a bad record. It's an okay one, though not one to be proud of if you get that record over and over. If I've said that was a bad record in the past, then I don't know why, as I don't think that now. I'm not like the real idiot Steelers fans that keep whining for Tomlin to be fired or act like it's the end of the world if ONE game is lost (though I will admit to being pretty damn upset if I find a loss really embarrassing. But it wouldn't be due to the loss itself, only how embarrassing it was).

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I thought we were going to play the Chiefs. But I guess not. If Dalton comes back, and DeAngelo Williams has to sit out, I think the Bengals can say goodbye to their playoff losing streak. -_-

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Oh man that final play triggered some PTSD from that Thursday night game.

Now that the dust has settled I'd like to point out that that Stafford literally finished the season with more yards, more TD passes, a higher YPA, and a higher passer rating than Rodgers. Jim Bob Cooter the goat. =P

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Picks for the wild card round(order of game times is unknown)

Steelers at Bengals- Do you want to pick Marvin Lewis and/or Andy Dalton to win their first playoff game? I don't, especially given the QB issues in Cincinnati. McCarron is OK, but probably not good enough to keep up with the Steelers and Dalton is likely still somewhat banged up. I don't think DeAngelo Williams being injured is too important, running back success is based more on offensive scheme than running back talent(see Seattle, Kansas City).

Chiefs at Texans- I don't think the Texans are very good when it comes down to it, particularly on offense. They can beat up weak AFC South teams, but the Chiefs are on a 10 game winning streak and are solid all around.

Packers at Redskins- The Packers offense has issues- bad protection, bad WR play, can't run the ball. Redskins offense is much hotter right now. Never thought I'd pick Kirk Cousins over Aaron Rodgers but the Packers have not looked good in the second half of the season.

Seahawks at Vikings- Seahawks blew out the Vikings in Minnesota earlier this year. Will probably be closer, but I think Seattle is more talented on offense and shows up when they need to win. Not sure the Vikings are a true contender yet.

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^ Then again, do you really wanna pick the obvious choice this season??? I am hoping - and predicting - that two trends end this season, and both are the Bengals/Chiefs playoff win drought.

Oh man that final play triggered some PTSD from that Thursday night game.

Now that the dust has settled I'd like to point out that that Stafford literally finished the season with more yards, more TD passes, a higher YPA, and a higher passer rating than Rodgers. Jim Bob Cooter the goat. =P

i'd also like to note that the Ravens have beaten the Steelers more times this year than any other team has

in fact, joe flacco has beaten the steelers more times this year than any other qb has

finally, i hope this finally puts to rest that "bad receiving corps" is much more than a simple excuse

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I'll admit I'm shaky on picking the Steelers. It's a third consecutive road game for them, their pass defense isn't very good and they didn't exactly light it up on offense against the Ravens or Browns who are both bad defenses. If the Bengals were healthy at QB coming into this I might favor them, playoff history and all.

I counted up the number of times I picked a team correctly in every game this year and tallied it up. A team with a better 'record' means I was better at picking them. Probably only of interest to me, but eh.

Patriots 11-5

Bills 10-6

Dolphins 10-6

Jets 8-8

Bengals 13-3

Browns 11-5

Steelers 9-7

Ravens 8-8

Titans 14-2

Texans 13-3

Colts 11-5
Jaguars 9-7

Chargers 12-4

Chiefs 12-4

Broncos 9-7

Raiders 8-8

Cowboys 12-4

Giants 12-4

Redskins 9-7

Eagles 6-10

Packers 11-5

Vikings 11-5

Lions 9-7

Bears 8-8

Panthers 14-2

Bucs 9-7

Falcons 8-8

Saints 8-8

Cardinals 12-4

Niners 12-4

Seahawks 10-6

Rams 9-7

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To be honest, I'm not really sure why Bills fans like Rex considering how much worse the defense played compared to last season.


Bills fan have repeatedly watched our team be a complete joke with management not caring. We've had buffoons like Chan Gailey, Doug Marrone, Dick Jauron and Gregg Williams coach our team to consistant losing seasons over the last decade and a half. Meanwhile, GMs like Buddy Nix and Marv Levy (great HC, terrible GM) care more about their paycheck than they did about building a good sports team. And then there was Ralph Wilson who couldn't be assed to actually care about the team in the years leading up to his death.

Do you know what the last thing Buddy Nix did in Buffalo before he left? He knew he was gone so he wasted a first round pick on EJ Manual (a QB slated for 3rd round at best).

But then comes Doug Whaley and Terry Pegula. Together, they start caring about this legendary franchise. I mean, we are the Bills. At one point, the AFC representative on the Superbowl was ours automatically. Kinda like how the Patriots have a free trip to the playoffs. We were that team.

Back then, nobody wanted to play in the Ralph. It was cold, it was miserable and it was hostile. And we were on the verge of being a dynasty. Instead, we became the joke of the NFL. Even Cleveland manages to put together a good season every now and again. We couldn't.

So then, Whaley and Pegula hire Rex Ryan. The first coach in 15 years who cares. Who tells us fans that we have a right to be proud of our team. Because God knows we haven't been. And after 15 years of watching mediocrity (and expecting it before the season even started), we finally had a reason to be positive. We finally had personel that cared about the team as much as we do.

So yes. The defense regressed. We know that. But our offense didn't stink for the first time since '99. We had the best rushing attack in the league with Shady, Karlos Williams and Mike Gillespie (who came off the practice squad in like Week 12). We finally had an offensive line who could keep a QB somewhat safe. And for the first time in 16 years, we had a QB. And all that happened in Rex's first year with completely new players (Tyrod, Shady, KWilliams, Incognito, John Miller...).

So overall, I'm happy. Don't get it twisted, there's a lot to do. But the base is finally there. And we Bills fans can finally be proud of our team for going .500 or better for the second year in a row. That was my goal at the very least for this season and it shows how low our expectations are.

Hope that answers your question.

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I'm shaky picking the Steelers too. Because of what you said, Cynthia, and because of last season. De-Lo's injury IS important. Check out last year when we lost Bell in week 17. Our run game was horrible and it hurt (although that game might still have been winnable). Also, that Bengals playoff losing streak has to end someday.

On the other hand, we could see the REAL Steelers offense that's explosive as hell anyway and the defense that showed up vs the Broncos in the second half. I think it'll be a close game no matter what, especially if Dalton plays. I still think he's an Average Andy, but he makes the team better than McCarron can.

Please be healthy enough, DeAngelooo...

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