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2017 NFL Playoffs - Super Bowl LI Confirmed! Atlanta Falcons vs New England Patriots!

Lord Raven

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4 minutes ago, -Cynthia- said:

Rodgers has also let his team down on occasion. 2014 NFC Championship game against the Seahawks, Packers D got 4 interceptions but the Packers only managed to score one TD the entire game. I don't get what makes him so important compared to everyone else (Drew Brees can't even get in the playoffs because the Saints defense isusually atrocious etc.)

oh my god Drew Brees is probably the most unfortunate QB of the past decade and a half BY FAR

I think he's often forgotten in the midst of playing at the same time as Brady and Manning too, but that dude was definitely theĀ #3 or #4 QB of the past decade and a half, with being #1 or #2 in a few of those years

He's definitely been MVP snubbed multiple times in his career; 2008, 2009, and 2011 being the key years. I mean he's won a Super Bowl and Super bowl MVP, but in all honesty - he's still not nearly as lauded as clearly inferior QBs.

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And DAMMIT, why'd you have to remind me of 98? I'm actually old enough to remember that, and while it was still too early for me to care about football, it's enough to make me hate the Falcons a little more now.

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7 minutes ago, Slumber said:

And DAMMIT, why'd you have to remind me of 98? I'm actually old enough to remember that, and while it was still too early for me to care about football, it's enough to make me hate the Falcons a little more now.

8 year old me loved that NFCĀ Championship game ;)

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Just now, Bullwine85 said:

8 year old me loved that NFCĀ Championship game ;)

7 year old me was outside building a snowman, hearing my parents swearing at the top of their lungs from inside the house.

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So instead of stopping Bell, the Pats injure him. A-holes.Ā 

Glad it's biting them in the butt, De-Lo is torching them lol. Rogers too.

And Boswell misses the PAT. Ugh. Why NOW? :(

EDIT: And now the defense doesn't want to stop completely ignoring Chris Hogan. This is looking just like the Packers now, which is BS. This Steelers team is better than that. The only difference is that they actually scored in the first half, but they barely pulled it off. I don't feel like watching anymore right now. Maybe I'll go back later. This isn't fun to watch.

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How are you gonna call the Pats assholes when Bell strained his groin? That's a bit silly

this game is awesome tho. Steelers are still giving 8-9 yards of cushion to our WRs when itĀ hasn't worked for the past decade+. I don't understand that


also YEAHHHHHH WE BACK IN THE SUPER BOWL BABY! Malcolm Butler shut down AB pretty easily all game, the Steelers defensive game plan was crap, and the killer B's are soft. BRING ON ATLANTA

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He "strained it" after being tackled by YOUR team and it was very early in the game. And do you have to make fun of me? This is why I never post on the NFL website and rarely comment/post on NFL Facebook pages/posts. People like to trash talk and make fun of other fans, and this is childish grade school behavior (believe me, I know, I had to put up with a lot of it IN grade school).

That being said, while the Steelers didn't play the way they should have (mainly due to poor coaching, I don't get why the team was well-coached the last nine games and all of a sudden coached like crap. AB usually burns Butler too, I don't get why he couldn't that time), the refs helped you out a lot too. There were several missed holding and PI calls that should've gone against the Pats, and the Steelers might've been screwed out of a fumble recovery too (might've, because they didn't show very good angles on the replays, and it was a Steeler that came up with the ball). And the Pats didn't have a flag thrown on them ALL GAME from what I watched. What team ever goes so long without a single flag? The commentators also said a couple of calls could've been made, but weren't.

I hope the Falcons destroy the fucking Patriots.

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3 minutes ago, Lord Raven said:

Where are the missed calls? And who was making fun of you?

You must not have watched the same game the commentators and I did. James Harrison was held at least twice, Bud Dupree at least once (and wouldn't you know it, they're our two best rushers), and Jesse James was held/interfered with on that play he got hurt. You can clearly see the DB pulling on his jersey.

And chococoke did, don't you read posts here?

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

You must not have watched the same game the commentators and I did.

It seemed like pretty standard missed calls...


And chococoke did, don't you read posts here?

He didn't say anything about you or any Steelers fans in particular. He said that the Steelers had a shitty gameplan, and that calling the Pats assholes for a groin sprain is silly. Injuries always happen, many to players that you probably don't care about.

He called the Killer B's soft too, but like... that's just trash talking against the team, it has nothing against you as a fan.

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3 minutes ago, Lord Raven said:

It seemed like pretty standard missed calls...

Yeah, but to not throw a single flag at all when several could've been? That's despicable. And doesn't a team NEVER getting a flag seem pretty suspicious to you at all? Since that NEVER happens? Have you ever seen a game where a team NEVER gets a flag?

I felt chococoke was being a little mean-spirited with whole post, particularly when he said calling the Pats a-holes for Bell's injury was silly.

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3 minutes ago, chococoke said:

What's mean spirited about that? YOU'RE the one calling my team assholes for no reason. Do you understand what injury Bell even sustained?

I'm not stupid, I know what a groin injury is. The groin is around the crotch area. Bell was tackled awkwardly, the replay showed it. And players don't just suddenly hurt their groin for no reason.

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8 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Yeah, but to not throw a single flag at all when several could've been? That's despicable. And doesn't a team NEVER getting a flag seem pretty suspicious to you at all? Since that NEVER happens? Have you ever seen a game where a team NEVER gets a flag?

They got penalized. I was watching the game. There were 5 penalties all game, and 2 were on Pitt and 3 were on NE.


I felt chococoke was being a little mean-spirited with whole post, particularly when he said calling the Pats a-holes for Bell's injury was silly.

Boo hoo, nobody's gracious in victory in this forum, considering you rub in wins on everyone's face all the time. But he said nothing insulting to you at all, he was just talking shit on the Steelers team who played a seriously terrible game. You're also ungracious in defeat too, which makes it even easier - in fact, you've said yourself that you would stop watching the Steelers this season earlier in the thread so you don't even have much of a right to call others on their attitude when they're watching every game win or lose. Please stop getting defensive because your team lost.

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1 minute ago, Lord Raven said:

They got penalized. I was watching the game. There were 5 penalties all game, and 2 were on Pitt and 3 were on NE.

Then they came extremely late, because it was the fourth quarter when I turned it off. It's still very unusual that it took THAT long to throw a flag on a team.

And I don't recall ever rubbing any wins in anyone's faces. I don't see how chococoke's victory speech up there was any different than any of my all-caps victory cheers.

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ctrl+f 'penalty' on the play by play; no penalties against EITHER team until the third quarter. It was a relatively clean game as a whole, and there wasn't anything egregious. Refs miss calls all the time, but Tomlin's shitty ass gameplan lost the Steelers the game, not the penalty. Being down 36-9 at some point (when the Pats put their foot the fuck off the pedal) is not a result of poor reffing.

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Just now, Lord Raven said:


ctrl+f 'penalty' on the play by play; no penalties against EITHER team until the third quarter. It was a relatively clean game as a whole, and there wasn't anything egregious. Refs miss calls all the time, but Tomlin's shitty ass gameplan lost the Steelers the game, not the penalty. Being down 36-9 at some point (when the Pats put their foot the fuck off the pedal) is not a result of poor reffing.

Uh, I DID say that the Steelers played poorly and had a shitty gameplan. I'm not completely blaming the refs. They just added insult to injury. But it doesn't excuse their pisspoor calling.

I really should just not post here anymore, it almost always results in dumb arguments like this one and you criticizing what I say.

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1 minute ago, Lord Raven said:

Why even post if you're gonna complain about someone responding to what you say? Posting or speaking in public never absolves someone from criticism.

Of course, but you ALWAYS criticize me. That's the problem. And I'm tired of being criticized so much. Occasional criticism is natural, and I'm willing to listen to it at that point, but when it becomes constant like with you, it just gets annoying and stupid.

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Then maybe you should think through what you say before you say it or stop putting your fingers in your ears and blanking everything out because it's not congruent with what you're saying. Making almost 27k posts in this forum also means you say a TON of things - which means you'll be criticized more often simply on the grounds of posting moreĀ frequently. Furthermore, you keep saying stuff that I see issue with, so I respond; it's very natural for someoneĀ like you be criticized so often.

I also criticize anything that I see issue with, regardless of whether or not it's you or a friend. If you think that I'm specifically trying to targetĀ you, then don't flatter yourself.

I'm also far fromĀ the only one who criticizes you.

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10 minutes ago, Lord Raven said:

Then maybe you should think through what you say before you say it or stop putting your fingers in your ears and blanking everything out because it's not congruent with what you're saying. Making almost 27k posts in this forum also means you say a TON of things - which means you'll be criticized more often simply on the grounds of posting moreĀ frequently. Furthermore, you keep saying stuff that I see issue with, so I respond; it's very natural for someoneĀ like you be criticized so often.

I also criticize anything that I see issue with, regardless of whether or not it's you or a friend. If you think that I'm specifically trying to targetĀ you, then don't flatter yourself.

I'm also far fromĀ the only one who criticizes you.

Uh, I do think about what I say before I say it? In fact, I do that a lot more these days than I used to. And I mean a LOT.

And if you have an issue with so much of what I say, then there's a problem here, and it's definitely not one I can solve. And true, others HAVE criticized me in the past, but not nearly to the degree that you do. SOC does as well, but you're the only two people here that do it.

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I can't wait for the Falcons to run the Pats down. I'm more eager to see my fantasy legend Julio Jones fuck up Malcom Butler and/or Devin McCourtey(he's def gonna get doubleĀ coveraged like Antonio Brown probably). My sister has been a Pats fan since the Giants beat them in the Super Bowl for the first time and for the past 3-4 years, I can't talk shit since they've done alright. Honestly I do not want Tom Brady to be "THEE QB" of our generation, that shit don't fly bein' a cheater on multiple occasions w/his Super Bowl wins.... So let's go Falcons & now speculation for Pro Bowl...

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Sorry Slade, but Tom is going to retire with at least 5 rings. Also, if you have tangible proof that cheating led to any of the past 4 rings, I'm all ears. Btw, Pats have done well past 3-4 years? Did you just start watching the NFL?

Big Ben said he might retire, LOL. Dude must really hate playing the Pats. Except he's really just a drama queen that loves attention

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