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Your most beloved console


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And i'm not talking exactly about your favorite console (But you can include that), i'm talking about the console that you love so much you will never leave it, sell it, give it as a gift,etc.

In my case, i'm between my Wii and my PS2, i really love my Wii, you see, before i got something like the Wii, all i had was my PC that could only handle Sega Genesis roms and his emulator and a PS1 console with a lot of games, i'm not going to say that it wasn't bad, in fact, it was really good for me, there were a lot of good games for the PS1 that i really enjoyed, but the problem is that i was a kid playing with a PS1 in 2007 or 2008 when most people were buying their Xbox 360 and PS3 consoles, so, i was kinda outdated in that sense, when i got a Wii for christmas (I wanted a PS3, but they gave me a wii instead, i don't complain though), it was the best thing ever, you see, before i wanted the Wii, i was really interested in the PS2, in fact, my dream was having one, i always watched the trailers for the games of the ps2 and it was incredible, but the Wii was the console that got my attention.

I'll say that without my Wii, i would probably not be the person i am now, the Wii changed my life so much in a really good way, teach me a lot of things on his games and it was really, really good for me, later on i received a PS2, i played the shit out of some games, and it was like a dream console that i always wanted but never have it, the sexy slim design and the incredible quantity of games left my mouth with water, but at the end, i pick the Wii.

The Wii has a good quantity of games, with good quality, it can play Gamecube games on it, which is really, really nice since i consider the NGC one of the most underrated consoles ever (If we aren't talking about Melee of course), the SD was really nice, and the games were enjoyable, i don't know if i can consider my Wii the best console of all time, the PS2 packs an incredible punch aswell, so, it's hard to decide, i don't like to compare, so, i left like that, told us what was your most beloved console, it doesn't have to be your favorite or the best, just with the best memories.

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My Wii U or 3DS. There are many games, retail and digital, that I intend to play on both these consoles in the future. Their libraries are especially broad with the Virtual Console, which has enabled me to enjoy excellent games that I originally missed out on. These libraries are expanded even further with backwards compatibility. There's just...so...many...games...

I also value my Wii, as it is my only method of playing GameCube games (it was originally purchased when my GameCube broke).

@Demifiend What games did you play on your Wii/PS2? If you'll answer, P.M. me.

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My Dreamcast I have so many fond memories playing the Shenmue series, Crazy Taxi, Power Stone 1 and 2, and Phantasy Star Online.

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Funnily enough, I've never even owned my two most beloved consoles (Genesis/Mega Drive and Nintendo 64)

I also really like the WiiU, especially with amiibo~

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My Super Famicom. There are many games on it that I still have yet to play and not only that but it was very hard for me to finally get.

Out of all my consoles I own my SFC is my most precious I play it often and have lot`s of fun with it! I don`t know what I would do if I ever lost it.

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My first console was my Genesis I still own it today an am constantly playing classics like sonic, golden Axe, streets of rage, all that good stuff. It be a pain to switch to emulator if it ever broke or got stolen. I'm still interested in trying the Nomad it be a cool item to add to collection even though its garbage battery life. Also the controller still feels so good even when compared to modern controllers.

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I love all my consoles, but I would have to say my Awakening 3DS is the one I would never ever get rid of.

Edited by EricaofRenais
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DS. The library of great games is almost endless. The trend of cutting edge Japanese games seemed to move from console to handheld after the PS1/PS2 era.

3DS is coming close. In a way, the DS and 3DS libraries belong together.

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My SNES. Even though it no longer functions and I've sold nearly all of my game cartridges (luckily, I have all those games in other formats), I never plan on getting rid of the console itself. It will be my favorite paperweight forever.

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PS1,Tho I did part with it due to unfortunate malfunctions, because nostalgia.

The four game series I enjoyed as a kid all had their best entries on this console from Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, Syphon Filter, and Army Men. This console was amazing.

Its truly a shame that litterally ALL of these game series basically died with this console

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Probably my PS2. It's my window into the libraries of both it and the PS1, which are two systems each with loads of games I love. (I'm a big RPG fan, the sheer volume of quality RPGs for those two systems is astounding.)

My NES is my oldest system, and even though it's not attached to the TV and hasn't been for years (no reason to between Virtual Console and emulation) I would probably have a lot of trouble getting rid of it.

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I would have gone for my original DS, but that broke a few years ago, so I'd go with my Gamecube.

I don't have a "favourite" console, but if I did it would probably be the Gamecube. Nintendo was different with the Gamcube, no main series Mario launch title, "cartoony" zelda, co-op mario kart etc. That's basically why I love it so much, it's different. It's also the birth place of Pikmin and Baten Kaitos, both of which I adore.

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The GameCube. The purple box is just endearing and the tiny discs are really cute. It even has a handle so it can be transported and swung at people with equal ease.

And I just really love the main menu of the console, the startup sound, the background noise, the way you interrupt the start-up to open the menu, the movement of the cube when you switch between windows, the general aesthetic and all the sound effects... It's just unlike anything else.

And then the games: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Super Smash Bros Melee, Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, Mario Kart: Double Dash, Four Swords Adventures, the Soul Calibur II version with Link... good stuff.

Edited by BrightBow
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My 3DSXL I even put an Awakening decal on it. But yeah I've got alot of games for it love the hell out of Awakening and the DLC for it and also play Shadow Dragon when I'm in the mood. Also the Zelda MM and OOT look fantastic on it.

I guess I'd throw my Wii U in there too since I use it for my Wii games as well and I just think its an amazing system despite it not doing the best on the market right now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My PSP. Vader Edition, nice and hacked just how I like it. Good memories on this bad boy. Same goes for my Wii, PS2 and GBA, but I like my PSP by a smidge more.

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PS2 or DS. Though if we're talking about the physical console itself, those aren't that important to me. In part because my DS doesn't work anymore (doesn't matter too much since I have a 3ds).

Yeah, if we're just talking about non-handheld consoles, then PS2 wins easily. Gamecube is close though.

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