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So microsoft made a robot/site that tries to guess ages...


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So, I uploaded two different pictures of myself, taken about nine years apart.

In both pictures, it said that I was 20. WTF.

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Nice try, Dragoncat! I know you secretly work for the NSA.
You won't fool me into putting my pic into your face-recognition database.

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Nice try, Dragoncat! I know you secretly work for the NSA.

You won't fool me into putting my pic into your face-recognition database.

If I worked for the NSA it would pay me more than I'm getting now...


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Its said im 54 and then when I used a diffrent picture it said 24

Very accurate (Im 18...) I also tried to check if papa franku is 52


This is incorrect but this is correct...


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I've been told that I'm a 23 year old and an 11 year old....male...

The software sucks. It really. Really. Sucks.

Edit: Also...


Edited by Fantasia
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By the way, it fails to detect nowi's face (and i tried like 10 images). Clearly, it can't handle 1000 year olds. (or lolis. either one)

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I tried a couple of pictures of mine...

One of them I'm like 14-16 said i was 32 :<, got the gender right though.

another one with a group of friend got the gender right for all, but the ages were all over the place. Only one was very very close (one year younger). Another picture taken on the same day has different ages for all of them than it did before (except for one of them). but they were all still wrong and the one that had the closest age jumped to being ~20 years older lol. Also, one of my friends didn't get recognized though that may be because she had bangs...

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I did I for a third time. IT GOT MY GENDER RIGHT!!!! Oh My Naga, it's a miracle! Though it did say that I was 44... Ah well...

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Our local paper did a thing using this on famous people in the state. It was mostly accurate (within +/- 5 years on the age). The biggest gaffe by far that it had was listing Kevin Durant as a 47 year old female. LOL!

I used about 3 pictures of me and it ranged from 24 (fairly accurate) to 57 (completely inaccurate).

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I used a picture of myself, my sister, and my dad from December of 2011. It guessed that my sister was a 24-year-old girl, which was eerily accurate given the fact that we were going to a Browns game for her 24th birthday at the time the picture was taken. However, it guessed that I was also a 24-year-old girl and, while it guessed my dad's gender right, it thought he was 76.

I then used another picture from when I bought Brawl, so I would've been nearly seventeen at the time. It guessed I was a fourteen-year-old girl. Apparently, this thing thinks I look really feminine for some reason.

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