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IF Demo?


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Do you think FE IF will also have a demo, like Awakening? If there was going to be a demo, how would they handle it?

If there was going to be a demo, then I think they would have one chapter in Nohr and one chapter in Hoshido.

What do you think?

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I'm pretty confident there will be a demo; most games do these days.

FE: Awakening was released early on in the 3DS's life and was the first Japanese 3DS game to have DLC, so it not having a Japanese demo isn't too strange.

It'd be nice to have a chapter in Hoshido and one in Nohr. Maybe if they're really generous (I doubt it), they could let us play to Chapter 5 and allow saves to transfer to the main game.

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Well, since technically the first 5 chapters of the digital version also function like a demo, they can directly use that after disabling download and other functions.

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I mean IS had a demo for Awakening and for STEAM as well. I think there's a good chance well get one for FE:If. Ideally, it would be like Bravely Default's demo and be outside the main story/original content. It could basically be like a few mini-DLC missions. It would probably cover simples/basics like a tutorial though. As for another random guess, perhaps the demo would be chapter 6 on either side of the conflict. You make you choice and roll with it; that would demonstrate why it's called "If" and what it's about.

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I certainly hope there's a demo. If so, when do you think the U.S. will be seeing it? Not for a while, I know.

Probably shortly after the game is released.

Maybe a little bit before? Where Nintendo distributes special download codes? Though, with the closure of Club Nintendo and FE not being as popular as Smash Bros. or Pokemon, I kinda doubt it'll happen... It'd be sweet though.

I'm pretty confident there will be a demo; most games do these days.

FE: Awakening was released early on in the 3DS's life and was the first Japanese 3DS game to have DLC, so it not having a Japanese demo isn't too strange.

It'd be nice to have a chapter in Hoshido and one in Nohr. Maybe if they're really generous (I doubt it), they could let us play to Chapter 5 and allow saves to transfer to the main game.

I mean IS had a demo for Awakening and for STEAM as well. I think there's a good chance well get one for FE:If. Ideally, it would be like Bravely Default's demo and be outside the main story/original content. It could basically be like a few mini-DLC missions. It would probably cover simples/basics like a tutorial though. As for another random guess, perhaps the demo would be chapter 6 on either side of the conflict. You make you choice and roll with it; that would demonstrate why it's called "If" and what it's about.

If the demo would restrict the avatar customization options like in Awakening, then I'd doubt they'd let you transfer your data (unless you can transfer the data and then make your avi in the full game? That'd be kinda awkward...).

Still, ending the demo when you have to choose between Hoshido or Nohr would be a good move.

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By the way, if there indeed will be a demo, what is the forum's policy regarding its content and all of the new information revealed in it? Is it considered pre-release information and can therefore be announced/discussed publicly; or should it be considered spoiler and treated as such? While I probably won't post the whole demo here, I know I'm gonna talk a lot about character X or gameplay mechanic Y, and I want to know if they need to be put inside spoiler boxes.

Edited by Ryo
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Something about the digital release in japan made me think that the first five chapters could be released before everything else like maybe a few days before the full game is officially for sale.

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By the way, if there indeed will be a demo, what is the forum's policy regarding its content and all of the new information revealed in it? Is it considered pre-release information and can therefore be announced/discussed publicly; or should it be considered spoiler and treated as such? While I probably won't post the whole demo here, I know I'm gonna talk a lot about character X or gameplay mechanic Y, and I want to know if they need to be put inside spoiler boxes.

It would be spoilers, since most people here need to wait till probably 2016 to play the demo.

But if you put "spoilers" in your topic title and clearly state you're discussing the demo, you probably don't need spoiler boxes everywhere, just for really spoiler-y content.

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But if you put "spoilers" in your topic title and clearly state you're discussing the demo, you probably don't need spoiler boxes everywhere, just for really spoiler-y content.

Just put it in Japanese. Most people here won't be able to read it.

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I'm hoping for the 5 chapters demo. It sounds like a lot, but it'd be pretty convenient.

Also, Codename STEAM had a similar-length demo itself. 3 stage introduction, then 4 actual stages which could be replayed with two additional characters (which opened new paths and you kept your medals). Quite nice, and it's from the same company as Fire Emblem, so maybe..?

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It would be spoilers, since most people here need to wait till probably 2016 to play the demo.

Ahhh it would be amazing if the demo was out around the holidays this year, but that's probably a long shot. ;-;

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It'd be cool if we got to play through the first 5 chapters, but I have my doubts if this will happen.

I don't know how long STEAM is, as I haven't tried it out yet, but since it was also developed by IS and is apparently longer, maybe a IF demo could also be a bit longer?

If the demo is going to be 2 chapters long, like Awakening, then I can see 1 chapter being Nohr and the other being Hoshido. Though, that may result in sudden skips "oh we're here but now it's like 2 days later all the sudden have fun" which could be kinda awkward.

Unless they do the last Nohr chapter and first Hoshido chapter (or vice-versa)? That would also be a bit awkward...like if you're reading a book to a friend and you only read the last few chapters...

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Let's be real. We're all going to buy it, demo or not.

But in all seriousness, the demo could be the introduction to the storyline, and cut off just before you have to choose your faction.

Edited by ShadowSlayer
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