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Unusual character gender ratio


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I wouldn't even bet on that. Again, in the first trailer we see very masculine figures riding pegasi sporting the Hoshido emblem. Not to mention their country could be located in the sky(although I have no idea how Nohr can even hope to invade them if that's the case) if the artworks are to be taken at face-value. Point is, this may be a completely normal thing in Hoshido.

True, if anything though, if the amiibos become DLC characters there'll probably be an offhand mention of it, with a Hoshido native telling them that's just how it is here. I'd prefer a thorough explanation, but I guess I'd be fine with that too.

I personally like the way Awakening did them, tbh. Personalised caps, I feel, is better than caps based on gender alone. While the male caps tended towards more str/def and female caps tended towards more spd for the most part, it allowed for cases like Virion/Gaius/Lon'qu and Nowi, Panne (ok panne's caps are just ridic) and Cherche to exist because of their character.

one of the few things awakening did right were personal caps, as it gave characters a tad bit more individuality.

not to mention, while i'm a male so you'd think i'd have higher strength and defense, i was actually born with a pretty weak body so those wouldn't be my high point of caps.

what i'm saying is, not every man should have an improved str cap.

This. I've always found the gender caps weird and annoying as they could clash with character peresonalities and growth. Personal caps are best option imo, adds to more relatability as well.

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Why do you want to make the distinction that important? The distinction between individuals is far more important and leave gender to design/story/personal interactions.

I think it'd be cool, gameplay wise, to be limited in choices according to gender. That way a male character won't be able to become a pegasus knight, adding more uniqueness to female characters, even encouraging people to switch a male for a female because of their class usefulness. And vice-versa. That way, it has actually gameplay/strategy (team building) relevance! I conclude this adds a positive point to the experience.

I think that's what Snowy meant.

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I think it'd be cool, gameplay wise, to be limited in choices according to gender. That way a male character won't be able to become a pegasus knight, adding more uniqueness to female characters, even encouraging people to switch a male for a female because of their class usefulness. And vice-versa. That way, it has actually gameplay/strategy (team building) relevance! I conclude this adds a positive point to the experience.

I think that's what Snowy meant.

But with personalized class sets (almost guaranteed to return considering it's the same engine), what's really the difference? Instead of x gender you're encouraging the use of x individual unit based on their individual merits. I don't see the difference between the gameplay value between man with peg and woman with peg vs man without peg and woman without peg. Some people still don't get pegs. Sully didn't get a peg. Panne didn't get a peg. Nowi didn't get a peg. Are they all dudes now?

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I think it'd be cool, gameplay wise, to be limited in choices according to gender. That way a male character won't be able to become a pegasus knight, adding more uniqueness to female characters, even encouraging people to switch a male for a female because of their class usefulness. And vice-versa. That way, it has actually gameplay/strategy (team building) relevance! I conclude this adds a positive point to the experience.

I think that's what Snowy meant.

That's how it's been for a while now. I think that excpetions to the rule add to the gameplay as well. I for one know I'm going to be using Tsubaki soley because he's a male peg knight. This choice will affect how I play the rest of the game based on how he fares as a unit and choices I will make if I have to sacrifice characters or whatever choices this game is so hyped about.

And, honestly, your argument about a class adding uniqueness to a gender is weak as both genders have gender-locked classes. If I had to switch a male for a peg-knight, then I'd also have to switch a female for a barabarian. And, not saying FE does this, if you need a whole class to make a gender unique than you'e doing something wrong with the characters themselves and that's a problem in of itself.

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Making one thing more "unique" by forbidding access to something for another thing for no apparent good reason strikes me as a creative cop-out.

Edited by Crysta
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I admit I had a FE12 reclassing in mind, not an FE13 reclassing in mind. With personal reclassing back, I've no problem with unlocked classes.

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I definitely like the limited sets of reclassing more than FE12's system (especially once the male class sets got combined), it added a fair bit of character individuality. I'm for individual stat cap modifiers too even if I never found them remotely relevant due to capped stats being way too high for Awakening's maingame.

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It becomes a bit more relevant on L/L+, mainly for doubling thresholds, and a +def MU can turn an otherwise squishy-but-not-too-squishy class into acceptably durable (hell, +str BK Lucina's +2 made an acceptable tank on L+ with a +def pairup, where BK is usually not particularly good for endgame defenses), if that counts for anything

I remember having to reclass my MU out of GK because a -1 spd modifier (+Str -Res) coupled with GK made it very difficult for her to hit Grima-quadding thresholds even with help, and I think she was only about 1 or 2 spd away from an assisted 50. Someone without the -1 speed mod could've quadded Grima as a GK with all the other resources I had at hand!

To be fair though, GK is like, the second slowest class haha, but someone with a +1 speed modifier prolly still could've quadded Grima.

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Glad I'm not the only one who thought it was completely silly to reclass a Paladin to Bishop or a Bishop to Dracoknight. Awakening did reclassing right, although I don't like it that much since it trivializes the game even more. Usually I stay with the original classes or class switch to a similar class only (like Lissa being reclassed to Valkyrie).

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To be honest, I feel like gender ratios don't matter as long as there're characters I like of both genders.


However, I do feel like there shouldn't be all male with one female or all female with one male (a.k.a. harems/reverse harems)

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It would be awesome to have an overwhelmingly female cast, and to have that referenced in game, mostly because it's never been done before. I mean, trying to set up Mark's Perfect Harem in awakening took FOREVER. (Yeah, as a good father, I take steps to ensure my son gets all the girls, and vice versa for my daughter and boys.)

Edited by dragonlordsd
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It would be awesome to have an overwhelmingly female cast, and to have that referenced in game, mostly because it's never been done before. I mean, trying to set up Mark's Perfect Harem in awakening took FOREVER. (Yeah, as a good father, I take steps to ensure my son gets all the girls, and vice versa for my daughter and boys.)

While a lot of different gender ratios have been set up in anime, Awakening is definitely the only Fire Emblem game to have a 50/50 male/female ratio. Albeit those anime series tend to take abuse of those characters through fanservice, instead of making things realistic like they should and not blocking genuine human concepts out. Regardless, I feel like Awakening had a lot more likeable female characters than male characters in terms of abusing their abilities in game (in other words, galeforce on literally every female unit) to the point where even if that was your intention, you got some broken effective characters on your team, which is basically what that game is about.

*Ends up having both a homosexual son and a homosexual daughter* Welp

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