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I need a little help getting un-screwed by RNG


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I managed to get myself in a place where the RNG will not go my way, thus killing Sigurd no matter how I vary my situation. In the attached Snes9X savestate, Sigurd is on top of Thove in Chapter 4, with eight Pegasus Knights with Javelins around him. They all have 27% hitrates with his Iron Lance equipped, 29% with either his Steel or Silver Swords. In three turns, if I leave him there, he will die. I currently have the Assassin group completely intact to the south, where the rest of my army is, so I could potentially waste some RNs that way, but one attempt in which I killed all of them off, Sigurd still died to the Peggies. All of the units I'm using are promoted except for Tiltyu, who is going to Sailane to get her promotion. If, for whatever reason, the RN string I'm on makes it impossible, even with RN burns from skills, I am willing to temporarily use the 2 RN roll patch, since a savestate I have prior to this great idea I had is pretty far back, before I even captured Thove. If there's a script that would allow me to see the RN string, that would be very helpful as well. Other than RN burning, would there happen to be any way to get through bad strings of RNs? I suppose I could just have Noish at the home castle go to the arena and waste RNs by dying over and over, but I'd rather be more tactical than that.

The savestate {may not work with emulators that are not Snes9X}

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There really isn't a way to be much more tactical, depending on the order in which you kill the assassins the rn string could change slightly to your advantage, but the really only true hard reliable way is to sit in the arena and blow through the whole string.

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If the RNG refuses to let you live, go ahead and make it feel bad about itself. I'd use the arena to get rid of that string of numbers.

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If the RNG refuses to let you live, go ahead and make it feel bad about itself.

Mind if I use this in my sig?

To all: Thanks for the help. I wish I'd thought of that last night instead of wasting a whole half hour trying not to die, but I think I know what I'm doing now.

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To all: Thanks for the help. I wish I'd thought of that last night instead of wasting a whole half hour trying not to die, but I think I know what I'm doing now.

It happens, I know the feeling of being like "I really don't want to abuse the RNG", but sometimes its just gotta be done.

Chapter 7 in particular loves giving me bad strings.

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I saw it in the e-mail SF sent me, sorry bro. I didn't know what it meant, though.

The Paladin trio in Ch. 2 tho

Sorry about that. You'll figure it out eventually. Should of thought of the spoiler tag. And yes, the paladin trio is borderline suicidal, but the more you play, at least for me, I find it gets easier.

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Sorry about that. You'll figure it out eventually. Should of thought of the spoiler tag. And yes, the paladin trio is borderline suicidal, but the more you play, at least for me, I find it gets easier.

It's alright. I'll probably forget while I play Thracia in between generations. What I meant by mentioning the Pally trio was that unless you have a happy RNGesus, one of them will die due to non-friendly Canto shenanigans before you can even get to them.

By the way, I heard that part of FE5 happens during Gen 2 of Genealogy. I'm doing my LP chronologically, so about when should alternation start?

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I'd just play Thracia to the end because there are some differences as to Leaf story in gen 2 and Thracia. If you really want to know, chapter 20 in Thracia is the end of chapter 7 in genealogy.

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Mind if I use this in my sig?

Feel free~!

I'm not sure how many numbers you'll need to burn, but when I do "punish" the fixed RNG in the GBA system, I either need to advance the RNG by a teensy bit (two or three numbers), or I need to burn thirty. If you're lucky, you'll only need a single numerical shift for the string to align itself properly. Good luck~!

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I'm not sure how many numbers you'll need to burn, but when I do "punish" the fixed RNG in the GBA system, I either need to advance the RNG by a teensy bit (two or three numbers), or I need to burn thirty. If you're lucky, you'll only need a single numerical shift for the string to align itself properly. Good luck~!

I ended up doing a ton of RN burning just for the heck of it, but it was somewhat necessary because Sigurd was not countering. Even then, the RNG wouldn't give up killing Sigurd for a number of turns. He got a great level that allowed for better survival once he went after the peggies, fortunately.

units with ambush burn 2 rns per arena attack instead of one iirc.

I had Noish in the castle as well, so I think that did the same thing... if he were ever to attack. 1HP guarantees getting attacked first.

Edited by Forceman
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