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if Music Clues


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This is FE4 Crisis it starts to sound like FEif after 10 seconds


And it sounds like Crisis after 25 seconds

It is a bit of a minor comparison, I just thought it was interesting to point it out lol.

Edited by MasterJP28
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Wild theory alert

Obviously it means that your going to trick get tricked into marrying the dancer who's also part dragon and having a doom baby.

But more seriously adding the dark prince class into the equation, i would not be surprised if they took a few thematic cues from FE 4 and are adding small easter eggs from that game, so the story might get quite a bit darker than awakening at least on nohr though i don't think they will kill kaimui

Or its just a coincidence.

Edited by goodperson707
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Well you already got the Cuan and Trabant like dilemma with Kamui. And Nohr (Granbell) vs Hoshido (Isaac) large scale war too. I think this game is actually going back to a more SNES style story.

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If does remind me a bit of FE4 with family being a major theme even if not in exactly the same way, but yeah basically what MasterJP28 said, which is a good thing.

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^ wow i forgot about kaimui basically being Altena, (though in Kamuis case it seems Lenster got the Gae Bolg back) and now that you mention it i do see a Isaac granbelle parallel to Hoshido and Nohr

Quite honestly people seem to me to tend to forget Genealogy of the Holy War. I only read the translation of the story and watched a lets play, but i still find it quite memorable, really need to find and actually play it someday.

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Awakening used FE4's marriage and children concept, plus the whole idea of a dark dragon possessing a human to be the final boss.

Now if is using FE4's music and Dark Prince class.

Therefore, all the newer games are taking from Jugdral, and Nohr will actually be as hard as they told us it would be (i.e. Thracia hard)

this is entirely serious what are you talking about

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