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ORAS is slightly different on your birthday!


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No joke. I mean, I'm aware that past Pokemon games have noted your birthday, but not like ORAS does.

I walked into a Pokemon Center and confetti was thrown, the music changed to a different version of the normal Pokemon Center music, and the monitor behind the nurse pictured a birthday cake. This doesn't only occur the first time you walk into a Pokemon Center either, I walked back in and the remixed music and birthday cake monitor picture were still there.

I just had to post about it and I thought it was cute. lol

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No joke. I mean, I'm aware that past Pokemon games have noted your birthday, but not like ORAS does.

I walked into a Pokemon Center and confetti was thrown, the music changed to a different version of the normal Pokemon Center music, and the monitor behind the nurse pictured a birthday cake. This doesn't only occur the first time you walk into a Pokemon Center either, I walked back in and the remixed music and birthday cake monitor picture were still there.

I just had to post about it and I thought it was cute. lol

Huh I'll have to see that on the 11th.

Happy Birthday btw.

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I haven't played ORAS on my birthday, can't speak for other people. It also hasn't been out for very long, so that might be a thing.

Edited by Refa
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Ah yeah, I forgot that some people might not have played on their birthday, true.

EDIT: This happens in X/Y too? I could've sworn I played it on my birthday last year though...

Edited by Anacybele
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Ooooh interesting, I've always liked their birthday secrets in these games I guess with each new gen they're trying to go bigger and bigger birthday treats Gen 7 legendary birthday cake battle!

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Same thing happens in X/Y with the addition of stardust in that winter mountain(The snow part never happened to me though)

yeah, they've been doing birthday stuff since the ds came out(since that was the first time your birthday was accessable to the game).

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Pretty sweet.

However, happy birthday Ana.

Yep, and thanks. ^^

Awhile back, there was an actual birthday event too, I think for all the DS games. You could download a birthday Togekiss on the date you have entered in your system as your birthday.

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Yeah I noticed that on Y. Black/White has the Nurse Joy say "Oh, is today your birthday? Happy birthday! I hope you'll keep using the pokemon center for many years to come!"

Also on a DS, the sound when you turn it on is a bit different on your birthday. Dunno if 3DS does the same thing.

*gives you an internet cupcake* Can't send you a real one xD It would be gross by the time it got there probably...and I don't know/need your address anyway.

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Haha, thanks, Dcat. ^^

I didn't notice if my 3DS made a different sound or not when I turned it on. I should see now... No, no different sounds. Just my usual theme swapping (I started using the favorites shuffle thing awhile back).

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