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Support Convo Contest(voting closed!)


Remember, no voting for yourself!  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. Best canon/canon

    • Frederick/Lon'qu
    • Robin/Morgan
    • Ike/Elincia
    • Calill/Tauroneo
    • Cain/Jagen
    • Shinon/Lethe
  2. 2. Best oc/canon

    • Boyd/Cerai
    • Ike/Lalita
    • Dozla/Chigai
    • Canas/Nadine
  3. 3. Best oc/oc

    • Rannoc/Darcen
    • Atlantic/Murk
    • Tia/Mana
    • Kael/Lalita
    • Lemming/Avia
    • Cerise/Jinx
    • Max/Benjamin
  4. 4. Your top favorites. Pick as many as you like.

    • Cain/Jagen
    • Robin/Morgan
    • Frederick/Lon'qu
    • Ike/Elincia
    • Calill/Tauroneo
    • Ike/Lalita
    • Boyd/Cerai
    • Canas/Nadine
    • Dozla/Chigai
    • Rannoc/Darcen
    • Atlantic/Murk
    • Tia/Mana
    • Kael/Lalita
    • Lemming/Avia
    • Cerise/Jinx
    • Max/Benjamin
    • Shinon/Lethe

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Since Dragoncat didn't tally up any votes, I'll do it. It's easy. lol

Max/Benjamin wins overall at eleven total votes! I thought this one was the best myself. ^^

Runner up is Lon'qu/Frederick at ten votes!

Third place has multiple people lol. Too many to list. XD

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Despite not winning in category, Calill/Tauroneo was overall picked the most as a 'top favorite' so I consider it a moral victory. Canon x Canon supports were more frequently chosen overall as top favorites which was interesting.

We should do this again sometime.

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Since Dragoncat didn't tally up any votes, I'll do it. It's easy. lol

Max/Benjamin wins overall at eleven total votes! I thought this one was the best myself. ^^

Runner up is Lon'qu/Frederick at ten votes!

Third place has multiple people lol. Too many to list. XD

Haha, thanks. Thought about doing that but, everyone can see the results anyway.

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Despite not winning in category, Calill/Tauroneo was overall picked the most as a 'top favorite' so I consider it a moral victory. Canon x Canon supports were more frequently chosen overall as top favorites which was interesting.

We should do this again sometime.

I think SF people in general just aren't as into OCs and such as other folks. :P

But yes, we should do this again! I wish to do better, and I do believe I've learned a thing or two from this contest about writing supports as well. :)

Dcat: True, lol, but it just felt kinda odd not to have a post declaring winners like other contest threads here have. XD

Edited by Anacybele
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I think SF people in general just aren't as into OCs and such as other folks. :P

Real shame. Mine kick butt. So do yours...

The RPers have OCs of course, but they don't do much else with them. They make new ones for each RP and use them just there afaik.

I give permission to run a second round to anyone who wants to.

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I'd also like to thank everyone who voted for mine! I had a lot of fun writing it and reading everyone else's.

I give permission to run a second round to anyone who wants to.

I wouldn't mind running the next one, but I'm just not sure how much downtime you all would like. I'm going on vacation tomorrow for the weekend, so I know I wouldn't be able to write anything else immediately.

If I did run it, I might add a couple new rules if they're agreeable:

-In Top Favorites, you can't vote for any convo you've already voted for in the other categories (might rename it Runners-Up and limit it to three or four votes or something)

-If you wrote for a pairing already, you can use the characters again, just not together. For example, if Cynthia participated in the next round, she could write Calill/Soren and Tauroneo/OC or something, but not Calill/Tauroneo again.

-Votes are visible to the public

Would these be fine?

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Aha, but should we have a rule against rewriting supports that have already been submitted? Because I would gladly take up that offer to rewrite a certain one.

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Well, if the whole point is writing something new, then wouldn't it be contrary to rewrite a support you've already done? Even if you try rebuilding everything from the ground up, there's the argument of how much is new, and how much is old. It's just a lot simpler to have everyone do new pairings each time, I think.

But that's just my opinion, and I'm open to striking that rule or changing it if enough people disagree.

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Too be honest, assuming a support is re-worked, I don't see the harm in re-submitting it. That said...

Maybe this time we could have a bit more of guide-lines laid out for us? Stuff like 'no guest appearances' or 'American-release only games' or something to keep it more... in-line?

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'American-release only games'


But in all seriousness, I don't think a fairly casual contest like this needs any specific guidelines on what's in the support itself besides "make it look like a support that would come from a game." If someone decides to post an entry that doesn't look like something that would be in a game at all, then I'm sure that will be a negative factor when voting time comes around.

Of course, again, if enough of you guys want me to make all the entries adhere to more strict guidelines in terms of length, formatting, and certain conventions, I can do that.

Regardless, I'll throw the new topic up sometime Thursday night or Friday morning. Deadline will likely be Friday, May 29th, 11:59:59 PM CDT. So that would be a little over a week to get something written.

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Yeah I don't see a reason to ban Japan only released games or guest appearances (Lots of people have played games like FE6 and FE itself does guest appearances from time to time).

Generally, I note if entries don't follow FE guidelines (length, 'cutscene' actions etc.), but I don't see that much reason to specifically point that out in the OP. If people don't know what a FE support looks like, we have them on site to read. I'll note that I do judge supports a little differently depending upon which game they come from as support style changes a bit (Awakening has limited facial expressions and sounds for instance).

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Real shame. Mine kick butt. So do yours...

Ha, Cerai would literally kick someone's butt, methinks. XD And so would Azura. Those two would get along, I bet! I agree though!

And I don't like the idea of excluding Japan-only games or guest appearances, so I'm glad others agree they should be allowed. I also see that the next contest has been posted. ^^

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