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Best S-Supports for children?

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What are in your opinion the best support pair for each child based mainly on convos and secondly support statwise?Dont spoil anything from the convos and remember that I want pairs that complement each others stats

The children I (will) make






Speed Avatar-Nah








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Based on aesthetics for me:

Lucina x Laurent

Kjelle x Owain

I second Gerome x Cynthia

Nah x Yarne

Morgan x Brady - I honestly like Morgan with anyone

Inigo x Severa

Someone has to be forever alone in this case, I'm leaving Noire unpaired. I think the only person she goes well with is Yarne in terms of aesthetics and conversations. Support wise, it gives you a galeforce user for each pair and some of them have GF with both units. Although, my preferences seem to be a bit mixed. The only one that goes well together is probably Gerome and Inigo with their mates. Laurent can't be a physical dude with Ricken as his dad as easily. He's lacking every faire outside of Tomefaire. And I think the only magic class Lucina gets from Olivia is Dark Flier, and you are lacking a faire for magic because you don't have sage, so that could be a problem. The rest are kinda questionable outside of Morgan who can do everything and Brady who is fine.

I'm no expert, and I haven't played FE13 in a while and haven't really played since I've finished Lunatic(+) so someone might be a better choice for optimization.

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and you are lacking a faire for magic because you don't have sage, so that could be a problem

Lucina wouldn't use Tomefaire even if she had it so this isn't too big of a problem.

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Aesthetically and gameplaywise, Severa and Inigo make a great pair. It's actually amazing considering how unpleasant Severa is and how often Inigo's S supports go horribly wrong (In more than half of them somebody winds up looking like an absolute asshole and ruining the moment, if there even was one), they actually wind up surprisingly happy together.

Oh and just for context: in AvatarxInigo, Avatar makes Inigo promise he won't cheat on her, which he initially has trouble doing, and then his event tiles imply he broke his promise if you have him talk with Morgan on one.

After Cynthia and Inigo confess their love for each other, Cynthia brings up the fact that he's in a committed relationship now (to be fair she "Here's to you not LOOKING at any girl other than me", emphasis added, but his reply makes it sound like he's not willing to stop flirting at all), and he runs away and he chases after her, though this is comparatively mild considering the other ones and it is pretty funny.

In Lucina and Inigo's S support conversation, when they're talking about bringings smiles to the faces of people everywhere, Inigo says "women everywhere", prompting Lucina to threaten to cut him to pieces if he cheats on her.

His entire support chain with Noire is her creepily stalking him and then cornering him with her violent personality because she was upset he never flirted with her because she wanted to be able to turn him down too.

Nah... oh dear god don't even get me started with Nah... she forces him into marriage with the threat of eating him alive and it's all extremely creepy yet written like it's supposed to be funny.

Only Morgan, Severa and Kjelle have normal S support conversations with him that don't imply the relationship will be dysfunctional.

Edited by Alastor15243
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