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How would Anna work?

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A lot of different things could be done with Anna. She could easily be a character with no ties to either side so she appears however she wants. However, as there are multiple Annas, it's also possible we could see Hoshido Anna, Nohr Anna, and regular merchant Anna. I think whichever joins you should be based by what path you choose if she returns as a playable character.

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She's a double agent, serving both sides, while she's actually working for another nation, one that will crush both nations under their heel.

In the third route, Nohr and Hoshido form a temporary truce because of the two royals under the other's possession, and combat this third nation. Of course, this doesn't stop a war from breaking out between the two after Kamui dies.

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Her greed knows no bounds. She is the ultimate war profiteer and she will laugh as we buy overpriced unbreakable weapons to kill each other.

In all seriousness I don't think Anna is going to be playable, just another shopkeeper. Her playable appearance in Awakening was a nice tribute brought on by the possible end of the series, but now that FE is safe I'm fine with bringing her back to her roots. If she is playable she should look the same just to cause questions about whether the two Annas are the same person or not.

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I super like the idea of Anna just being a temporal anomaly who defies all causality and is -- and always was -- a resident of whichever kingdom you choose. Without explanation.

She probably stalks you.I mean,every time you suspend data in some games she's right there.Waiting.She's even in a hotel in 7.

She's almost like Tharja.

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I would like Anna to be a merchant, but I'm also hoping that to go with it they have a string of side (villages, Fe4 style tile events, ect) appearances, or a shared between versions side quest or something. I'd rather she not go back to just being in the shops, or just being the tutorial girl.

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Her greed knows no bounds. She is the ultimate war profiteer and she will laugh as we buy overpriced unbreakable weapons to kill each other.

Anna confirmed overarching villain of the series at large.

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Considering these new titles are likely to be like Gaiden, Anna might not even appear in these titles at all.

Edited by Alphonetic
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The next time Fire Emblem is in threat of being discontinued again due to plummeting sales, you can count on Anna being the final boss.

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Anna is clearly the one setting the sales requirements for the FE games.

I think she's actually been embezzling the profits and IS had to post lower sales figures to justify why FE wasn't making money.

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In the last Fire Emblem game, merchants will disappear, and Anna will slowly gain a business monopoly. The Lord and Co realize that their weapons and costing more and more, and decide investigate the mystery of the disappearing merchants. They track everything back to Anna. In the final boss fight, she unveils herself as Random Number Goddess, and has the most broken stats ever. None of your units can land a single hit on her. They are all massacred. The Lord, trembling in fear, faces her. She offers him a sword that can actually damage her for 1,000,000 gold. Of course, this is after you've spent all that money on those infini-use weapons, so you have no money left. She shrugs, crits the Lord, and takes everything from your convoy to sell at ridiculous prices.

In all seriousness, Anna will probably remain consistent through Nohr and Hoshido, though I doubt she'll be recruitable again.

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My money is on her being one of the only units that will be in all three paths, as a greedy but loyal mercenary that Kamui picks up in chapter 5 and sticks.

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