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I am doing a crack pairing playthrough

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Ehhh, I personally think that Chrom/Sumia is closer to "meh" than, say, Chrom/Olivia...

On the other hand, Chrom/Olivia doesn't make the fixed child of Chrom's spouse look less bright than he/she does when Chrom isn't his/her father. Hence the "facepalm-inducing" comment.
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On the other hand, Chrom/Olivia doesn't make the fixed child of Chrom's spouse look less bright than he/she does when Chrom isn't his/her father. Hence the "facepalm-inducing" comment.

Maybe, but the writing of Chrom/Olivia reeks of being facepalm-inducing in and of itself... There's also the part where Olivia joins in the very chapter where Chrom must marry - a pretty good reason to consider it crack, if you ask me.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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On the other hand, Chrom/Olivia doesn't make the fixed child of Chrom's spouse look less bright than he/she does when Chrom isn't his/her father. Hence the "facepalm-inducing" comment.

I think Lucina's sibling supports fit Cynthia a good deal better than they do Inigo...

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I think Lucina's sibling supports fit Cynthia a good deal better than they do Inigo...

I wasn't talking about Lucina's sibling supports, though. Edited by Just call me AL
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Kellam x Nowi for that S support and Stahl x Cordelia for sewage hair Severa.

This was the first pairing I shipped.

Then it was a whole lot of "OH GOD WHAT I HAVE I DONE" when I got Severa. Any other shade of green would have been better.

EDIT: The most "crack" pairings imo is M!RobinxLucina, DonnelxMiriel or Panne, RickenxTharja, Nowixmost adults (strangely especially Gregor even though he comes with her lol). I haven't actually paired these people up yet, though, so maybe the supports aren't that horrible.

Edited by Crysta
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Then what were you talking about? Chrom's second child father supports are the same as they are with any other father.

The introduction to "Wings of Justice".

And I've heard it all before. I still say Cynthia, as Chrom's daughter, shouldn't have been fooled by Ruger. Disguise or not.

Edited by Just call me AL
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