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Any marriage or romance hinted at?

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If they have marriage, they shouldn't shoe-horn the protagonist to one character they may not even like. Better off not doing it at all, in that case. Aqua doesn't appeal to me romantically in the least - and I fully intend on doing at least one M!Kamui playthrough.

I second M!Robin x Lucina weirding me out, too. If I was a parent no amount of time travel or them being an adult would make that situation not uncomfortable. I think the game kind of ignored that bro code violation a little unrealistically, but whatever.

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If they have marriage, they shouldn't shoe-horn the protagonist to one character they may not even like. Better off not doing it at all, in that case. Aqua doesn't appeal to me romantically in the least - and I fully intend on doing at least one M!Kamui playthrough.

I second M!Robin x Lucina weirding me out, too. If I was a parent no amount of time travel or them being an adult would make that situation not uncomfortable. I think the game kind of ignored that bro code violation a little unrealistically, but whatever.

I wasn't aware girls quoted the bro code or that there was a clause in it against dating the time traveling daughters of your bros.

Are you okay with Robin x Lisa?

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I wasn't aware girls quoted the bro code or that there was a clause in it against dating the time traveling daughters of your bros.

Are you okay with Robin x Lisa?

No, that's awkward as fuck too. Same with Nowi. And Owain x Lucina.

And girls can understand the code of unspoken friendship. Amazing, I know.

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No, that's awkward as fuck too. Same with Nowi. And Owain x Lucina.

And girls can understand the code of unspoken friendship. Amazing, I know.

Pardon me then. I always thought the notion of "unspoken rules of whom you're not allowed to date because not making your friends uncomfortable is a greater concern than your own feelings and that of the person who you're interested in." to be rather juvenile and limited to guys.

But it's good to know dating your friend's sister is on the same tier as lolicon and incest, lol.

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Nah, just awkward as fuck. For different reasons, but you asked if I found going after Lissa objectionable, and I answered. Might as well include all the other equivalences you might try to bring up that also creep me out.

But if you don't wanna hear that, okay, sure I *totally* put M!AvatarxLissa on the same level of pedophilia. That's what my post said.

I certainly do think one should take friends into account when doing something they may have profound objections towards and may affect your friendship with them, if you value that friendship at all, and kids are certainly important enough to care about. If you wanna say "she's a full grown woman (who is probably a teenager but whatever it may count) and can make her own choices" - that's completely true - but that doesn't stop me from thinking it's awkward/weird/whatever adjective I previously used, nor how the game handled it (pretty much ignored it). If I was the parent and it was a friend expressing that sort interest in my child, I wouldn't care about their justifications - the friendship at the very least would be over.

EDIT: Wouldn't care if kid was from the future. Still my kid.

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Nah, just awkward as fuck. For different reasons, but you asked if I found going after Lissa objectionable, and I answered. Might as well include all the other equivalences you might try to bring up that also creep me out.

But if you don't wanna hear that, okay, sure I *totally* put M!AvatarxLissa on the same level of pedophilia. That's what my post said.

I certainly do think one should take friends into account when doing something they may have profound objections towards and may affect your friendship with them, if you value that friendship at all, and kids are certainly important enough to care about. If you wanna say "she's a full grown woman (who is probably a teenager but whatever it may count) and can make her own choices" - that's completely true - but that doesn't stop me from thinking it's awkward/weird/whatever adjective I previously used, nor how the game handled it (pretty much ignored it). If I was the parent and it was a friend expressing that sort interest in my child, I wouldn't care about their justifications - the friendship at the very least would be over.

Sorry for coming off as rude. I know you weren't really suggesting Robin x Lissa was on the same level as pedophilia but I couldn't resist making a snark.

As for your last paragraph, I agree that you should consider your friend's feelings when choosing your dating partners but I do think it's something you should talk to them about. I only object to the "unspoken agreement" that you can't date your friend's family members on the grounds that it might make them uncomfortable. There is no inherit "dick move" to being romantically interested in your friend's family. If they wrote in something like "Lissa was in an emotionally vulnerable state and Chrom was unhappy with Robin making a move on her" then yes, it would be his duty as a friend to back off. Chrom didn't say anything about Robin getting married to Lucina or Lissa so I assumed he didn't mind (nor should the player).

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There is degrees of... no. I'm not sure how to adequately describe it.

Your friend is digging your cousin? Sure. Let them go ahead, I guess. Your friend wants to date your brother/sister? Gonna be terribly awkward when they have a fight, and it's understandable if you're overprotective (especially if the sibling is considerably stupid younger). They're looking at your daughter/son or parent romantically? UHHHHH...

But Stacy's Mom clearly suggests that's a thing.

I know the game doesn't really regard it at all. Which is weird to me, since I don't think a brother/dad would completely disregard it, but it's a video game so whatever. There are other things it doesn't address, too, and I'm not gonna step on someone's OTP.

Just... say it's weird.

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Fair enough. I'm aware that in real life there is often awkwardness in these kinds of situations but it has more to do with one's own insecurities than a valid excuse for why you object to a pairing. Isn't it interesting that you (the general 'you') would get angry at your friend for dating your sister but not your sister dating your friend? Is it because you regard your family as property to be protected and not as people with their own hopes and desires? Is it that you don't want to acknowledge that your family members will also be having physical relationships with other people? To each their own, but I won't assign wrongness without greater context.

For the record, my OTP is M!AvatarXCordelia so I don't have a stake in the matter.

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Isn't it interesting that you (the general 'you') would get angry at your friend for dating your sister but not your sister dating your friend?

You really should argue against what I actually say and less about what you infer about what you think I'm saying lol.

Whether it's my friend expressing interest in my sister, or my sister expressing interest in my friend, doesn't change the awkwardness and my protective instincts. I'm not sure how it would.

And I certainly do hope my siblings eventually find husbands/wives and have relationships of that sort... so... what?

EDIT: god now I'm thinking about scenarios in my head involving my sister wanting to date certain friends of mine... ugh...

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You really should argue against what I actually say and less about what you infer about what you think I'm saying lol.

I used the general 'you' to address why people in general are opposed to their friends dating their family. I'm just musing here, so these theories aren't directed at you in particular. In that case, I should probably stop quoting you.

EDIT: god now I'm thinking about scenarios in my head involving my sister wanting to date certain friends of mine... ugh...

That was my plan all along.

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No, I'm not joking. A home console is able to handle more than a handheld. I thought that was just a fact that people accepted, but I guess not. Would you like to elaborate on your point a bit, or do you just want to make passive-aggressive remarks?

I'm not denying that (you can fit so much more in a foot-long brick than in something the size of a paperback); what I AM saying is that the only limitation I see for that is memory, which itself isn't a major issue. Developers are offered up to 8 gigabyte 3DS cartridges; nobody has used more than 4, however. Dynamic-marriages and so on wouldn't really require any processing or anything; just a lot more memory. And considering that Awakening was all of 1.05 gigabytes, I'd say it would be quite feasible to do (or course, not now, this far in development on three different scenarios).

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I'm not denying that (you can fit so much more in a foot-long brick than in something the size of a paperback); what I AM saying is that the only limitation I see for that is memory, which itself isn't a major issue. Developers are offered up to 8 gigabyte 3DS cartridges; nobody has used more than 4, however. Dynamic-marriages and so on wouldn't really require any processing or anything; just a lot more memory. And considering that Awakening was all of 1.05 gigabytes, I'd say it would be quite feasible to do (or course, not now, this far in development on three different scenarios).

Huh, I was not aware of that. This just makes me wonder why people haven't been using the 3DS' full potential. Thanks for telling me that though; I always love learning new game design type things.

Edited by Honey Bunny
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Just adding a bit to the convo that I don't see anything wrong with Maribelle dating Chrom, and if anything her friendship is considered a positive effect on the marriage. Really its down to the individuals, on the other hand Lucina marrying the Avatar is kinda creepy, because well she exists as a baby. Add to it that yeah she is Chroms daughter, and I can imagine lots of heebie jeebies all around.

But marrying friends family? It isn't a large label in the sky, and depends on individuals.

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All those people are dead wrong. Awakening sold better mainly because of better marketing and casual mode. No FE game got nearly as much advertising and marketing as this one did. And permadeath was a thing that turned many people away from the series, and with casual mode eliminating that, they finally played it.

Causual mode was introduced a game before awaking.

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If you really want in game marages and children, i highly suggest you play fe4. The system is not as polished as in awakening (pairs of lovers get anywhere from 0-2 convos), but it is still great fun to play around with.

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