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Who Else But Me Are Sick Of Amiibos and Sales?



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Gonna collect the Matilda, Sayla and Amuro figurines of this picture as they are my favorite characters from the show.


Already Ordered!

Seriously.They sell out in seconds and that Nintendo never provides enough to meet these ridiculous demands. So...I say to myself...screw it! Screw Lucina. I'm sick and tired of nearly half of these things being exclusives in one store in America and nowhere else. It gets treated as a universal item when it sure as hell ain't the ultimate item in the world. I've already slapped my 13 dollars down on this Matilda Ajan figurine that I'm going to soon put in the bathroom either by the counter, or by the tub. I will provide pictures of my new collections as soon as I get them in the mail. Getting Gundam action figures/model kits are a start on a new ticket of freedom of these ridiculous plastic things. I love Gundam just as much and will not be going completely crazy by these plastic toys (amiibos) any longer.

Anyway...Matilda is a commanding officer of the Medea who she is nicknamed the Guardian Angel of the White Base. She even has some admirers due to her beauty and bubbly kind of nature. She is Lt of the White Base and even got Amuro Ray to have the hots for her. When she did battle


she and her army fought hard for everyone and saluted her out of respect after she died in this battle.


Matilda Ajan was the commanding officer of the Earth Federation's Medea supply corps. At times Matilda also served as a personal envoy for General Revil, carrying messages and orders from him to other ships. When the White Base was trapped in Zeon-controlled airspace over North America it was the vital supplies delivered by the Medea supply corps which allowed the beleaguered assault carrier to make desperately needed repairs and escape over the Pacific Ocean.

Due to her habits of showing up when the White Base was in a bind and helping them in whatever way she could, Miss Matilda was looked to as the guardian angel of the vessel. Also due to her stunning beauty she became the dream girl of many of the young male crew members staffing the White Base, especially the young Amuro Ray. Miss Matilda was engaged to Lieutenant Woody Malden, who was a chief military engineer stationed in the Earth Federation headquarters of Jaburo.




Amuro Ray

(Gonna get him soon. <3)

He is the federation leader and...

Amuro's habits indicate him being a 'nerd' in some ways. Throughout the war, Amuro's mental stress and his growing Newtype powers distance him further away from the crew members of the White Base. Through all of Amuro's development, he then begins to lose many people he had cherished, most importantly Lalah Sune, the only person he could telepathically communicate with. At the end of the war, Amuro realizes that the crew of the White Base is the family he belongs to. In Char's Counterattack, Amuro has grown into much more of a leader, willing to sacrifice himself for a brighter and more hopeful future. Who wouldn't like such a man? Plus he looks like Richard Simmons. :D


Matilda Ajan (Already ordered!)


Sayla Mass (Already ordered!)

Just slapped my 24.97 on this one. Amuro isn't available right now. My money's gone...no regrets. I'm am sick of these abomination figurines anyway. Silver Mario can go to whoever...I don't care anymore. The point is...were going too crazed over these things that it isn't even funny. I just want to release myself from this awful curse and collect the things that I really like. Gundam is one of my passions. Anyway...my point is the same as Carter's. Were going too crazy over these things and it isn't the end of the world if you don't get the figurine that you want. Sayla is collected because she's Char's sister who I approve of the shipping of AmuroxSayla who would often make Frau Bow jealous. She is an officer of the White Base. But...what makes this character unique is despite the fact that she takes her duties seriously as any other officer, she isn't really fond, or isn't suited for war and her soft-like personality is what got Amuro to get very close with her. This one's going by my dresser drawer.

My point is...

Not everybody gets hooked on amiibos to the point of having to buy them from scalpers if they can't get the ones that they want. It's just that...we need to learn to manage our money more (as it is not a puppet) and only get them if under 20-30 dollars if possible. Sure many of you are going to disagree and disreguard what I say. But...my point still stands. These figurines are being treated like the ultimate item of the entire world and learn to like SOMETHING ELSE for once. Just trying to avoid having to overpay for something that shouldn't be worth more than 30 dollars at most. Do not feed the scalpers. It's true. They are taking advantage of this you know. Many have already made paychecks worth off of us because of this curse.

The point is...once you get hooked on these Gundam, Sakura Wars, etc figurines...you won't have to worry about having to pay hundreds of dollars for those plastic toys that only benefits from a couple of games. Plus...these amiibo's get on my nerves every now and then especially having over paid for a few of them. It's even worse that people have to go out of their way to waiting outside early for these things which a simple toy SHOULD'NT get this popular for something that will rust in your closet after a couple of months/years. If you don't want to talk about it...that's fine. Just vote. I don't care. I'm no longer going to be under this curse any longer. I'm free from these petty attachments. Sure. I'll still get them overtime, but folks shouldn't have to rush to the point of driving Nintendo crazy and getting them to produce even less stocks of the rarer amiibos for us after going out like lights. That's what gets on my nerves most of all. It is not the ultimate item for goodness sake. x.x

By the way...I'm not bothering to get Silver Mario at a retailer as the stocks will be extremely rare and that your likely not going to ever find one anyway. That's my point. That is why that these things are so stupid. D: People need to learn that these figurines that are a different version of the same character have no different functionality at all whatsoever. The Silver Mario won't be nothing more than a regular Mario amiibo with the same functionality. They are just spray painted. lol

That's why I find no point in getting it.

So...thanking Carter for getting me to understand of what were doing to ourselves. Maybe after a while...some of you will wake up and see what we mean.




Are you sick of amiibos and, or their ridiculous sales, or just in general, or not? Don't you find it a little crazy as to the sales of something that probably won't have any use outside of two consoles?


My vote is...yes. ...And still pissed off for having overpaid for 3 of them.

Edited by Lt_Matilda_Ajan
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One person's trash is another person's treasure.

Here is the thing with Amiibos. Most people are not just buying it because they are rare but it is a rare opportunity to finally get merchandise of Nintendo characters that fans have loved for all those years. Nintendo did not expect to see the demand so high for these figures because the game sales for some of these IPs were not as high as they critically expected so they did not make so much of those figures. Unfortunately they misjudged it and created very little supply for the North American market and they could not create enough to meet the demand for some of the characters.

Here is my main question. Please tell me I can go into any anime merchandise store from any dealer and buy a F-Zero toy? The answer is the same, highly unlikely at all. The amiibos have given me an opportunity to finally own a merchendise of something that I have always wanted for years and it is officially licensed and not a bootleg. But anything Gundam? I can go into any anime store no problem to find them all over the place. The supplies for Gundam merchandise as a whole is so much ranging from model kits, to posters to toys. Can I find anything like that for most Nintendo franchise? Not really. Maybe Mario and Pokemon but F-zero? Mother series? Fire Emblem series? Xenoblade? You'll find those to be non existence. Therefore most Nintendo fans can do nothing but depend on amiibos to get the characters that they want at this current point.

You also have to remember this is just a current market trend for the game industry as a whole. While it is true that people are getting ridiculous over a small figurine but it is a small figurine of a character that they love. You can't all of a sudden convert someone to start collecting gundams just because they have better supply of merchandise as a whole. Would I love to have amount of supplies in toys and figures that Gundam gets for Nintendo characters? Absolutely. It maybe ridiculous to you but to the people who love these characters it is not.

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And anime merch shops aren't very common either in America to begin with -- the closest thing to one I know of is roughly one hour away by car (depending on traffic) from my house, and that shop mainly sells American comic books (DC, Marvel, etc.). If it weren't for popular retailers selling amiibo, pretty much the only way to get any official Nintendo merch without going to a Japanese pop culture convention (Otakon, Katsucon, etc.) or visiting the Nintendo World Store (which is only in New York City) is buying/importing them online.

Yeah, amiibo sales stink since Nintendo underestimated demand and I honestly wish that some of the manpower (some part of amiibo production is done by hand) used to make all of those Mario, Link and Pikachu amiibo figures be swapped over to make amiibo figures of less popular series like those from Fire Emblem and such.

I also wish that Super Smash Bros. amiibo cards are launched immediately with the Animal Crossing: New Leaf amiibo cards and the NFC peripheral.

Nintendo could have made a mass killing with those amiibo, and indeed they did; but they could have made more money if they were to sell more amiibo of less-represented series -- as of now, scalpers are the ones making the extra money.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Honestly, despite the silly amiibo situation, I love hunting amiibo. I always go out with my friends, and we (usually) have a great time waiting in line chatting with fellow hunters. I mean, if you let it consume you, it will. But I've been trying to make the best of things, and the situations that low amiibo stock have brought can turn into warm moments of fellowship. Plus, amiibo are really cool~

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As far as the Amiibo themselves the quality is pretty damn good for what you pay for (assuming retail or retail shipping for $13-$25) and to have a figure line officially licensed by Nintendo is big in itself. As far as their functionality its hit or miss yeah its pretty much physical DLC and you don't get much for many games that couldn't have just been released on the E-shop. Exception to this might be Smash.

Now as far as the issues of stock, scalpers, and store exclusives. I gotta agree with you. Its kinda ridiculous. Good on Nintendo for making money on them but damn did they undershoot supply. I would say that the majority of buyers are not kids but actually long time fans and collectors who might not even own the current gen Nintendo consoles. It makes no sense to me why Nintendo hasn't opened an online store to take orders to make the amount they need and sell them at MSRP. For every amiibo a scalper sells thats money they are losing money that the consumer could have spent on Nintendo consoles, games, or amiibo. Store exclusives don't make sense either since it just makes that problem even worse. The only reason I can see for the store exclusives is maybe they are in some agreement with the retailers so they get more customers. In worrying about over supply and shelf space they've failed to capitilize on an idea that sells like hotcakes. Its doing well but could do so much more and makes it a pain in the ass for the consumer.

All I can say is that anyone looking to collect them just be patient and don't pull your hair out in waiting day one to try and get one. For harder ones that you REALLY want to find try checking Amazon.jp (still be patient) or even Amazon for imports even with shipping it will typically be cheaper than what some scalper demands on ebay for a preorder. You never know if they'll announe that they'll make more of a certain figure and in the end as cool as they are they are just that.

Edited by LordTaco42
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It's already proof that the demand is too ridiculous to fulfill that it already destroyed a website temporary. Why does Nintendo even bother to increase the stock when the demand is too high to fulfill?! I still find no point in some of them like the yarn Yoshi's since you can also use a regular Yoshi amiibo for the game as well. Still...we go a little too nuts over these toys that it is just sickening to be blind to how they will end up a few years from now. You know what it is, right?

Edited by Lt_Matilda_Ajan
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Well they are better off trying to fulfill demand than not. I see two options for Nintendo to do this.

1) Create an online store with all amiibo models thus far, upadate the status of them as backordered or available accordingly. This does two things. Allows them to accurately gauge demand for each individual figure and produce just the amount they need without fear of overproduction. Second it eliminates the retailer as the middle man (which if they are already in an agreement then this would cause problems).

2) Rent a warehouse on the West Coast of the Continental US base it either in Seattle WA or even Redmond where HQ is located. Use it as a massive stash and production point to supply NOA regions (including Canada). Amiibo have already proven that they deliver on their return and then some so just renting a place to produce them and keep them to ship out would help alleviate supply issues. They could potentially do the same with Europe although it might be slightly different given the various customs and international shipping regulations.

And they could also do both...but that will never happen because well its Nintendo.

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MY SAYLA MASS CAME in the mail today!!!!! :D

Infinitely better than amiibos!!!!! The sister of Char. She is also named Artesia that Char is named Casval! She would look exactly like this if she was an amiibo. ^_^

Edited by Lt_Matilda_Ajan
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Matilda Ajan

Amiibos aren't action figures. They are just programmed AI with scanning chips.

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1) Create an online store with all amiibo models thus far, upadate the status of them as backordered or available accordingly. This does two things. Allows them to accurately gauge demand for each individual figure and produce just the amount they need without fear of overproduction. Second it eliminates the retailer as the middle man (which if they are already in an agreement then this would cause problems).

They have. It's called Nintendo UK store.

And you want that in the US? Dream on. Walmart/Target would never want that. Guess what happens? They stop stocking Amiibos.

You'd think that sounds good, but the issue lies in the people who don't order things online. Not seeing them in stores will remove the impulse buy aspect. Not to mention if Club Nintendo's any indication, Nintendo can't manage server upkeep like that for shit.

I wish they would do this. This isn't me shooting it down because holy shit, this would work well. But for the North America region, /especially/ the US, it's not gonna happen.

(I hope I can eat those words down the line.)

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Amiibos aren't action figures.

I never said they were. I was talking about your Gundam figures.

Also, if you are sick of amiibos like this thread seems to indicate, why did you post in the other thread that you're waiting for wave 5, as evidenced by this?

Time to wait for Wave 5. Sometimes certain things gets us to refrain life from being boring!

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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They have. It's called Nintendo UK store.

And you want that in the US? Dream on. Walmart/Target would never want that. Guess what happens? They stop stocking Amiibos.

You'd think that sounds good, but the issue lies in the people who don't order things online. Not seeing them in stores will remove the impulse buy aspect. Not to mention if Club Nintendo's any indication, Nintendo can't manage server upkeep like that for shit.

I wish they would do this. This isn't me shooting it down because holy shit, this would work well. But for the North America region, /especially/ the US, it's not gonna happen.

(I hope I can eat those words down the line.)

Yeah like I said I know that Nintendo is probably in an agreement with various retailers on this and is probably why Amiibos are so limited to begin with. Although I gotta ask for people outside the US. I gotta assume that companies like Target and Walmart being the giants they are that they've gotta have stores in Europe. So why is Nintendo able to get away with having an online store there but not in the US? Sure the US has more people than any one country in Europe alone but collectively Europe has more people.

To me making retailers sell them kinda bites them in the ass unless they are being paid a shit load of money by them to release exclusive ones to them. It makes it so that they have to middle man things and they can't gauge how much to make with fear of overproduction when they could just sell them directly themselves.

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If Nintendo themselves can't make an online store for the US, then NIntendo WORLD at least should. They get so much fucking stock compared to the rest of the country that it's unfair. They also get store exclusives and restocks before any part of the country and in nice fat stock. Watch them get like a hundred Nesses in the future. There's only one Nintendo World in the country and people that don't live in or near New York can't buy from them.

Also, I'm not sick of Amiibo at all. I love these figures. I just get frustrated every now and then with low stock and how batshit insane the craze has made people.

Edited by Anacybele
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Yeah, this Amiibo craze has affected some of my closest IRL friends. One even asked me to camp out in front of a store for one.

Needless to say, our relationship has not been the same since.

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I find it quite appalling that Nintendo doesn't catch nearly enough heat for Amiibos like Skylanders did - or any other shitty dlc practice, which is pretty much exactly what it is.

Hey, if you want them for collector's purposes, that's fine, but I can't help but look at them and sigh.


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Yeah, this Amiibo craze has affected some of my closest IRL friends. One even asked me to camp out in front of a store for one.

Needless to say, our relationship has not been the same since.

In that case yeah maybe they are taking it a little too serious. Anyone who knows me on here know that I like to collect these things. But like any hobby once it starts effecting other areas of your life (ie not being able to pay bills, relationships, and so on) then thats a problem.

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The Amiibo frenzy is getting ridiculous and there is still so much more they could make that were willing to throw our hard earned money on yet they still don't seem to care that they're turning most of us down. I still cannot get a Lucina and what's worse is that they are discontinued now!

But the limitations to some of these things that people want is further getting annoying and leaving to alot of money lost and sad fans. They are deliberately poorly distributed and not reprinted due to shelf space in the stores and that they still have no details on what will be harder to find. It's because nearly half of us can never get the bonus content is why that this is obnoxious and nerve wracking. The amiibo sales are getting too crazed that money is getting lost for most. It's just hurtful to have to pay nearly three/four times their prices whenever that they don't get reprinted. -.-

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