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Favorite Characters So Far?

Mr. Myrmidon

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Also Nyx and Orochi for the waifu. BTW Dancina/Aqua is bland garbage and I'm sure IntSys will try to shove her down our throats.

I feel like they already are. She's shown a lot in the trailers and is even in the same position as Kamui. Plus, she follows him no matter which side he chooses. Even if you bench her, there'll be no getting away from her since she's such an important character and will be showing up in cut scenes.

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I feel like they already are. She's shown a lot in the trailers and is even in the same position as Kamui. Plus, she follows him no matter which side he chooses. Even if you bench her, there'll be no getting away from her since she's such an important character and will be showing up in cut scenes.

Oh god...oh no...Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies flashbacks. Sweet mother of mercy, if Aqua is completely bland and constantly shoved down our throats, it'll contaminate the rest of the game for me.

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Sorry for double posting but yeah I think they will shove Aqua down our throats like with Sumia, even though I like that pairing they shove Sumia x Chrom a lot.

Yes, I like the pairing, but the game pushed it too much. I hope that Aqua has something more to her besides just being mysterious, like some kind of complex or maybe not wanting her Nohr family to reconize her.

I`m most looking forward to how they will do the characters, specifically Kamui and Aqua.

EDIT: I actually want to see all of the characters done well. Currently Hinoka, Suzukaze, Kagerou, Kazahana, Orochi, Camilla, Elise, Sakura, Joker, Gunter, Felicia, Nyx and Tsubaki interest me the most.

Edited by Metal Flash
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Felicia, I hope she's fun yet sadistic, loyal yet independent.

I agree with this.

Other favorites include:

Hinoka- She looks like she'll be the latest successor in my long line of outstanding Pegasus Knights (even though that class isn't technically in this game)

Elise- Hoping she's somewhat similar to Lissa personality wise, although I'm probably just saying that cause she's blond with crazy hair.

Camilla- A busty Wyvern rider? Sold. Actually not too crazy about the yandere thing since she's like a sister but I think they can make it interesting.

Kagerou- female ninja = sold. That and she kind of reminds slightly of Kanzaki Kaori from A Certain Magical Index who was pretty awesome the one episode I've seen her in.

Oboro- Super smug looking characters are fun if done right. I just hope she's more like Owain than Vaike, although she doesn't have to be a ham for me to like her.

Kazahana- Just because she looks like Sumia's illegitimate child.

Linca- Every game there's a non-prepromote that you get early and is a great fighter. I'm hoping that's her.

Nyx- I have thing for the dark mage class (actually, magic users in general), so if she's the first one available she will definitely be used.

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I think I couldn't really choose my favorites... By the moment I like ALL the characters (because I'm deeply IN LOVE with Mr. Kozaki drawing style).

But I especially like Tsubaki: at the beginning I thought he was a woman and saw a Codelia in "her" which made me have strong feelings of marrying "her"...

Then I realised he probably was a man and now I like it even more, but sadly we are not gonna be able to marry lol

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Ryouma, Linca, and Elise so far. Ryouma just looks badass and hot. <3 Linca just has a really cool design for a female. And Elise is adorable-looking. I just hope she's not an annoying brat. Though I may not find out since I don't plan on playing Nohr's route.

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But seriously, Saizou/Suzukaze are amazing. I feel a little less awkward fangirling over Saizou, though.

Honorable mention to Tsubaki, Joker, Leon, and Takumi. . .though I really hope there's an option to needle the last two, as dialogue choices.

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Honestly, when it comes to (most, not all) video game characters, I tend to disregard their personality. I completely base my fondness of that character based on design / appearance.

In video games, I like any kind of personality. Even bitchy, bratty attitudes never get to me. Typically only cheerful, overly cheerful, optimistic people get on my nerves (don't ask why XD).

I think when the game comes out, I'll still like who I initially liked before release. I say this for video games, and video games only, because in real life I would sound like a total bozo: looks are the only thing that matter to me. Their personalities come second, and only enhance the experience / how much I like that character.

thats why I like severa so much :) Pretty, AND a brat? Two in one! Score!

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Ah, for others I'm looking forward to, I'm on the Camilla, Linka-Rinca, and Hero-Gaston hype trains.

Male Kamui and Female Kamui are on the same level to me and I don't see a huge difference between them, but I never like the default customizations, so take that with a grain of salt.

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Also I like Cyrus. We have no dialogue, we dont know his personality and his status as a unit in both sides is debatable but I still like him. He gives me a Franz-like vibe.

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Oh geez, it's hard to pick when they're all so cool ><;

But so far, I'm probably attached to Tsubaki the most * q*

and then the maids & Joker and everyone else comes after haha

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I'm really liking most of the designs so far, but if I had to pick some I liked the best:

Hoshido: Ryouma (pretty much love at first sight :P oh the disappointment of finding out he's my brother), Suzukaze and Saizou, Kazahana

Nohr: Marx, Elise, Felicia, Joker, and Gunter

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At first, I hated the blond super-hero-man. He looks to be an hilarious character that'd be a ton of laugh. However, he's very likely the character that I thought was the female fighter from the Nohr screenshot, so my dislike of him was based only on the fact that female fighters seemed less likely. However, now that we have a 100% confirmation that we have both male pegasus warriors and "valkyries" (from a gameplay perspective), female fighters are pretty darn likely too. So since the negative aspect of him are mostly gone, I'm looking forward to see how entertaining he is.

Besides him, I'm mostly interested with the following people:

Linca: Had high hopes for her since the first trailer and the tiny portrait we've seen seems to fullfill all of them.

Marx: He's impressive. He's intimidating, fierce, yet he very obviously cares very much for his family.

Camilla: Finally a "femme fatale" character in an SRPG game that's not actually evil (... probably).

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Aqua, then f Kamui and finally Camilla are my top 3 favorite female characters.

Leon, then Marx and finally m Kamui are my top 3 favorite make characters.

Overall most favorite character is Aqua.

Edited by Awakener_
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Hoshido: Tsubaki, Saizou, Ryouma, Hinoka, Oboro(She's Kind of giving me this ORAS Zinnia Vibes, with her Smug Face), Sakura, Linca

Nohr: Nyx, Elise, Cyrus

Both Side Characters: Both Kamuis', Aqua, Felicia, Joker, Suzukaze

( for some characters, Idk It might come back to me, from my head)

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Looking at the ones we have bios for, I guess Joker amuses me the most among the non-royals. I hope his Avatar-only mindset is played for laughs ("Your food? I've already given it to Master Kamui......I don't know, go scavenge the forest for mushrooms or something. Not my problem."). I already know I'm going to love or hate blondie, no in-between.

For royalty, Aqua interests me the most given her plot relevance and general situation, and in turn the ways they could go with her. But at the same time she seems a little too perfect right now, and if she's going to be a plot-central character she really needs a dynamic personality of her own (doesn't help that right now I don't care for her sprite). Hopefully she has one; I like her so far, I'd like to keep it that way,

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Nohr just revealed more people that I surprisingly just liked.

Screw Camilla, I'd rather go for Elfie. She looks very cute and reminds me a lot of Sumia if she were to become a knight.

Harold seems very optimistic, though I kinda hope Harold wasn't forced to be like that by Elise :C

I really like Cyrus's hair, though I can't say the same for his armor design :/. I like how he's pretty much Kamui's bro.

Hoshido has Rinka, Sakura, Ryouma, Kagerou, and Hinata

Rinka is simply beautiful. She's an Amazonian beauty. The whole concept of the military being composed of clans is interesting. Pretty sure the Fire Clan are warriors who charge in head-on with the bodies and strength to handle the front lines.

Sakura? I just love shrinking violet imoutos, plus, she's one of the reasons I want to join Hoshido.

Kagerou is Camilla's rival in terms of body types, but Kagerou is a flippin' Ninja, so I automatically think she's cool.

Ryouma is a cool bro. His design is pretty kick-ass and he's got a kick-ass sword to back it up. Pretty sure that you pilfer Marx's or Ryou's sword when you kill them in each of their respective routes.

Hinata's design is simply great because he not only has a sort of confident, optimistic look, but he just wears the armor and probably a sleeveless version of the generic haoris most Hoshidans wear. Also, he seems slightly more bulky than usual Myrms; he might be similar to Rutger, making it possible that Kazahana might be similar to Fir.

Kazahana looks super adorable. I like her optimistic look and her bubbly color scheme. She's probably the equivalent of Harold considering they're both servants of each kingdom's imoutos.

Edited by Jester Capri
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It's pretty obvious who I like.

I think Hinoka's gonna be super badass but Elise seems to be a sweetie. I actually like all of them...except for Garon.

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