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Devil May Cry


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So some months ago I picked up the Devil May Cry HD collection, now I've heard rave things about the franchise for many many years and being a fan of the hack n slash/tough game play it was known for I obviously got curious finally. I played through them somewhat before the last weekend where I just finished all 3 in a huge marathon.

I absolutely love the first 3 games, despite 2 being kinda weaker then the other 2 I still enjoyed it, (big blob boss rush and almost zero plot aside). I really like Dante as a character overall in the trilogy and I hope to expand with getting 4 sometime soon.

I absolutely loved 3 the difficulty while brutal was satisfying to crush foes and bosses once you figured out how, and 1 gave me a very nostalgic retro Resident Evil feel yet had its own uniqueness that made it awesome.

I need to play hard mode of all the games now (and the various Heaven and Hell and Dante Must Die modes too), and do Lucia's run of 2, as well as Vergil mode in 3.

I also plan to watch the 12 episode anime that was made in 2007.

I may look at the reboot but I NOW see why people dislike the characterization of stuff in those games so much (not to mention some of the most childish writing attempts to be edgy i've seen after I saw the Brainscratchcomms run). However I do hear the game play is solid.

Anyone else have experience with the franchise?

Edited by Jedi
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I've played all four games, (funnily enough, I played them in reverse chronological order, starting with 2, then 4, then 1 and 3 via the DMC collection).

My personal favorite is 4, I recommend picking that one up (or getting the special edition next month if you have a PS4 or Xbox One).

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I've played all four games, (funnily enough, I played them in reverse chronological order, starting with 2, then 4, then 1 and 3 via the DMC collection).

My personal favorite is 4, I recommend picking that one up (or getting the special edition next month if you have a PS4 or Xbox One).

If I ever get a PS4 I'll keep that in mind :P.

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I really like 1 and 3. I probably prefer 1 a little more than than 3. 2 was pretty mediocre and forgettable, the one thing I like about the game is when Dante rides a motorbike through hell ir w.e happened at the end of his route. 4 is a damn fun game, and I love some of the cutscenes for the bosses. But I think I like 1 and 3 more.

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I really like 1 and 3. I probably prefer 1 a little more than than 3. 2 was pretty mediocre and forgettable, the one thing I like about the game is when Dante rides a motorbike through hell ir w.e happened at the end of his route. 4 is a damn fun game, and I love some of the cutscenes for the bosses. But I think I like 1 and 3 more.

In 2 you have a hilarious machine gun devil trigger shot. That is spamable and kills things. It's so borked but so fun.

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Difficulty wise, I'd say it goes 3 > 1 > 4 > 2, which is interesting, since chronologically, the games go 3-1-4-2, so it's like the games get easier as Dante gets older. Maybe it was intentional?

I played the demo of DmC, and it's.. ok. Not something I'd go out and buy (especially not after watching the Brainscratchcomms run).

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Difficulty wise, I'd say it goes 3 > 1 > 4 > 2, which is interesting, since chronologically, the games go 3-1-4-2, so it's like the games get easier as Dante gets older. Maybe it was intentional?

I played the demo of DmC, and it's.. ok. Not something I'd go out and buy (especially not after watching the Brainscratchcomms run).

You know I didn't notice that, maybe the reason DMC2 is so easy is that Dante is just invincible.

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Dante being conflicted over his own identity due to being half-devil and half-human which held him back despite the awesome sauce he is until he realized why his father chose to defect and fight for humans and by doing so Dante was able to reach deep within himself to gain the power he had all along once he accepted himself for being what he is.... which the reboot just kind of ignored by going with the boner is stronger while being a half-angel for some reason route. Which is just great.

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The third game is the best in the series. The fourth is not bad but I prefer Dante over the main protagonist. The second game is...well, everyone think it sucks. Btw, dont even try to get the fifth game...it's a....

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As my sister,I have only played 4,but I would love to play 3.I've watched the cutscenes,and it's my favourite.

I actually kinda like the reboot.Not all of it,just some different things here and there.

EDIT:There's an anime,too,with Dante in his 1 design and kinda serious like his 2 personality.Watched all 12 episodes over 3 days,mainly because I was busy.

Edited by ShadowShine
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I recently played 4, and it's a really fun action game, the timed button press combat was interesting.

I've also played the Reboot. I'm pretty sure long-term fans went in pre-determined to hate it, as the gameplay is fun.

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I recently played 4, and it's a really fun action game, the timed button press combat was interesting.

I've also played the Reboot. I'm pretty sure long-term fans went in pre-determined to hate it, as the gameplay is fun.

If it's about the gameplay then I could rather play Bayonetta, honestly. The only reason why I even bother with this series is Dante and the reboot's Dante sucks, so does the reboot's Vergil, so does everyone else, so does the whole story.

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With regards to DMC: Devil May Cry, I did in the beginning scold Dante's 'new' design after seeing the very first trailer (back in 2010 iirc...?). Since then, I actually did give the reboot second thoughts after playing the game I find that the plot aims to appeal 'western' audiences (i.e. the references of Bob Barbas). While I can openly admit that the reboot might not be the best entry as part of the series, I feel that its worth considering.

Also: 3 = 1 > 4 >>>>> 2 for the main Devil May Cry series.

Edited by Formerly Colm
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