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10th grade

what are all these little boys doing on my forum

It must make you furious that I just got out of 9th.

EDIT: I'm sorry to hear that happened Nexas. I know my school offers any classes you're failing to be taken during the summer, maybe yours does the same? You'd lose the summer, but it's better than failing a grade.

Edited by Honey Bunny
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It must make you furious that I just got out of 9th.

EDIT: I'm sorry to hear that happened Nexas. I know my school offers any classes you're failing to be taken during the summer, maybe yours does the same? You'd lose the summer, but it's better than failing a grade.

Nahhhh I'm just being a turd

take a seat old man

dontcha dare snap at your elders like that, whippersnapper!

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10th grade

what are all these little boys doing on my forum

posting when they should be studying

like me

It must make you furious that I just got out of 9th.

EDIT: I'm sorry to hear that happened Nexas. I know my school offers any classes you're failing to be taken during the summer, maybe yours does the same? You'd lose the summer, but it's better than failing a grade.

probably gonna take summer school to prevent me from failing.

I'm more awake now, so this thread has pretty much run its course. I'm just annoyed since I'm basically guranteed to fail despite effort.

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I had to take summer school a few times. Wasn't terrible. We got snacks and a guy spilled grape juice on his crotch. And another guy ran into the bookshelf and knocked it over. On accident. Still don't know how he managed it. Funny thing is, his name's Boyd and I can totally see Boyd from FE doing something like that. And when we got our work done we got to shoot baskets in the gym.

The topic title makes me chuckle. It reminds me of "I swear to drunk officer, I am not God!" for some reason.

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Objective: Do English and Algebra in Summer School.

Fail Price: Doing 10th grade again.

Side Objective: Passing Chemistry

Fail Price: Chemistry gets added to the main objective.

tl;dr: feeling a little better, and I have a school plan now. Thanks guys.

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Objective: Do English and Algebra in Summer School.

Fail Price: Doing 10th grade again.

Side Objective: Passing Chemistry

Fail Price: Chemistry gets added to the main objective.

tl;dr: feeling a little better, and I have a school plan now. Thanks guys.

Nice. After this week I'll actually be doing summer school too. I've decided to take speach and health to get them out of the way. So, you're not the only one going through summer school.

Good luck with summer school Nexas.

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10th grade

what are all these little boys doing on my forum

If it helps, I'm getting out of 8th.
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