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I think it was Tales of Symphonia. If you stacked up enough relationship points with a certain male character in your party, he replaces the love interest role for the rest of the game.

Sorry, but this might be getting off topic. I think our original point was that there are other games with a gay option, so why not in Fire Emblem? I'm not really minding the implications of the marriage mechanic very much anymore now, though it is a bit disappointing. It's something that happens a lot now, so I just resignedly accept it.

You have probably misinformed, because ToS doesn't have any gay options, just friendship options (with the whole cast), and the game heavily implies other heterosexual couples for both the protagonist and the character you're probably talking about.

/end offtopic

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On the whole "Kamui looks exactly the same so it can't be time lapse"

Rune Factory 4 did a perfectly fine time lapse with children and the character didn't change appearance. Some people just don't age appearance wise.

Not saying it is a time lapse (I doubt it is myself) but we can't count it out just yet

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People actually thought same sex would be a thing?

I guess hey they have the face rubbing loop. but I can understand some people disappointment but maybe when IS get back on their maybe than they can do same sex marriage for people who want that. now me personally I could care less about the whole same sex marriage. I am happy S ranks and marriage is back though.

Edited by mikethepokemaster
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I'm kinda disappointed with the children thing coming back, but that's okay. I'm getting the vibe that this is not going to be that important, like it was in awakening.

I tried once play fe:a without children (only lucina and her brother/sister, of course) and it was really nice. I'm thinking about doing the same thing in fe if.

And yeah, not marrying Aqua as a girl is sad, but so be it. I will just reach the A support and pretend that we married.

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So apparently some pairings wont result in children does that mean that hopefully that child born from that union will be unique to both parents? It would be nice considering that in Awakening that the kids only had unique dialogue with their mothers and the same recycled crap for the dads.

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So apparently some pairings wont result in children does that mean that hopefully that child born from that union will be unique to both parents? It would be nice considering that in Awakening that the kids only had unique dialogue with their mothers and the same recycled crap for the dads.

Yes...PLEEEEASE no generic parent supports. That's all I ask. Seriously. Bring back children, fine. But pleeeease improve the system rather than porting it over.

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I mean even with only 4 mothers Lucina fell victim to this. You could have some really great interactions there like Maribelle trying to teach Lucina to be a prime and proper lass despite her being a lady of war or Olivia trying to connect with her but struggles since Lucina isn't really much of a dancer. What I came up wasn't are not great but man those would have been better than what we got.

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I mean even with only 4 mothers Lucina fell victim to this. You could have some really great interactions there like Maribelle trying to teach Lucina to be a prime and proper lass despite her being a lady of war or Olivia trying to connect with her but struggles since Lucina isn't really much of a dancer. What I came up wasn't are not great but man those would have been better than what we got.

Yeah, the first playthrough it's all fine because you're experiencing them for the first time, so they seem natural. (Except for maybe Morgan's other-parent support, where the latter only has a few lines and it's just generally not a great support line.) But when you're getting different fathers and expecting different reactions and relationships, it just doesn't happen. I like Future Past in that respect, but it was DLC, and the support lines of the full game just felt lacking in general.

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So apparently some pairings wont result in children does that mean that hopefully that child born from that union will be unique to both parents? It would be nice considering that in Awakening that the kids only had unique dialogue with their mothers and the same recycled crap for the dads.

I really hope this is the case, cause if it is not I shall not be getting any kids.

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So apparently some pairings wont result in children does that mean that hopefully that child born from that union will be unique to both parents? It would be nice considering that in Awakening that the kids only had unique dialogue with their mothers and the same recycled crap for the dads.

It'd be interesting if a player was torn between a couple they hated and a kid they loved.

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It'd be interesting if a player was torn between a couple they hated and a kid they loved.

Imagine if Fredy and Cordy only gave birth to Lucina instead of Severa? It literally a happiness of one waifu vs your happiness with another, for me at least.

Edited by Awakener_
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You know I realize that the games base which gender gets kids based on them based on the shapeshifter characters.

Awakening had only woman shapeshifters who could have kids with anyone, and since they don't want to make special taguel or dragon versions of every kid character, they just tied the kids to the women.

And now all the shapeshifters except kamui that are first generation are guys, so the kids are tied to the guys. That way they don't have to make wolf/fox versions of all the kids.

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You know I realize that the games base which gender gets kids based on them based on the shapeshifter characters.

Awakening had only woman shapeshifters who could have kids with anyone, and since they don't want to make special taguel or dragon versions of every kid character, they just tied the kids to the women.

And now all the shapeshifters except kamui that are first generation are guys, so the kids are tied to the guys. That way they don't have to make wolf/fox versions of all the kids.

I actually hadn't considered that. Bravo!

I still haven't seen a good pic of the Nohrian yeti, and this saddens me.

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You know I realize that the games base which gender gets kids based on them based on the shapeshifter characters.

Awakening had only woman shapeshifters who could have kids with anyone, and since they don't want to make special taguel or dragon versions of every kid character, they just tied the kids to the women.

And now all the shapeshifters except kamui that are first generation are guys, so the kids are tied to the guys. That way they don't have to make wolf/fox versions of all the kids.

That... makes a lot of sense.

That also means no fox girl (except as possibly a child character.) A friend of mine is going to be so sad.

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That... makes a lot of sense.

That also means no fox girl (except as possibly a child character.) A friend of mine is going to be so sad.

Lady robins got a chance for a male taguel with yarne. Maybe if the fox guy has a daughter guy Kamui's will get that same chance.

Gal Robins got no chance for a dragon kid tho so they may not.

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I wonder if there will be generic Garu and Foxes? They don't sound as rare as the Manakete and Taguel. So far we haven't seen any though.

I think it's possible to go against an army of Fox spirits in the Nohr campaign, because they have a whole clan like the Laguz, and weren't wiped from existence like the Taguel. Not to mention the promotion and the added variety would go to waste.

The Garou... I'm not sure, we don't know anything about his kind.

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Hope Kamui can't marry 2nd gen. It is sorta Robin's gimmick, and actually worked due to time travel. I don't believe these kids have time traveled, and thus it would set off alarms for the U.S. And since the kids have been revealed and it hasn't as Dengeki confirms, time skip is the only option.

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Hope Kamui can't marry 2nd gen. It is sorta Robin's gimmick, and actually worked due to time travel. I don't believe these kids have time traveled, and thus it would set off alarms for the U.S. And since the kids have been revealed and it hasn't as Dengeki confirms, time skip is the only option.

But isn't it very probable that they're from another realm? I've seen that brought up in this forum multiple times, and I think that's a more likely alternative than a time skip (especially since, as people have pointed out, Corrin doesn't look a day older).

If they're from another realm, I don't see what's so wrong with marrying them. Granted, they look a bit younger than the Awakening children, but they could be grown adults.

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I'm okay with time skip as long as I keep the first generation, too.

While we're here what do you think the likelihood of marrying the Nohr siblings is?

I say it depends on whether or not you can marry the Hoshido siblings which I think it is very unlikely.

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But isn't it very probable that they're from another realm? I've seen that brought up in this forum multiple times, and I think that's a more likely alternative than a time skip (especially since, as people have pointed out, Corrin doesn't look a day older).

If they're from another realm, I don't see what's so wrong with marrying them. Granted, they look a bit younger than the Awakening children, but they could be grown adults.

Due to him having highly concentrated dragon-blood/being a manakete we can safely assume that he wouldn't look a day older even if ten years passed, look at Nowi, she's a thousand years old,I'm pretty sure Kamui can handle ten years as either a part-manakete or a full manakete.

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