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Favorite trainee


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  1. 1. The trainess

    • Ross
    • Amelia
    • Ewan

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I change my mind!!!

All of them are my favorite!!!

I just played the game again and I just realized that they are great in each setting they are put in.

I don't know what to pick...but if I have to choose again...it will be either Amelia, or Ross...

There are allot of magic users in the game...so I really don't care if Ewan isn't trained...

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You do mean rare in this game, right? Cuz Boyd, Kieran, Dart and Gonzales beg to differ if you include others.

Also, the GKs and Generals can use axes fairly well, seeing as they have decent enough str.

Yes, I meant in Fire Emblem 8 only.

The only Great Knight I get is Duessel and I don't like him a lot. I don't use Generals that much either in game. They're good in Link Arena and that's roughly it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I usually have General-Amelia Berserker-Ross and Druid-Ewan. My vote goes to Amelia due to her high speed. and Trainees once they hit 3rd tier are typically the best of their weapon class.

Ross>Garcia and Dozla


Amelia>Gilliam Franz Kyle etc. However Kyle is still good if you ask me. (I left the flying units like Tana out on this one Tana and Cormag are also great units)

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I usually have General-Amelia Berserker-Ross and Druid-Ewan. My vote goes to Amelia due to her high speed. and Trainees once they hit 3rd tier are typically the best of their weapon class.

Ross>Garcia and Dozla


Amelia>Gilliam Franz Kyle etc. However Kyle is still good if you ask me. (I left the flying units like Tana out on this one Tana and Cormag are also great units)

You can't compare Ross and Garcia because Garcia's not a Berserker. :/ If you were counting everyone with Axes, I could name quite a few that > Ross. He does beat Dozla, but that's not saying much.

Well, he's Knoll. Knoll doesn't need babying, though, and can promote right away to a summoner, so he's half-decent.

Gilliam, Franz, Kyle, Forde, Ephriam and a bunch of other lance wielding units > Amelia. :/

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(lol debate)

For Ross I was looking at it for users who have Axes as primary weapons so no Gerik, Gilliam, Duessel (not that Duessel is contest anyway)

Ross and Garcia have similar growths but Ross does have the 10 extra levels so as a warrior in this case his average stats will typically be better then Garcia's. Taking the fighter warrior path for example he will typically excel in speed a little more. And still Ross does have the option of Berseker and slightly better speed and skill. And his defenses won't make much of a diff. just like Garcia.

For Ewan and Knoll (look @ them as Druids): Honestly both could be better. Knoll does have a slight advantage in some stats but his defense and luck are just plain crap. Ewan, like the other two trainees have great luck. Ewans defense is not much better then Knoll's so in reality both are about equal once they have promoted and reached a lv 20 Druid. So I'll say Ewan=Knoll looking at serenesforest's final stats for them.

I will give you Ephriam>Amelia but as said I left out a few units such as Tana and Cormag and I never said Amelia>Ephraim.

Using Forde Kyle Franz and Amelia as Paladins now.

First off Forde loses to Amelia (as Paladins) for their average stats in Strength (although the average stats shows Amelia winning in strength then less then .5) speed luck defense(slightly) and resistance. While Forde only beats Amelia by a few points in HP and one point in skill. True that HP is important and the average shows Forde with 54 and Amelia with 46 but on the other hand Amelias better defense and res can protect her and save her a few hit points so their defenses are about the same. I can't see anyway that Forde>Amelia though just b.c he has slightly better HP.

For Kyle I think hes one of the best lancers around. He owns Amelia in HP big time aswell as strength and barely def. but loses to her in skill speed luck and resistance by more then just 1-3 points like he does for strength and Def. Again I can't see anyway u can honestly say that Kyle>Amelia but it would be a tougher argument that Amelia>Kyle again.

Franz is basically just like the other 2 better in HP and strength (2 points in this case) and this time they max speed but Amelia, being female has one more point then Franz. Amelia beats Franz in Skill Luck Res and they are about = in def in this case.

For the horseback units I guess in comes down to wether you think makes a character better. In my opinion its should be if they have enough str to get the job done which all 4 paladins do if can they hit their enemy twice (and let alone hit it) and can they take a few hits and still be safe.

For Amelia vs Gilliam (as generals) Gilliam has a clear lack in speed. In my CC he can't even double attack any "promoted" monsters. Amelia on the other hand is still a lv 10 General (while Gilliam was 20) and has nearly capped speed with just one point to go and is still powerful enough to kill the monsters in 2 or sometimes one shot. No stat boosters were used of course. I can understand your view of the horseback units but I'm just confused over Gilliam.


Well I feel I talked abit to much but heres my final satement.

Ross>Garcia (more time to develop better stats and the option of Berserker)

Ewan=Knoll (Both slightly own eachother in one stat or another)

Amelia>Gilliam (Owns him in speed and still powerful enough to get the job done)

Amelia greater then if not equal to Forde,Kyle, and Franz (see 2nd to last paragraph)

Finally the ones I said earlier were just from seeing all their stats in the last file I typically don't bother looking up growth rates and average stats.

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(lol debate)

For Ross I was looking at it for users who have Axes as primary weapons so no Gerik, Gilliam, Duessel (not that Duessel is contest anyway)

Ross and Garcia have similar growths but Ross does have the 10 extra levels so as a warrior in this case his average stats will typically be better then Garcia's. Taking the fighter warrior path for example he will typically excel in speed a little more. And still Ross does have the option of Berseker and slightly better speed and skill. And his defenses won't make much of a diff. just like Garcia.

For Ewan and Knoll (look @ them as Druids): Honestly both could be better. Knoll does have a slight advantage in some stats but his defense and luck are just plain crap. Ewan, like the other two trainees have great luck. Ewans defense is not much better then Knoll's so in reality both are about equal once they have promoted and reached a lv 20 Druid. So I'll say Ewan=Knoll looking at serenesforest's final stats for them.

I will give you Ephriam>Amelia but as said I left out a few units such as Tana and Cormag and I never said Amelia>Ephraim.

Using Forde Kyle Franz and Amelia as Paladins now.

First off Forde loses to Amelia (as Paladins) for their average stats in Strength (although the average stats shows Amelia winning in strength then less then .5) speed luck defense(slightly) and resistance. While Forde only beats Amelia by a few points in HP and one point in skill. True that HP is important and the average shows Forde with 54 and Amelia with 46 but on the other hand Amelias better defense and res can protect her and save her a few hit points so their defenses are about the same. I can't see anyway that Forde>Amelia though just b.c he has slightly better HP.

For Kyle I think hes one of the best lancers around. He owns Amelia in HP big time aswell as strength and barely def. but loses to her in skill speed luck and resistance by more then just 1-3 points like he does for strength and Def. Again I can't see anyway u can honestly say that Kyle>Amelia but it would be a tougher argument that Amelia>Kyle again.

Franz is basically just like the other 2 better in HP and strength (2 points in this case) and this time they max speed but Amelia, being female has one more point then Franz. Amelia beats Franz in Skill Luck Res and they are about = in def in this case.

For the horseback units I guess in comes down to wether you think makes a character better. In my opinion its should be if they have enough str to get the job done which all 4 paladins do if can they hit their enemy twice (and let alone hit it) and can they take a few hits and still be safe.

For Amelia vs Gilliam (as generals) Gilliam has a clear lack in speed. In my CC he can't even double attack any "promoted" monsters. Amelia on the other hand is still a lv 10 General (while Gilliam was 20) and has nearly capped speed with just one point to go and is still powerful enough to kill the monsters in 2 or sometimes one shot. No stat boosters were used of course. I can understand your view of the horseback units but I'm just confused over Gilliam.


Well I feel I talked abit to much but heres my final satement.

Ross>Garcia (more time to develop better stats and the option of Berserker)

Ewan=Knoll (Both slightly own eachother in one stat or another)

Amelia>Gilliam (Owns him in speed and still powerful enough to get the job done)

Amelia greater then if not equal to Forde,Kyle, and Franz (see 2nd to last paragraph)

Finally the ones I said earlier were just from seeing all their stats in the last file I typically don't bother looking up growth rates and average stats.

I had a larger post, but I accidently pressed Back. >_<

Garcia > Ross. Ross needs babying and his stats are extremely similar to Garcia's come 20/5, which he might not even reach. Garcia loses to Ross by 1 speed as Heroes, which is Garcia's only glaring flaw. He's also h4x early in the game because of his awesome HP and Str. He's your main Armour/loldier killer.

Knoll > Ewan. Ewan requires massive babying and gets OHKO'd in his joining chapter. Granted, Knoll does, too, but Knoll can promote as soon as you get him and summon for the rest of the game. Ewan's never reaching his third tier He doesn't even get close.

Gilliam > Amelia. OK, so Amelia joins a little sooner than Ewan. She may reach 10/20/1 if she's really lucky. Even so, Gilliam, like everyone else, requires no babying, and tanks through everything from chapter 1 to chapter 19. He may falter a tiny bit in the endgame, but he's an invincible wall before that. Amelia? Not so much. She's got 7 less defense than Gilliam and requires babying, so she sucks.

Forde > Amelia. I think that I need not mention anymore that the non-trainees require no babying, so let's just keep that in mind, alright? Forde's a pretty cool guy. Eh fights for 2 chapters before Amelia joins and doesn't afraid of anything. He's already at a huge level advantage. Amelia's being constantly protected while hopelessly trying to Javelin her way to victory. Forde gains extra move upon promotion, something Amelia wishes she could do, and proceeds to spear things for the rest of the game. Amelia's going to be useful for... 5 chapters max?

For Kyle and Franz > Amelia: Take all of Forde's arguements. Add in that Franz and Kyle are even better than Forde, especialyl Franz, who joins in the second chapter. Profit.

As you can see, non-trainees > trainees.

Also, I suggest looking at averages and not just looking at 20/20 stats, since characters probably won't reach them come the end of the game.

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><' Now I see why we are disagreeing we are looking at why they are better in a different view

I'm looking at the characters stats themselves obviously for the world map and tower abuse you can get Amelia/Ewan to promote easily so each can be (10)/20/1 obviously

Your looking at it as if its FE6/7/9/10 without Bonus XP and arena just purchasing your weapons and heading out to battle.

If there wasn't the world map or arena I'd agree with you 100% on everything but Garcia>Ross

If you sacrifice one level to Ross (chapter three where you get Neimi and Colm) he can easily promote to pirate/fighter by chapter 4 assuming he killed mabye one or two enemies last time in chapter 2. And at which point he is already Garcia's=

Ross lv 1 avg stats(rounded to make in eaiser to read)

23, 12, 6, 6, 12, 5, 3

Garcia lv 4 28, 8, 7, 7, 3, 5, 1

And just as long as Ross has hit a Pirate/Fighter everyone except at that point can arena abuse themselves to lv 20 anyway and you can see everyones typical stats.

Ross (lv 20 fighter) 36.6 20 12.8 11.4 19.2 10 6.6

Garcia (lv 20 fighter) 40.8 18.4 13.4 10.2 9.4 9 3.4

Seeing as you will be rich at that point it is also safe to purchase a bunch of javelins/fire/and flux for the other 2 trainees.

And keep in mind that Ross does have the option of Berserker which only benefits his stats and saves you a hero crest assuming you don't want to promote colm but you can get him a seal later on.


If the characters we are comparing reached (10)/20/1 at the same time would you agree a bit more with my opinion? And thats clearly possible with tower abuse I once promoted Amelia to General the chapter after I got her and the same thing for Ewan.

Overall I think thats y we have been disagreeing since we are looking @ them differently I'd purposely kill Amelia and Ewan if you got them at that point in the game with no tower abuse or arenas.

Edited by King_Soren
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When you're comparing characters, you usually disregard abuse.

but what about those of us who tower abuse them all?? :mellow: in this case anyway, Amelia and Ewan are about even for me and Ross not quite as decent as the two, when compared to others of their type -for me-, Ross always outdid Dozla, Amelia outperformed Gilliam due to better speed and better resistance, and Ewan was my main dark magic user as I don't use Knoll much -and when I do, just for his superior summons to frustrate enemy units-

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but what about those of us who tower abuse them all?? :mellow: in this case anyway, Amelia and Ewan are about even for me and Ross not quite as decent as the two, when compared to others of their type -for me-, Ross always outdid Dozla, Amelia outperformed Gilliam due to better speed and better resistance, and Ewan was my main dark magic user as I don't use Knoll much -and when I do, just for his superior summons to frustrate enemy units-

I could Tower Abuse, RNG Abuse, and Stat Booster abuse Knoll into a God. That's not fair. :/

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ah, well, I meant to say that I tower abuse everyone for exp, and then I'm comparing their average stats then at 20/20 (10/20/20 for Trainees); to be honest I made Knoll a Druid once and ignored Ewan, it all depends on who I feel like using that time -usually in the last few chapters and then the majority of CC- :mellow:

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