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Out of Context SF Quotes On Fire Emblem Screens

Loki Laufeyson

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This is a fun game everyone can play. Find a hilarious quote from somewhere on the forums, and paste it into an FE screen shot.


Like so.

All thats needed: MSPaint or variant. A sense of humor.


Can be from any FE game.
Doesnt have to be your own screenshot, but its highly encouraged. (the example is from my miiverse)

Dont be a jerk.

Have fun!

Here, ill start with one:

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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Someone should use the "You should stop looking for Tiki porn" line from the fanart thread.

Tell me what to put it on and I'll do it. Because I can't think of anything...

For now:


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But Dart and Rebecca are siblings xD

What is it with all the incest gawd...

Irk? It was only 1 time. Just because FE4 had some incestuous pairings (I think), it doesn't mean that every single sibling pair in every single Fire Emblem game is in an incestuous pairing...

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