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Dcat's new art thread


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The old one's OP just had two crappy things. So I started a new one...

Critique is okay, just be nice about it. I'll take things into consideration. Try to also tell me what I did right so I know what to work on and what not to work on.

I'm better at animals, so you're probably going to see a lot of laguz ^_^ Also I'll be putting some non FE stuff in here too.

Art starts on the next post.

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Shading kinda crapped on me...anyway. This is my dragon laguz OC, Rannoc. I dislike the bipedal dragons ingame, so I draw them on four legs. Just a preference of mine.

He's the son of Gareth and acts as an ambassador, like Ranulf is for Gallia. His personality is way different from the average Goldoan: doesn't mind associating with beorc and other laguz tribes, and would rather pick a side and scorch the opposition in a conflict than remain neutral. Gets along well with Kurthnaga, even if Deghinsea is constantly thinking he's a bad influence. Lets him roam and do as he pleases though...figures if he's not around, there will be less drama.

Will be drawing his human form too when I get around to it.

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Rannoc confirmed for smash

LOL I actually made up some smash moves for him a long time ago...him and a bunch of others. The laguz couldn't use items shifted to prevent people from staying in that form all the time.

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The wing membranes and belly plates are actually red orange. Maybe I can do some color corrections with photoshop...

*a few minutes later*


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And here he is non shifted!


Used a stock image for reference(the crossed arms). The stock creator's rules say to link back to his page, so...

Image I used (Contains a guy in his underwear. Nothing too nsfw but mentioning just in case.)

Stock creator's page

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I guess because his mother's is. I designed him before I came up with his background, but I think Gareth has brown eyes. Pretty sure the bird and dragon tribes can have hair colors that show up nowhere shifted. Strixal is another example of this among my OCs. It just makes it so not all bird/dragon laguz of the same class look roughly the same.

Yeah, using clothing references was a great idea. I even found one that was for medieval fantasy/FE! Had a bunch of different options for shirts and pants and etc.

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Oh, I know, but they still have hair colors fairly close to their shifted forms, like Nasir having very light blue hair while being a white dragon. Still it's your character, so I won't nitpick. :P

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That's definitely an improvement over your past pieces, and it's good that you're trying different poses. Comparing it to your past work that I can remember, the proportions are much better.

If I could suggest one thing, since you mention using clothing references, is that you might want to try working some folds into the fabric. The way it is now, the clothes don't have much definition, and it makes the character look very blocky. Since you're trying to create FE characters, I recommend you study some of the offical art for how they do the clothing.

If I were to go a stage further, I'd recommending that you start learning construction for creating figures. They're basically like simple skeletons you can use to map out your character before going into detail, and they'll help you get better at proportions. I'm not exactly a great critic or teacher, so I hope this video tutorial can explain it better.

I hope I'm not imposing too much. Best of luck in your next piece.

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I'd probably have more luck not refing official art since it's pretty detailed/hard to see the folds and stuff. I can see what you mean by blocky, I could put more folds in there but I want to know where they'd go instead of just putting random folds everywhere.

Unfortunately the reference I used had most everything from a side view...didn't help much for seeing how the folds would be in front view. And his arms are crossed too, so that made the vest/tunic difficult to put folds on.

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Yeah, folds can be difficult at first, I wasn't sure about them myself. Over time though, I did learn to draw them well simply by paying attention to where clothes fold in real life and simply practicing. And even now though, I still can't get them perfect on occasion. So I understand that that part can be tough.

Btw, you're making me want to work on that mug of Kenth I made a long time ago. XD (I had made it because I was using Kenth in RPs). Kenth is the womanizing dragon laguz I made up that you liked a lot. :P

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Shouldn't take me long to fix him up, so you'll see him soonish. :) That mug was actually one of my better old ones, so yeah. lol I'll get to it tomorrow though, I'm dead tired now and I have to go to work in the morning anyway.

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I work in the mornings and typically have the weekend and Mondays off. Our hours have been getting cut lately though, likely due to being kind of behind in sales (same thing happened around this time last year though, so it's not anything to be real worried about), so I won't be working on Thursday of next week or Friday the week after. But yeah...

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I'm not sure how helpful this advice will be, but here's how I interpret drawing clothing folds:

First, consider how tight the article of clothing is. If it's real tight, draw it form-fitting. If it's loose, draw is baggy with wide waves here and there. If it's in the middle, go for a middle point.

With that considered, you have a foundation for HOW you'll place the folds. For tight clothes, you draw a small v here and there, with the point of the v in the direction of where the clothing hugs the figure tightly.

For loose clothes, you do the same, but you make the V's longer. Since the looseness of the clothing obscures the outline of the naked figure, you also make sure that the clothing article drapes over the figure.

This is just some basic stuff I gleaned from tutorials like this one and this one. I'm not too good at understanding certain writing styles, so feel free to take it with a grain of salt.

I hope this helps.

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